Responsible Comoera Management

The total cost almost that it duplicated. Responsible Comoera for the management system at the time I perceived that dademanda for services had an increase. Originally, the structure did not obtain to take care of to all ademanda and as the contract was tariffed for ticket, the terceirizao permitou the increase of the execution and therefore of the total cost. Comoresultado, lost the control of the budget. In part perhaps because subdimensionada TIestivesse at the time, what it resulted in a muitomelhor attendance, but the final result was disastrous for the financier. This strengthens anecessidade to have itself professional dedicated to manage the contract therefore the escalabilidade is waited in the terceirizaos.

Even because it is of the interest of the commercial area of the supplier to vender. Therefore, ademanda restrained combined with the management lack is a factor of total increase docusto, for the good or the evil. Aperda of the knowledge of the processes of YOU also makes it difficult the management of custosdo contract. The supplier does not see debtor to open its box-black color therefore it needs to assure the return of seuprojeto. The information lack is used against the customer whom it searchs of algumaforma to understand as the supplier operates to question the costs, stated period and aqualidade of the service. In little time, the company perceives that she is pagandodemasiado by the service. In reason of this, she starts to professionalize the dofornecedor management, selecting and questioning detalhadamentecada service line.

This process is delayed but it is only way in the retomadado control of the costs. We cannot conclude that all Terceirizao of YOU increases cost. But that the possibility of increase of the cost of the project of great muito Terceirizao for companies who control the costs of YOU and for that we are unaware of its costs but they do not invest the sufficient in the project. If empresapossui a culture of management of serviosde YOU, the reduction of costs will be, probably, inexistent. If the company does not dominate the costs of YOU, this will have to make a mapping in a previous phase the act of contract of the supplier. This survey will base the terceirizao, foreseeing the creation of a structure of management of the supplier especficapara YOU and controls that hinder the esquecimento them premises it project. Without estafase, the company will depend on a good negotiation and of the luck she has since oscustos they are unknown. Whichever the situation of its company, for dasdvidas ways, deTerceirizao does not enter in a project if it will not have an additional strategical profit, therefore you to podevirar statistics if the reduction of costs not to happen.

Pedagogical Tecnologias

(p.161). She is necessary that the professors have knowledge of the varied available resources in the Internet and that it is not used to only pass email of the materials seen in classroom, as happens most of the time. Beyond the email we have chats that they can be used to relembrar definitive subject through informal colloquies between the participants, we also have fruns that they can disciplines enrich it through significant postagens on definitive subject where the pupil is invited to participate leaving its opinion, thus working the assimilation of the subject and its allied reflection with the criticidade. Another option is of the professor to construct its proper Home Page, with contents of its disciplines, contends suggestions of authors to deepen the studies, virtual activities where the pupil can carry through where to desire in the time where he will have available. Finally, we verify that the Internet has much to contribute for the education in the process teach-learning, mainly in the graduation and the after-graduation, independent of the actual or long-distance course to be. As well as the EAD courses it has its actual moment, the actual courses also they will be able and have to have its long-distance moment, moment this that if worked well can contribute for the interest of the pupil therefore is as if the professor was always present in its studies same that physically distant.

However it is necessary that let us have enabled professors for such task, made use to adhere to this new technology that is each more present time in day-by-day of the people. that does not attribute to the responsibility of the successes or failures of education for the use or not of this technological tool that is the Internet, therefore the little time behind this resource did not have as much presence in the classrooms. References BHERENS, M. The practical emergent paradigm and the pedagogical one. Curitiba: Champagnat, 2003.

MORAN, M. MASETTO, M. BEHRENS, M. New Pedagogical Tecnologias and Mediaes. So Paulo: Papirus, 2000. MORIN, E. The seven to know necessary to the education of the future. 2. Ed. So Paulo: Cortez; Brasilia, DF: UNESCO, 2000. PERRENOUD, P. Ten new abilities to teach. Porto Alegre: Medical arts South, 2000.

