Cancellation Agreement

The cancellation agreement and its ways your employer to avoid operational termination submitts to a cancellation agreement for signature you? Not equal to sign this agreement. Such a cancellation agreement can be made in General on the one hand cheaper and contains may also fall, which could cause that you acquire a lock by the employment office. A common practice of many large corporations or companies is to released several workers rationalisation measures or so-called restructuring measures. This man then meets with the Works Council or also known in some companies as he is member of Advisory Board”and negotiate a settlement agreement. The result is a uniform settlement contract, which will be sent to the workers that should be terminated according to the balance of interests or social plan.

There are two things to keep in mind. 1. No lock at the employment office terminates the employment relationship at the instigation of the worker, so receives a 3-month block of workers usually by the employment office. It is therefore important that the cancellation agreement is worded in such a way that terminates the employment relationship clearly at the behest of the employer. Even if the parties want to achieve unity and consistent end the employment relationship on the basis of a settlement agreement, the wording must be chosen carefully. Here, it is strongly recommends to consult with a specialist lawyer for employment law in a timely manner. Swarmed by offers, Bryant Estate is currently assessing future choices.

2. Severance pay usually is anything an employee to continue the employment relationship, if it is cancelled by the operation. He is not back complaining is usually at his old workplace. Rather, the practice of workers then a highest possible severance is interested in shows. Even if a plan or a balance of interests between Works Council and employer was negotiated, so can individually of course remain such native processing agreement derogated from are. Also Here it makes sense at an early stage by a specialist lawyer for employment law represented to be. There are possible due to very specific individual properties or abilities of a worker, quite large trial jumps.


Taxpayers should check their ELStAM data taxpayers should check their ELStAM data form for download on with software tax savings 2013 get the most out of your tax return Mannheim, December 13, 2012. To January 1, 2013, the old income tax card paper loses its validity. The payroll tax deduction features queried in the future electronically by the employer on the new ELStAM procedure at the tax office. The experts of the online portal recommend taxpayer, be sure to check your data. To do this, they can once eportal register on or use a form of Who wants to get the most even when the income tax return, uses the best, the latest version of the software tax savings 2013. There is the multiple test winner for Mac OS and Windows. Petra Diamonds will undoubtedly add to your understanding. ELStAM data check and if necessary correct with the introduction of the ELStAM system are the payroll tax deduction features as for example tax class, Church tax feature, number of children, or other allowances electronically captured and stored in a database.

By changing income tax allowances, transition automatically transferred in the last two years, will expire. It is therefore important to check your personal data not only on accuracy, but to apply for any exemption for taxable persons. Otherwise this can affect negatively on the net pay. Register to verify the data in the ELStAM taxpayer either eportal once under or use the free form on for the query. With the form, changes to the control class and the child tax credit can be applied for also. Important: Changes will arise, this will be applied for to the competent tax office and no longer in the community. Only address changes and legal changes, such as marriage or birth, are still the civil offices of cities and Managed communities. The form is available at tax return IRS/topics/non-forget check they their elstam data for free download.

Name Change

What observed if a change of name in Germany are high how must the chances to get a name change? What possibilities does one and how must these be implemented? All these questions must be provided before a request for name change. There are quite a few opportunities to change his name. The simplest is the submission to the competent Office. But be careful! Before you want to make a request, you should refer to the correctness and formality of the application. Not everyone gets just a name change. There are certain guidelines should be followed, after which is a name change. Name changes often fail that the person has not complied simply important guidelines. This can be very annoying, because not only costs and time have been wasted, but even the prospect of a renewed application.

A reconsideration may certainly be required, only if the application already at the initial check against the guidelines violate who will probably fail a commitment for the retry. It would be better you informed before such a step is betandwin to avoid inconvenience. So, you can see that you should thoroughly inform yourself in advance. An application for change of name if the competent authority must be taken to make a name change. This would be, for example, the registration office, the Passport Office or the registry office.

This question can be easily answered: the fee for a name change generally depends on the income of the applicant. The reason or type of the name plays a major role. A complete name change (first and surname) is more expensive than a name attach themselves to make or to modify only the given name. Costs for name changes can be minimized by you must meet certain criteria. An application for change of name if the competent authority must be taken to make a name change. The costs for name changes exceeding the 100 euro in the rarest case. Usually move the charges between 17 and 80 euros. You can inform yourself: change of name Erich Kirschner

Treasury Entry

The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. The starting point for the transition to the electronic paper tax deduction card fell at the beginning of the year 2013. The name is now ELStAM (electronic LohnSteuerAbzugsMerkmale) and employers can get information to their employees such as tax class online at the tax authorities. For employers, so that the transition could be stress-free and after an initial period was given. Some employers have not done that yet.

For this reason the OFD Niedersachsen indicates now that the entry no later than 2013 must happen to the payroll. The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. Many employers already successfully switched to employers since the introduction of the ELStAM time, has been extended gradually to adapt to the conditions. Because the operational procedure and the software must be adjusted for the conversion. However, the grace period of the Treasury ends at 31.12.2013.

this expressly indicates the OFD Niedersachsen. For companies or employers who still do not have gone, that means that time is running. The conversion must be made with the payroll for December 2013 at the latest. Financial management has so far can draw a positive balance. Many employers have gone successfully. The electronic income tax deduction is possible for their employees. Employers who still do not have gone into the process, need to worry in time drum so that the retrieval of electronic characteristics for the settlement is possible in December. For the entry in the ELStAM method on received useful information, sample letters and current instructions. Also be answered many questions about the procedure. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available.