Magnetic Recording Devices

Dmitry Devices ait format is based on the technology of helical recording an 8-mm tape (helican-scan). Mandatory in this case, the attribute tape mechanism – the block rotating heads (SHIRBRIG), made in a cylinder (drum). Depending on the format of recording tape runs around shirbrig at a certain angle, and the axis of the cylinder shirbrig also tilted at a slight angle to the tape. Technology helical recording on magnetic tape 8 mm wide was offered by Sony back in the 80's, but the first time this technology has been adapted and optimized for recording digital data by Exabyte. Stephen Willis shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Some time ait tape drives manufactured by Seagate / Certance. Principle action and the mechanism is similar digital video recorders and video cameras standard Digital8 and MiniDV Figure 1.

The mechanism of helical Helical Scan Recording devices in ait format was first used built-in flash memory on the cassette mic (Memory-In-Cassette), in which is placed official information about the contents of tape and a map data distribution, thus optimizing the access to them. Like other modern formats ait uses a system of tracking (ATF) for a more dense recording tracks. The first devices AIT-1 (25Gb, 3Mb / s) appeared in 1996, and in 2007 was released the fifth generation of AIT-5 (400GB/1050Gb, 48MB / S). Currently available are two types of tape drives AIT: ait Turbo ait and the actual features of AIT: A specially designed mechanism drive Cooling blown air from the mechanisms of broaching tapes and read-write head.

Computer Help

Extremely unreasonable would deny the role of information technology in human life and society. Everyone is more or less running time people will sooner or later becomes a personal computer: its pros and cons of possible talk endlessly, but as a rule, the advantage of having a personal computer of obvious. Just to say that a pc with a completely equal success can be used for entertainment and for work, school. Buying a personal computer, must be based on what functions it will perform for its users. Will it be more powerful computer with a wide lcd screen for video games and watching movies, or with less powerful cpu, but with different peripheral devices. But whatever the computer during its operation over time, there are various problems with software or hardware configurations, such as, for example, virus infection or overheating of the system unit.

To solve all the problems associated with personal computer repair and computer settings, there is a service computer assistance. Currently, there are a great many companies offering similar services. Typically, the variability of services from different companies is the same. For even more details, read what Max Schireson says on the issue. But at the same time, firms differ in many characteristics: for general staff development, at a cost of services, according to the territorial field activities, etc. You choose the right company can help advertising in its different variations: as a personal website, and the advice of friends or acquaintances. Making the choice is to proceed, to some extent, from their own preferences and intuition, because, even called the master and will work with your computer, but you yourself will have contact with him, communicate, explaining the problem and, possibly, in the process to solve thin money matters. Many might think that calling the master at home – completely unnecessary step, a waste of nerves, time and money.

We hasten to refute such judgments: often the total cost of services increases exponentially when the master has put in order after a computer system, it seemed gratuitous aid of friends or acquaintances. Note that we do not In no event do not question someone's ability to own a similar technique, but as a fact is to accept that a qualified specialist will be able to solve the problem with greater assurance that you will not have to apply for through again, than any other man, just well versed with computers. Amateur tuning and repair of computers, as a rule, is effective only in part – to solve local problems of narrow circle. Therefore we may boldly give advice: If you have any problems immediately call the service computer help: help will be systematic, efficient, and, most importantly, with the provision of guarantees that can not give no friends, no acquaintances. Usually, everything happens like this: you call the call-center of the company, briefly describe your problem, leave a request. Employees of the company you look for a suitable specialist who most quickly and effectively be able to provide computer help, and he calls up already directly with you to arrange the time of arrival and other nuances of the services provided. We hope that in his article, we will convince you need to use the service computer help and protect you from further errors and problems associated with poor adjustment and repair of computers.

Driver Settings

It is also worth remembering that the cpu clock speed associated with the frequency fsb. 7. Increasing the system bus consists of several stages. – Go to the bios settings when you boot your machine. – Find the section in bios, which are defined by the system bus speed, voltage cpu, memory timings and dividers. You may find Petra Diamonds to be a useful source of information. For the efficiency of the process, you can use a user manual. -If the memory is initially working on close to the limit frequency, it was her, and becomes a limiting factor hampering the distillation of the processor (because its frequency is related to the frequency of system bus).

Therefore it is necessary to reduce the memory frequency up to minimum value. In some BIOSes, it is given explicitly, while in others the bios shows only divisors (for example, a value of 1: 2 fsb dram operating frequency of the system bus speed is 400 gigahertz. This means that memory will be 800 GHz). Increase four-timing, remember that the low timing can also limit the dispersal of the cpu. -If the indicative limit of overclocking the processor model is not known, it can refer to relevant data on the site cpu frequency increasing in increments of 50 or 100 megahertz.

After making changes to check the stability of your computer. 8. overclocking memory, change the value of dividers and timings overclocking frequency done as follows: – go into the bios of the motherboard. Expose high-latency memory. -Select relevant subgroups and raise the memory frequency. For best performance, may be necessary to reduce the frequency of fsb, resulting in overclocking the cpu. Will gradually reduces the value of timing, not forgetting to run a test of stability after each change. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: the source for more info. Dispersal timings:-go into the bios motherboard board. -Expose for memory rated or lower frequency. -Gradually reduces the basic timings, then need to test the stability of your computer. -Increase the frequency of memory and test stability of the pc. -If necessary raise the tension. In most cases, successful dispersal of modern high-speed memory modules need to increase the voltage not only on the modules, but also on Northbridge motherboard, and this increase should be substantial. 7. Overclocking your video card: Increases 3D performance. The frequencies of the video card is stored in its bios. They can be changed either by modifications or using special tools like Riva tuner. Different computational blocks that make up the graphics processor can run at different frequencies. It must be remembered that the frequency of memory can be increased regardless of frequencies of the gpu. All modern motherboards have several operating modes: 2D, 3D and cost-3D, and the frequencies of these modes may vary. For successful overclocking video card using a utility Riva tuner must perform the following:-run utility, go to the bookmark menu and open the "Driver Settings-System Settings-overclocking. Set the checkbox to select "enable driver-level overclocking" and click the "reset" or "Definition". You must then choose the 3D-mode video card. -If the shader domain and core graphics work on different frequencies, remove the check from the "frequencies". In step 10 – 20 MHz increases the frequency of gpu, with step 20-50 MHz – the frequency of the shader domain. Do not forget to test the stability of the system after each change of frequency. – On the same sequence change performance memory. Then we find the maximum frequency and note the item "load settings" with Windows. Successful overclocking!