Virtual DAnatomical Museum

New distance learning technologies are gradually becoming part of our lives. Innovations in education are designed to assist in the preparation of competent and competitive professionals. In biology in general, and in the anatomical science in particular, learning is primarily based on the real drugs. Study the structure of the bones on the picture you can of course, but here as practice shows, learning from the textbook focus on the real object rather difficult. Therefore, despite the fact that the Internet today there are many sites of anatomical museums, the possibility of using them in the learning process are limited. However, the development of technology is not standing still, and today there is an opportunity to study three-dimensional models of organs and structures. Especially a lot of three-dimensional models can be found for the human anatomy. In the study of zoology and anatomy of the same animals, the number of available high-quality three-dimensional models is small.

Therefore, the basis for training in this area still are flat images. Of course, the students in specialized high schools have the opportunity to work with real drugs, but life drugs that are in "active use" short-lived, so a set of drugs is often incomplete, and the demonstration material is damaged. So in a famous university students studying veterinary skeleton horse, the bones of which was replaced by bone cow. It is clear that the quality of the knowledge gained in this way, say no. As for example, school children, on the biology classes, they almost always have to teach the subject only speculative, on the textbook.

Fill shortage of teaching materials can help a virtual 3D-anatomical museum department of anatomy of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. By registering on the site and download a special program that anyone can get into the 3D-space of the anatomical museum. Unlike the real museum, the exhibits you can take hands, viewed from all sides take apart and assemble again. Another feature of the 3D-anatomical museum is that it can be organized as separate classes and lessons with a teacher and even guided tours. On the basis of the virtual museum and scientific conferences and organized correspondence courses of biology and statistical data processing in a biological experiment.

Pupil Change

Exactly having decisesoriundas of other areas of secondary interest, the focus daaprendizagem if concentrates only in the chosen area. Impacts in the learning Of simplified form, the theoreticians of the conditioning stimulaton-respostaconsideram that the learning is a change process nocomportamento, occurring through stimulatons and answers that serelacionam and obey the mechanist principles. For praticantesda field-gestalt theory, the learning is a process of aquisioou change of insights, that is, of perspectives or standards depensamento. The learning is a marcante change in the behavior or capacidadede if to hold in one given situation, decurrent of practical or outrasformas of experimentation. Some points or principles that are common to all the ones that if worry about the learning of pupil.

They are: 1. All learning, so that really it happens, needs sersignificativa for the apprentice, that is, needs to involve it as person, as a whole (ideas, feelings, culture, society). 2. All learning is personal. The learning involves change decomportamento or of situation of the apprentice, and this only happens in the pessoado apprentice and for the person of the apprentice. The affirmation of the obvious one is a little: ' ' nobody learns for outro' '. 3. All necessary learning to aim at realistic objectives.

That is, they quepossam in fact to be significant for those pupils and that possamconcretamente to be reached in the circumstances where the ministrado course. 4. All immediate necessary learning to be folloied of feedback. Aaprendizagem if makes in a continuous process and feedback is elementointegrante of this process, therefore it will have to supply to the pupil and the professordados ones to correct and to initiate learning 5. All necessary learning to be based in a good relacionamentointerpessoal between the elements that participate of the process, that is, pupil, professor, colleagues of group. The behavior of dialogue, contribution, participation, work in set, reliable climate, the professor are characteristic desterelacionamento not being umobstculo to the achievement of the considered objectives and not being percebidocomo such.

Skinner Boxware

In the College Ruy Barbosa sousados in the experiments always male rats, for having a maisestvel behavior that the females of the same species. Derespostas to the experiments effected with these animals to make possible the attainment, is used the box to deSkinner 1. In the anlisefeita for the learning in the practical lessons, the eventosexercidos ones for the animal are necessary spoon all and to write down them in a form. During the collection dessesdados, it always exists a loss of consistency and precision of the information, therefore, in order to effect a more complete evaluation, other 0 variable need serverificadas, beyond the reply of the rat on the bar, as, for example, variation of the luminosity, change in environment, racket, addition of reinforcements, amongst others, hindering the total attention it pupil and harming the objective doexperimento.

