The Truth About Beauty Myths

imedo rated myths surrounding the beauty are passed down from generation to generation and ensure that we lubricate us things on skin and hair, which have actually finding anything: the myths around the beauty. Baking soda really helps to get whiter teeth, hemorrhoid ointment away thick bags and cucumber masks prevent wrinkles? The Internet health portal tells you, of which fairytales are confidently can say goodbye and what tips are actually useful. Hear from experts in the field like Michael Wirth for a more varied view. A self test would give clarity in this regard probably quickly 100 brush strokes for shiny hair. Who brushes his hair actually 100 times, needs first of all time and the second a renewed hair wash. By the duration of brushing of the hair, the brush loads up statically. The charge is transferred to the hair. The result: the hair flying and the hairdo is ruined. In addition, the fat production in the scalp is stimulated by combing.

The hair becomes greasy quickly and see stringy out. It is sufficient to brush his hair once or twice a day. Toothpaste helps to combat pimples allegedly toothpaste to dry out the annoying blemishes. In fact, it causes the opposite. The fluorine, which is included in the toothpaste, promotes inflammation. The axe will not disappear of. Instead, a mask made from clay and water will help.

Make-up protects from UV rays actually many make-up contain an SPF. It is but too little for sensitive facial skin. Only apply the sunscreen and then use makeup. Only obese women get cellulite which most women can to refute this thesis already with the look in the mirror. Cellulite is not dependent on body weight but of the connective tissue. A floppy connective tissue is inheritable and to streamline only through regular sport. If you cut the hair, they become thicker every person of this earth would have a thick mane on his head and no man of that world would suffer from his sparse hair, if this theory would agree.