The Educational Vestibule is a virtual pedagogical interface that if specifically worries about the motivation of the user during the process of education and learning. In screen, we will weave brief considering how much the Usability exerted in the Vestibule of the Professor/Space of Lesson – ‘ ‘ a virtual environment with educational resources that facilitate and dinamizam the work of professores’ ‘ (MEC). In the Vestibule of the Professor, in accordance with our analysis, the following aspects had been proven: I of playful and dynamic form, the vestibule presents one design graphical autoexplicativo and with visual aspects pleasant. It catches the attention of the user when suggesting practical professors, in accordance with the resume of each disciplines, disponibilizando resources as videos, photos, maps, audio, texts, e-books, among others. the totality of its efficiency, correct form it needs, it allows in them to consider that the objectives and goals of the vestibule are reached. with few clicks in links and/or typing word-key, the user has to the disposal a gamma of suggestions of practical professors. foreseeing the errors that could be committed by the user, during its interaction, and disponibiliza shortcuts to return or to undo the action and to correct the problem.
To the measure that explores the environment, the user has guaranteed the access easiness, as well as the navigation through links, hiperlinks and hipertextos, guaranteeing feedback and the satisfactory accomplishment of the tasks determined in the vestibule. With institucional a simple and objective language and one design of easy cognitiva ergonomics, the vestibule presents the five points (Five You are) that they allow to direct bonding between the usability and the dialogue of the user with the interface of a software system. Beyond if worrying about periodic update of content and with the guarantee of the quality of the same ones, exerting the credibility and confidence in relation to the vestibule.