Solutions in the market for the automation exist of experimentosdesse character, as the Skinner Box and the INSIGHT; however, essassolues possess one high cost of implantation and code proprietor. To take care of to the necessities of the laboratory of Psychology, two works of this college had considered solutions of automation of the box to deSkinner, objectifying to optimize the lessons practical and to take care of the preset algumasnecessidades: low cost of implementation, fciloperabilidade, high degree of flexibility and good precision of the supplied data..

He Is On In The Internet For The Taking

The surprises arrive and surprise. Approved the rules for transmission of Internet through the electric net, already we can believe that in little time, millions of Brazilians will have more easiness in the access to the Internet. Mainly for inhabitants of the agricultural zone, where the connection depends of mobile communication of the existence of communications towers, It is an alternative that can diminish the inaquality and allow that a very bigger public is inserted in the digital world and that he makes use of all the tools and chances propitiated in this environment. The costs of this new form of transmission had been not yet defined, but the tests already are happening. What we lament is the fact of that if this alternative already it was possible and already it functioned in other countries, why always is delayed? First we pay for them we pssimos services of dialed Internet, later we pay for the service badly given, the companies of telecommunications that the monopoly withholds, to have broad band. only now, for many a great surprise, the approval of the Internet broad band saw net electric. But before late of what never. The notice is good and real.

Through a special modem, connected to any taking of the house, the connection will be given by means of handles optical-fiber. No wall in addition will not be necessary for rank of the handles. The connection speeds are being tested and in relation to the quality, it can be harmed if at the moment of the use some another domestic device will be being used, but for this, it is enough to use a small filter that the problem already is solved. Then what we must make is to commemorate, one more time Brazil living the technologies of first world. Brazilians of any cantinho could know and be part of the modern and quick life. The life online. Where the information does not have limits and the knowledge are available who to want to have access them. They will be able to also usufruct of the gratuitousnesses easinesses offered in the net, without discrimination or limitations.

Magazine Technique

In question 2: I participate of simultaneous colloquy, through texts (torpedoes)? 45% had answered affirmatively. 4? CONCLUSION In a well ample analysis in what it says respect to the new scenes of learning, can be detached colon important that it has deep influence in the processes of mediation, overdose of information and the speed of circulation of the same one. In this direction, it was observed that, the impact of the digital media is being felt through an increasing number of comunicacionais and informacionais activities (cellular Internet and). Exactly being recent, these technologies extend, exteriorizam and modify many cognitivas functions human beings: the memory (digital data base, hipertextos, card indices of all the orders), the imagination through the simulations, the perception (sensory, tele presence and virtual reality), the reasonings (artificial intelligence, modelizao of complex phenomena). In the reality, it could be identified two practical types of pedagogical in the education institution: traditional, where a each professor follows the old ritual of the expositivas lessons, worried in giving contents, in evaluating the pupils quantitatively, closed one in the restricted domain of its disciplines. Other, dynamic, that he opens spaces for the quarrel and significao of current subjects, for another relation professor-pupil, for incorporation of other languages, rationalities and technologies, where the professors feel themselves more to dare and to create. In this study it was observed that the inserted pupils are each day in the context of the NTICs, since, with the access the Internet in its residences and the majority of the education institutions.

As the data, it was observed inexistence of colaborativas actions in the net with orientation of the professor and the participation of the pupils in courses on-line, what it confirms the lack of professionals qualified in these pedagogical activities. I concluded that even so the new technologies are inserted in the daily one of the pupils, little is observed of innovation of practical pedagogical in the educational scenes. Ones of the points most difficult of education in the future will be in knowing as to motivate and to defy the students and as to encourage them to develop it the requirement of auto disciplines for the learning, in reason of the great amount of information in some supports. References OLIVEIRA, E.G. Education in the distance in paradigmtica transistion. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2003. TEDESCO, J.C. Education and New Technologies.

Reducing Costs

Today, virtualizao of servers is one of the subjects in high in the technology. But after all which the benefits of this technology? It has little time behind the applications were of the type customer-server. In this standard it had the necessity to have a customer installed in desktop that thus it was connected to a data base. Thus a server for an application was necessary. With passing of the time, he had a popularizao of the Internet. This made with that great part of that they use applications desktop started to use applications web.

