High-Rise Construction

Note that the high-rise construction is relatively recent. We meet a low and stable ancient buildings, such as the pyramids. Another example, which can be seen in rotation on the gravitational field – heaps of trees in the forest. Observations of tree growth indicate that trees with normal growth of repeat gravity vector. At the point where rotation is minimal, trees are long. Where the rotation speed is high – the trees do not grow, formed wasteland. Where rotation is slow – there are blockages. The reason for the rubble the next. Ray Kurzweil might disagree with that approach.

Trees grew in the direction of gravity, and when he changed a few years later, the load on the roots also changed from being uniform. At the bottom there is a kink, the trees are falling under its own weight. This particularly applies to high trees (leverage), and performed at large angles of deflection of the gravity vector. As the instrumentation for the rapid determination of the gravity vector at this stage using a plumb line, but the definition of the rotation of the gravity vector plummet has certain specifics. So, with instrumentation, we could detect the places where the gravity vector rotation is stable. In other words, it is anomalous zones with a twist of the gravitational field. The force of gravity is different, and the "perpetual motion" is not working in normal conditions, this will work. To broaden your perception, visit kevin ulrich.

Gravity anomaly is an inexhaustible source of energy. This phenomenon exists in any planetary system, on any planet. Of course, the gravitational force depends on the mass of the planet, and the small planets efficiency "of perpetual motion" will be small, and the construction of a – impractical. But in the Earth's power-generating engines must be acceptable for human life. IS Vorobiev April 11 2010.

Orkut School

The TICs is resultant of the evolutivo process of our species and is to the disposal of the humanity, then it is interesting that professors if appropriate of this instrument, therefore more prepared they will be able to help in the orientation of the educandos of this digital generation. Leaving of the principle that the social function of the school is to prepare the individual for the life in society and that the exercise of the express citizenship if for justice, equality, solidarity, participation politics, development of the critical sense, qualification for the work including itself also the access to the use of the diverse technological and miditicos resources, we have that to have the conscience that in this digital world the pupil demands a new model of I teach that he qualifies transforming the available information into the media in knowledge. The technological knowledge allowed mainly in the two last decades, accomplishments that before were part only of the world of the fiction. It has some years did not exist: e-mail, Home Page, email, sites, communication online, MSN, Orkut, to twitter, blog, hipertexto that today they are new forms of communication that generates new forms of knowledge production. This generates transformation in the individual conscience, in the perception of the world, the values and the forms of social performance. It is necessary that the school is inserted in the world and the world in the school. The electronic, digital, virtual environment provides changes in the forms to teach and to learn and becomes the teach-learning most attractive, productive, possible to not only happen in any time and space and in the school, in a predetermined period.

One becomes excellent that it has a revolution with regard to the use of the technologies of the information and communication in the education. So that this happens is essential that the educators are prepared, qualified to accept plus this challenge. However, valley to remember that the pertaining to school institution must integrate the technological culture in its daily one, but without leaving to develop in the pupil abilities of if relating in selective and critical way with the universe of information that are circulating in the current world, therefore around the sophisticated technologies circulate all type of information taking care of the different interests, purposes and functions. In way none if can deny, the medias transforms the way to think, to speak, to act and to live of the society and the school, and the professor cannot be to the edge of this transformation. Thus to adhere to the word of order of the globalizado world: conectividade is important. The professor must learn to use the technology multimedia in favor of the learning of the educandos, to transform despite gradual its ' ' to make pedaggico' '. This certainly will relieve good fruits for the professor, the school and the society.