You try to write in a paper and deliver for somebody – ' ' I sent a message for its sogra' ' sees where the interlocutor goes to search? in the Box of the post office of its building, certainly. Now it says the same using that: ' ' I sent an email for its sogra' '. Where you find that the citizen goes to look for. In the computer, evidently? We are speaking of much less emotional universal and not national language. Therefore, we have to have very well-taken care of? first not to leave for there defending old and retrograde theories that in them lead the preconceptions and the difficulties of communication? that after all it is to be preserved principle.
We have to learn to think and to act time according to where we live and to live in the world as it today if it presents in them, without being romanceando the utopia of a time that one day existed. The reality of today is, without a doubt, completely, different and more complex of what it was in the past recent, to deny this it is to live a reality that does not exist more. For example? we can illustrate terms that our television channels use abundantly: as ' ' Prequela' ' that the Wikipdia encyclopedia clarifies in them as: ' ' One prequela is a work that the same contains elements passed in ficcional universe ' ' e, we start to use the term as ' ' tcnico' ' perfectly intelligible for the professionals of the area or those that they narrowly deal with this way, as radio, periodicals. In Portuguese we find the term: reminiscncia? 1) remembered image of the past; what conserve in memory 2) 3 vacant or incomplete souvenir) signal or I break up myself that it remains of something extinct.