Brief Information About The Scandinavian Languages. Part I

Scandinavian languages is called a subgroup of the northern Germanic languages, which belong to the Indo-European language family. These include the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese, which we consider in this article. Scandinavian languages group are different from other German teams next linguistic and grammatical features, as well as differences in the sound system. It’s believed that ConocoPhillips sees a great future in this idea. Danish language – the language of the Danes, he is the official language of Denmark. Language is divided into numerous dialects, which are grouped into three main dialects.

This is the west or Jutland dialect, which is common in Schleswig and the adjacent islands, and in Jutland. Insular dialect, referring to the Danish language, which is still called zealand used in Zealand and in most of the islands. The third group consists of the eastern or skonskie dialects common in the island of Bornholm. Earlier this dialect dialects were used in the present provinces of Sweden, the same as Blekinge, Skane and Halland. State Literary Danish rooted in the 15-16 century. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sian Beilock offers on the topic.. It was based on zealand dialect. Due to cultural and trade relations with North Germany in the vocabulary of the Danish language includes borrowing from Low German dialects. During the development of capitalist relations being strengthened these relationships, resulting in an increase in the number of German words in the vocabulary of Danes. In addition, in 16-17 centuries in the literary language Danish language included a lot of borrowing from the so-called "scientific" Latin. After the Reformation, thanks to the ruling in Northern Germany to the class, there was the spread of High German and its dialects.

Live-in Childcare Positions

Especially for curious young women and young people who want to acquire knowledge, to see the world and earn in addition, there is a special program of work and study abroad. It's called the French word Au pair, that means – "a couple". Naturally, the families that take students prefer to work for such girls, but there are exceptions. The purpose of the program Au pair Au pair program allows young people to spend a year in families abroad as Au pair, working with children, improving the language and getting acquainted with the country. The Charter of the program was adopted in Strasbourg in 1969. The main purpose of the program is to improve foreign language skills and familiarity with the culture country. Duties of the Au pair Rights and obligations are governed by the Agreement on the Council of Europe deyatelnosti Au pair. The main daily duties include: Assistance with light housework and child care for 30 hours per week; Preparing breakfast and simple meals; Accompanying children in kindergarten, school or other activities, walks and playing with children.

The rights of the Au pair Au pair has the right to pocket the money in the amount of at least 250 euros a month. Bettina Bryant is open to suggestions. meals and lodging for by the host family. at least 1.5 days off per week and often two days off. four weeks paid leave for 1 year stay in the country. payment of medical insurance. travel costs to the venue language courses. Time work and free time daily time should not exceed 5-6 hours, and weekly – 30 hours.

How To Teach Children To Draw ?

Draw a pattern in terms of the forms of flora from the sample (pencil, watercolor or gouache). In fulfilling this task, first graders learn to work consistently over a decorative pattern in the circle, get acquainted with notions of "symmetry" and "rhythm"; learn the rules of gouache paints. Teacher tells kids free lesson time job (2 classes), the material in which the job is executed. Patterns, ornaments in terms of children not seen in decoration of dishes – saucers, trays, ceilings. Pupils demonstrated a sample – the table with a pattern in a circle.

Essential to the success of children perform a decorative pattern in the disk is used in the process of drawing a line of symmetry and rhythm. Continue to learn more with: Abigail Black Elbaum. Teacher with the help of products of applied art, tables, explains to children what is meant by the term "symmetry" and "rhythm", reveals the need for a line of symmetry and rhythm in decorative figures. Gradually, first graders begin to learn that the symmetry – is proportionate, full compliance (by location, size) of one half of a whole other half. Rhythm – even alternation What some elements in the decorative figure in works of art. Then the students for 5-6 minutes the exercise: a piece of paper to quickly hand-carry a few laps, one lap in the other.