Therefore, applications web are accessible of any place, its updates are less custosas. However this brought a significant increase in the number of servers. The type of preponderant architecture will be the guided architecture the services (IT SOUNDS), this consists of adding layers in applications. If it will not have virtualizao, layers mean more serving, more serving mean increase of costs, management, consumption of electric energy, without counting complexibilizao of environment that is cabeamento and backups. The power of processing of the servers grows each time more, this if it becomes clearer with the technology multi-Core.

The servers with great potential of processing and distributed applications mean high performance, but this high performance always requires bigger costs. In the question electric energy, the efficiency is each lesser time, for the fact of the processing to be each more powerful time. It is specified that only about 10% of the processing the day is used in a server x86 in the day. The virtualizao if popularizes as great solution for these problems. Virtualizao nothing more is that the possibility to create virtual machines sharing of the same equipment of the hardware. It is possible to create serving distinct, for distinct tasks in the same the hardware. Thus we obtain exempting in them of the risks of conflicts that the consolidation of servers could bring. When using the virtualizao, is possible to the same place certain number of servers virtualizados in the hardware of a physical server. This increases the efficiency of these equipment in what it refers to the energy. This brings enormous benefits for a company.

Lizard Computer

The present scientific article brings some related boardings on thematic to the heading of the work, with intention to give to the reader basic information on the subject in question. It brings a synthesis of the history of computer science in the education in Brazil, shows necessity and the importance of the formation of the professors in this new digital reality, the benefits of the use computer in the education and educational computer science, and finally, one of the resources currently very used in the construction of the knowledge: the Internet in the education. The methodology used for the development and accomplishment of this work are bibliographical research in books, scientific magazines, articles and sites in the Internet. , Research of field also, and mainly carried through through interview with coordinators and professors, in five public schools of the city of Lizard, focus of this work, that had served of sampling for the survey of the results. The importance of this study, beyond reaching the considered objectives, is also in extending horizontes educational with regard to the existing technological resources, that must more be each time used as aid for the educator in the education process and learning of its pupils. The professor expects that as facilitador, he always searchs to discover new ways for the orientation of its pupils, through the creation of a reflective environment, so that thus, they can assume an active position in the educational and social life, through an efficient education and a learning. The clarification criterion, valley to stand out that computer science in the education treated here, does not aim at the education of contents of the computer science, as computational concepts, principles of functioning or slight knowledge of programming. The insertion of the computer in the process of teach-learning of the curricular contents of all is mentioned to it the levels and modalities of the Education.

Necessary Riser

Gearboxes have after strainer. Typically, the initial pressure ranging from 0.5 to 6-7 atm. Optimal for sanitary measures (3-4 atm) are placed with the built-in pressure gauge. Adjustment is carried out through the hand wheel or screw, available in the gear housing. Some motors are installed in one housing with a filter.

When the pressure in the network is small (below 0.85 atm), we can recommend the installation of the input step-up pump in the apartment, such as UPA 15-90 of GRUNDFOS (Germany) or similar firms to DAB (Italy) or VORTEX and WILO (Germany). But note that setting the pump requires the mandatory approval by the relevant bodies. Correct operation of sewer lines do not require any additional equipment. However, we must remember that the pipe, the outlet drains must be laid with a gradient (1.5-4%) in the direction of the riser. For a sufficiently long tube that can be difficult, because it quietly and not spend a headband you can not hide. It is very difficult create an indentation on the sewer riser (his local break.) This measure is sometimes necessary to 'fit' any instrument in the plumbing box. It is unacceptable that any plots were obtained by horizontal indentation. At the same time a great danger of clogging the riser in your apartment and the collapse of the hydraulic gate devices have lower neighbors.

As a result, litigation costs and triple you provided. The company's specialists 'GALASTAYL' suggestions to create slope on the riser sections of the indentation at least 22,5 . Finally, we note that for mounting plumbing fixtures have been increasingly used special frame design with the necessary fittings (followed by foreign sellers domestic experts were called to install them). These devices accelerate the installation, guarantee quality of systems, but most importantly – make it possible to place devices not only on the walls or in the immediate vicinity, but also in any other place.