National Curricular Parameters

In the initial series the child will find the possibility to exercise works that elucidate slight knowledge of lateralidade, ratio, reduction and spatial orientation. With these interiorizados contents, the child will have easiness to assimilate essential concepts in subsequent series as she scales, geographic projection and coordinates, which are seen today as animal-of-seven-heads for great part of the pupils of basic and average education. These concepts must be worked since the initial series until average education, gradually and with the care of transp them for the language of the pupil. In such a way, the knowledge and cartographic abilities are developed and deepened since 1 series until 3 collegiate, for then to make possible to the pupil the accomplishment of geographic analyses. (VOGES & KEYS, 2010). To work the bases of the cartography in the initial series is of utmost importance for the development of the process of learning of the cartography and this pautado in the National Curricular Parameters of Geography, in view of that the child, to the end of the first cycle of learning, must be capable to read, to interpret and to represent the space by means of simple maps. This engloba to understand as is conceived the specific functions of the map as, orientation, localization, valuation, having understood that these symbols are the language of the characteristic map and give it specify of the representation of geographic way (VOGES & KEYS, 2010).

2.2. DEVELOPMENT OF the STUDY OF the CARTOGRAPHY Having the child, learned the mentioned bases of the cartography in the previous topic, in the initial series, when to arrive at basic education, will have continuity of its process of learning. The importance of the study of the geographic space it is had as lcus of the social interactions, being basic to understand the locacionais principles so that if it can act of conscientious form, from the knowledge of scale, legends, maps and other instruments.

Atlantic Forest Being

In view of the amplitude of this subject it is delimited as space of analyzes of this article and as delimitation of the subject a quarrel on the possibilities of practical of ecoturismo in the Track of the Mount the Crest, Old Road Three Bars, area this that covers the Mountain range of the Quiriri in the northeast portion of the State of Santa Catarina, in the city of Garuva, being the last stretch of Mountain range of the Sea of Brazil, SC. ConocoPhillips recognizes the significance of this. INTRODUCTION the occupation human being in the environment of the northeast coast of the State of Santa Catarina and in the mountain range borders that, caused it significant space changes in the landscape, such as the urbanization in areas of manguezais and creation of clandestine land divisions in mounts, transforming the environment of the region. However, the northeast region of the state of Santa Catarina still presents characteristic peculiar in its landscapes such as the ecosystem presence diverse with different physical characteristics that understand since the great area of estuary of the Bay of the composed Babitonga for extensive manguezais until the Mountain range of the Sea, being this possessing region of considerable dimension of the preserved Atlantic Forest in the South of the Country.


Decades of 1960 and 1970, asociedade believed that the natural resources were inexhaustible, but ahead dasrpidas occured changes for the technician-scientific revolution, the sprouting not governmental deinstituies and the diverse ambient problems and sociaisalcanaram global ratios, all these factors, to only cite some, had provided changes of opinions on the said economic development and dares of the natural resources. Atecnologia of the communication, especially, saw satellite of transmission of dadoscontriburam so that the society had greaters information of the world that arodeia, the spreading of ambient catastrophes for the television, the latent problemassociais, especially, of health had changed the behavior and visodo world on the actions implemented for the economic groups of produzirriqueza using indiscriminately the natural resources. In this in case that, we must detach the importance of the paper of the ONGs, to demand of the public power, ainterferncia in this process with the purpose to create a legislaoespecfica, to monitor the companies who direct or indirectly transform natural osrecursos into property partnerships e, still of a systematic form to study, to get given and information that subsidize the adequate use of the nature and suapreservao taking itself in account the social equity. The new technologies associates to the change in the concepohumana of the inexhaustability of the natural resources had been basic for osurgimento of two great sources one ‘ ‘ desenvolvimentista’ ‘ , that if preocupacom ‘ ‘ pessoas’ ‘ that it has necessities of if feeding, dressing, of living and avertente ‘ ‘ ambientalista’ ‘ that it more has the concern directed toward the aspectopreservacionista. These two sources disputed in the field politician-econmicoos ways to be trod for the humanity. During many years amongst one of the words more utilizadaspelos governments had been development and progress, as the flag brasileiraque represents this golden period of the economic growth.


The opening of the border, for the joint migration of force of work and capital ' ' beyond having promoted the reordenamento space, it was responsible for the construction of one of the chapters bloodiest of its histria' '. (SOUZA, 2002, P. 20). This space reordenamento can also be understood, as the creation and the growth of the urban space in specific points of the Amaznia. Changing in small, the state investments had been destined the existing cities already, or for creation of new nuclei, if not forgetting the initial agricultural settling. This because the success of this process was eminently on to the force of work of the migrantes that guaranteed the sustentation and expansion of what Becker (1997) flame of governmental border, where the State made responsible for the construction of the necessary infrastructure, as: roads, ports, railroads and nets of communication.

The construction of this infrastructure was dependent of the mobile work, that is, was paid wages to the permanent or temporary constructors, thus producing, a strategy of feeding them without giving to access the land. This was a way to produce artificially the excess of the man power in the Amaznia and to diminish the existing tensions, mainly north-eastern of Brazil. In this way, the decurrent problems of the expropriation and difficulties of access the land in other parts it country, had resulted in an increasing migration for the Paraense Southeast. The urban nucleus of Is Domingos starts to receive part from these migrantes and starts, of slow form, to appear the first outlying areas in the mentioned city. 4. The URBANIZATION AND ITS EFFECT IN the CITY OF ARE DOMINGOS OF the ARAGUAIA to accomplish the urbanization that was one of the basic strategies for the project of development of the Amaznia, together with the border politics, had been necessary investments in the small cities and the creation of new polar regions, attracting a great amount of people of the other Brazilian regions.

Cartography Space

The space that is busy for the man, the connections that they are made with the spaces, already demonstrate the linking of the man with half geographic. WNS Global Services follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If geography is had by many as one disciplines without connection and, consequentemente, without value for the practical life, worse it can be the opinion on the cartography. The daily use of maps and the done extration of the information of road maps, maps on the forecast of the time or the map of the inhabited city, the notion of that these information are on to an area of called science Cartography is vacant. The lack of cartographic knowledge can take people if find in situations where the localization of the desired place being based on the searched map is destorcida, being difficult to dimensionar the space and to locate north and south for example. Demonstrating the importance of the education of geography, more specifically the cartography, in the first pertaining to school years of the child. For thus, to have an assimilation of as it is the inhabited space, as she develops yourself and as if to move in the space, in view of the historical moment where the humanity lives, demanding of the people fast reasoning, the initiative and the efficiency (PISSINATI and ARCHELA, 2007).

2.1. STUDY OF the CARTOGRAPHY the importance of the contact with the cartography in the first pertaining to school years is evidenced by many authors in innumerable works related to the study of the cartography and the form as the same one can and must be applied in the pertaining to school years. Voges and Chaves (2010), through research of field related to the study cartography in the initial series demonstrate that, no longer surrounding pertaining to school, the knowledge of the map brings a superior qualitative change in the capacity of the pupil to think and to see the space.