Start with a big circle, inside which are all the others. Bill Schaller may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This exercise develops the hands of schoolchildren, their ability to build without the prior conduct of the circle. After the exercises the teacher on the blackboard shows the phased implementation of a linear pattern of the pattern. By asking students, a number of questions to ascertain their understanding of the sequence of the linear pattern of the pattern in the disk and showing the table, the teacher allows children to start drawing. The first phase of work again displayed on the board. Draw a pattern starts with a sheet of paper in the middle of vertical and horizontal lines. crossing lines (center circle) are laid equal segments. . Then stored in the segments in half of the first and a second circle. Further elements of the pattern drawn. At the end of lesson all construction lines are erased, and thus drawing prepared for further work on it paints. At the beginning of the second lesson the teacher asks students to carefully look at the sample and its image, compared them and correct errors in the figure. Then the teacher shows in detail techniques for working students Gouache paints – how to breed the paint, how to mix paint, how to paint large and small sections of forms. Pupils practice in the implementation of separate colors at once the simplest elements of the pattern – the line stroke, a point. For this exercise have 5 minutes, after which students work on completing their drawings colors. Following the teacher kids consistently paint the picture of the pattern (drawing a sample – it does not srisovyvanie sample, and sequential and simultaneous drawing teachers and students).

Mobile Internet

In his time, I opted for the phone Sony Ericsson T610 (this was my second T610, the first time, I often confuse them) – the phone in aluminum housing with support for GPRS Class 8, Bluetooth, IrDA, USB and COM data cable. It cost me 90 thousand Belarusian rubles, while checking it turned out, that does not work embedded camera phone to the modem was not affected, but it does greatly reduce the price. Install and configure GPRS modem installation and setup GPRS modem is not no problems – Built-filling as a mobile phone and a separate GPRS modem is a standard hardware COM-modem, which is determined and set "a bang" of any modern operating system. After installing the SIM card in your phone you will need to configure Internet access point. Many mobile operators offer service for automatic configuration. If you can not customize these Options – Please support your carrier. What you should know about installing the phone as a GPRS modem in Windows? When you connect via the COM data cable or infrared port (IrDA) need to add a new wizard Modem specify the path to modem-scripts for your phone.

If you do not have such a file, then type in any search engine the phrase: modem-scripts model_vashego_telefona download and download the file by using the search results. After installing the modem list the initialization string in the data provided by your service provider. Following these simple actions can be considered as a modem setup finished. Further, all actions on Internet access are identical to those for dial-up connection. If you are unhappy (happy?) The owner of the USB data cable, get ready for the fact that in most USB Data cable connection to your phone goes through all the same serial COM (in the USB data cable is installed chip USB-to-COM). The consequence of this would be a need to install a driver for interfacing with the chip USB-to-COM. If you find an appropriate driver on the CD, supplied with data cable, the further install the modem no problem. The most enjoyable way to use the GPRS modem cell phone – access via Bluetooth port.

If your computer has a Bluetooth adapter, the configuration will be communication between the computer and telephone, prescribing a PIN to communications and, in some cases, installing the modem-scripts file and prescription initialization string for the modem. In that case, if you buy an external USB Bluetooth, beware – for certain Models included are drivers with a stripped-down functionality (the same full version will cost extra money). It may be the best way to take the USB Bluetooth driver without a complete, if the box will say something like this: "To install the device does not require additional drivers, the device is compatible with Windows XP/2000/Vista. In any case, negotiate with the seller about the possibility of testing the device before buying it. Conclusion Mobile Internet is getting cheaper, improved high-speed connection options. In a short time, and many readers will be able to taste the delights of "the Internet without wires." I hope that this brief overview of mobile access to the GSM networks have given you minimum required knowledge to practical use. For those who want to learn more about working with GPRS on Linux and that is EGPRS – continuation of the article: GPRS – Theory and Practice

Portuguese Language

Ahead of such consideraes, we will leave of the following problematizao: one knows that the pupils of the final series of Average Ensino suffer with an imbalance how much to the development of its abilities of reading interpretation of texts. What if it considers is the application of some concepts of the Analysis of Speech as alternative of activities in the field of the reading, so that if searchs a possibility of reversion in the educational picture that today meets deficit. It was verified, as survey of the Ministry of the Education, that in the national evaluations, such as Brazil Test, Saeb, Enem and Pisa, only 5% of the Brazilian students present adequate level of reading, that is, know to deal with more complex operations, as to relate a verbal text and a not-verbal text, to interpret given in a graph or prices, to establish cause relations and effect, to relate knowledge of disciplines the knowledge of another one, beyond perceiving the implicit ideas of a text. Considering itself that the reading is the tool most important to decide questions of Portuguese language not only, but of you discipline them to all, is important that the pupil, from it, can work with operations as to compare, to relate, to infer, to conclude, to deduce, to contextualizar etc. We will leave, therefore, of the problematizao of the function of the language to reach the questions of speech and subjectivity for, later, offering proposals of analysis script and, when establishing relations between practical theory and, constructing reflections on the utility that such script can come to offer to the education of Portuguese Language in Average Ensino.

