Second Life

information tools designed to work with information sources. Functional areas: an illustrative function, and research functions; function, monitoring function. EORy – a self-training product, they are themselves able to teach the student. It is not just a set of images or audio recordings that need to be teacher's explanation. In EORah also have voice-overs, but he explains the sequence of actions and, more importantly, points to errors in performing the task. Training materials of new generation, developed in the project "Computerization of the education system 'within the project" Computerization of the education system ", implemented National Training Foundation for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the training material of new generation.

Training materials are designed to target a new generation of teachers to use modern teaching methods and educational technologies, fundamentally altering the educational environment, the active use of ict in the learning process. Competence approach – a framework for development new educational tools. in English Language Teaching Second Life (Second Life) – a world that you create yourself or your students, fill the seas, forests, cities and towns, any real people (and contact them on Skype or email) or fictional. There you have it at home and library, video halls and restaurants, the ability to work and travel. Tempting, is not it? Learn how to create and use in teaching English. Skype With this program, you can talk to millions of people around the world absolutely free! First, download the latest version of Skype, then reinstall it by selecting the settings the Russian version.

The Gcompris

Its problem becomes sufficiently evident when it tries to spell letters with sufficient difficulty and without success. According to Whitaker, Pinto and Veloso (2000), the professors must be intent during the process of learning of the reading and the writing in children, in special the dislxicas. Therefore it is necessary to stimulate them through different percipient and cognitivas activities. Thus some softwares provide the chance to train the perception and the auditory discrimination, sounds associates the figures and creation of melodies, also using mouse that it develops aspects of the aim at-motor coordination. 1.3 Gcompris Gcompris is a package of educational activities that helps children with 2 the 10 years of age to develop the reasoning and the knowledge.

It is a free software, what it means that can adapt it, improve it and most important, to share it with the educators of all the part for license GLP. It understands numerous educational activities that assist in the teach-learning process, through playful tricks and orientaes. For dislxicas children, the pedagogical team finds in it a therapeutical way, that makes possible the perception, emotional cognition and. Amongst some activities they are distinguished: – Discovery of the computer: keyboard, mouse and different uses of mouse. – Mathematics: table memorization, enumeration, espelhadas tables of double entrance and images. – Sciences: control of the canal, cycle of the water, the submarine and electric simulation; – Geography: to place the countries in the map; – Games: chess, memory, bind 4 and sudoku; – Reading: practical of reading; – Others: to learn to identify the hours, puzzle with famous paintings, vectorial drawing and production of quadrinhos. The Gcompris gained the Free prize Awards Software that occurred in France, in the city of Soisson in 24 of May of 2003, as the best motivacional and educative tool of the year. It is available for download in the site: (-) for the operational system Windows and Mac.

MBA – Rankings And Accreditation

Selecting a program mba – a difficult process. Must take into account your own preferences, to evaluate the prospects and, most importantly – to choose a quality program mba. Often the first contact to the ratings of mba, only then pay attention to Accreditation Programs mba. Rankings of mba programs have begun to gain popularity in the late 80's, primarily as a method of promotion. And now there are so many different ratings programs mba, differing both degree of solidity of the organizer, but most importantly – the methods of collecting and evaluating information gathered by the information and calculation of weights and 'Points'.

As a consequence, we see a significant spread of results in different rankings. Rankings attract attention. But they also confuse the process of choosing schools and programs. Without disputing the importance of the ratings, what obyazatelnosleduet attention first when choosing a school after a rating? Accreditation: availability of accreditation – an indicator of quality of educational school programs. And this process did not start in the late 80's, but much earlier. There are three most authoritative organization in this field: aacsb (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) was established in 1916 and its mission has announced the promotion of quality management education worldwide, currently 554 accredited institution.

amba (Association of MBAs) was founded in 1967 with similar objectives, but is aimed specifically at business school, currently About 150 accredited business schools. equis – European Quality Improvement System – the name speaks for itself: the organization is designed to provide continuously increasing quality of business education in Europe, but as the aacsb and amba, and operates outside of Europe to Currently accredited by slightly more than 100 schools in 31 countries. Accordingly, he Process of accreditation is aimed in the first place to improve the quality of the educational process, including the involvement of qualified teachers in effective teaching methods, quality , as well as support for students. Evaluation criteria for professionals in education and business, and continuously improved. Getting one such accreditation – an achievement and requires efforts to improve the quality of their programs. Getting all three of accreditation – a very big achievement for school. This means that the program mba, for example, meets the highest standards of quality on all continents, without exaggeration, multimode and recognized very attractive companies in the world. Quality of graduates such a program – its a huge advantage for a successful career.