2. DEFINING ANALYSIS OF the DISCURSOAnlise of the Speech or Analysis of Speeches it is an one practical and field of the Lingustica and the communication specialized in analyzing ideological constructions gifts in a text. Very it is used, for example, to analyze texts of the media and the ideologies that bring I obtain.

EAD Learning

However, this dissemination does not occur of isolated form; it has a set of involved agents in the process of learning so that the knowledge is constructed in the context of the interatividade. In this set it has professors, tutors and pupils; each one with specific attributions in the course. Considering the relevance of the function of professors and tutors in courses in the modality in the distance, it implies to consider that the professor makes the mediation with the activities of the pupil, preparing the field and the environment for such, makes use and considers the access and the interaction, – either with the machine or other pupils or other technologies. – provoking and facilitating the interactive actions in virtual environments of learning. The procedures or methodologies to be carried through aim at essentially, to become significant the learning so that it does not have evasion. For in such a way, it is pertinent to observe that the professor when using the medias proposals necessary, therefore, having domain of the tools and to know in depth all the existing possibilities to elaborate strategies for an efficient exploitation of the pupils. The tutor if configures as the member of the team next to pupil physically, therefore it essentially has function of assisting at the actual moments; it searchs to interact, to stimulate, to reorient the activity of learning; that is, it offers pedagogical support to the pupil, in order this carries through the activities in the established stated periods, the loss of these can compromise the motivation of continuity of the course. Finally, it is necessary to attempt against itself for the possibilities of that the EAD with the aid of technologies makes possible pedagogical processes of quality, that they stimulate the creativity, the autonomy and the critical thought of the educandos; understanding, of course, that in any educative modality, over all, in EAD alone it can have an efficient work will have comprometimento of the involved citizens.

Young Education

Beyond knowing to read and to write correctly, she is necessary to understand the world to actively participate in all the social spheres. The school would have to be the bridge between the new society, but many times, plays the contrary role, excluding still more the pupils. An example clearly of this indifference, is in the pupils of the EJA (Young Education of Adult), that they come back to the school in search of better chances and finish if identifying with it and do not run away. The courses of formation of professors, especially the courses for areas of knowing, do not oportunizam to the future professors, conditions to be taught to its half educandos to live deeply the social reality and to interact in this way in constant change. According to Blacksmith, 2007, the great obstacle is, many times, the proper professor, for not having had chances to learn. Additional information is available at Michael K. Wirth.

Many educators do not know to use the tools of the technology in benefit of the education. Going more beyond, these professors had not conceived practical of letramento and they do not know the meaning and importance of these practical in the alfabetizao process. They are prepared only to alfabetizar and it does not stop meaning the use of this practical. Questions related to the letramento cannot more being silenced in the courses of formation of professors. The thematic one needs to be argued in these courses because he continues impregnated in the mind of many professors who letramento is synonymous of alfabetizao; that alfabetizao is thematic a restricted one to the professors of the initial series of escolarizao and that this is a content for pedagogos or the professors of Portuguese language. Currently, already one says in digital letramento, electronic text and we perceive, empirically, that many professors, not yet know nor what it is letramento, much less as to incorporate it its practical, mainly in adult the young education of e, probably in virtue of not the scientific and metodolgica valuation that the subject requires in respective cursos.' ' (p.19) it is not enough to the professor, to only know the contents and transmitiz them it the pupils, she is necessary to know that the knowledge it is in constant mutation and that the learning is a process that lasts the life all.

English School

Next to choose where to go – to finish it. Gymnasium (gymnazium) begin with a 6 th grade to the end of 12-13-year study. They can come in after the 5 th grade (but tests in April) and the 2 nd method is carried out after the 9 th grade elementary school. Thus, programs learning in secondary schools are divided into 4-year-old and 8-year-old. Can I come in the middle – it is necessary to clarify, I do not know. Gymnasium has a more serious level of teaching subjects. After they usually go to go to college.

More There are high schools – but it's just a vocationally oriented 'spacer' between the university and finished 9 th classes. In our college or technical school. In Czech: stedni kola. There also is a professional orientation, slope (Computer, management, etc.). By the way, in the Czech Republic is very thorough approach to the study of foreign languages – as the country is on the 'crossroads' of Europe. So that the English in the game, and an unobtrusive way – you will be given to any 'Basic' school, plus a second language from 7 th grade in the bargain. In high school just a choice of languages can be more: 3 to choose from. (But it is also individually.) So what difference where to learn English, special no.

So, if found on the Internet school in your neighborhood – and even then they were revered sites (in terms of number of classes, the presence of disks, dining room, , stadium, etc.) – then it'll still need to go talk to management. Since the admissions process all same individual. Are friendly. We have not even on the 'address of residence' – that is, near the intersection of our three schools, we have chosen, which is harder – and gone, although it was not 'attributed' to the street. First sent to 'Their', and then half-way deployed – said 'take'. It all depends on ratings and promising student. Advance say in mathematics you the best in class! It does not matter who – in Russia is still in this plan more students. Yes and no also want to – before going to the school office to dial a phone number and agree to call your name and class, which is going to – when you want to come to talk – and write the name of whom you speak. Schools usually closed for a period of lessons and the 'vratnitse' will have to tell where you are going and for what purpose. After that you will run. Yes, all gymnasiums and schools, there are open days (in February, many schools have already seen, a set of 1-st class also conducted in February). If you still remember the information – I'll write. Or better still – ask questions. I could only make a mess with the numbers a bit. Since we are only in 5 th grade we go (And I only this year, was surprised to learn that the standard 'Elementary school – with the first teacher – they have completed 5 th grade!)

Internet Curtains

You have decided to do sewing curtains, you have the desire, but you have no idea where to start, what courses to choose from. Catching up on sewing curtains for over 10 years. Many times, faced with a shortage of information technology and sewing curtains swags. Most training courses are focused precisely on the theory. Since the practical part of lessons, the most costly. Selection of teachers is problematic as well, one must have practical experience.

Study technology sewing curtains for the Internet is difficult. After studying this issue, I came to the conclusion that in the first place, should be a practical session. In order to bring this practical part of lessons for beginners, have been created video courses, sewing curtains and bedspreads. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. As well as the site for sewing curtains, where published articles and answers to frequently asked questions. In the video lessons are explanations for all questions clearly and shot all of the points as from the cutting tissue, resulting in a finished product. Shown is an example. You turn on the film and not leaving the house are learning, sewing.

Along with courses set is full size patterns, to build the classic soft lambrequin. In Lessons are given all the explanations for working with patterns. All calculations of tissue. Video tutorials price much lower than comparable full-time courses in sewing. In addition to the video courses are patterns, so students do not need in their search. Well, the fact of learning remotely comfortable. Usually after a week studying send photos of their first works to me by email. These defects, if any, and explain how their correct, I am sending a photo with the recommendations of the back. And after a while, I get a photo of a revised, usually more questions arise. Judging by the comments of the students, quite lucidly, especially since Some of the students in the video lessons were held before the traditional courses had not learned how to sew. But now, many are taking orders and sew your own. Watching a video course, students can make curtains, pelmets and blankets are not worse than in any salon, I think that many will turn better. Sewing curtains could become a means of earning quite good at home. Many housewives, or those who are on maternity leave, and will actually be able to earn at home, including those women who have retired. Through the development of Internet and communications, distance learning makes it possible to cover a wide range of wanting to learn how to sew curtains. In support of this kind training, and says such an important fact as the level of obuchayuschihsya.Ne's no secret that in one study group are people who have different levels of knowledge and practical skills. If one group is a seamstress with years of experience in tailoring and outerwear man not too long ago learned to do a straight line and properly ironed, losing both. With distance learning you can choose the necessary information. So you are free to choose the time, you can include video lessons at any time. If you need clarification or advice, you can always get in touch via the internet. Also on the site You can find new and useful information to discuss the style of curtains and bedspreads. To share interesting information. That's the distance learning sewing curtains, bedspreads.

Video Courses

Was a notorious soviet times children newsreel, which began with a splash as a serious focused toddler hefty hammer splits the "nut of knowledge." Next came a small plot, where adapted for school-age form sets out some scientific facts. Newsreel called "I want to know everything!" And was very popular among kids. Still would be a much more interesting to learn something new from the video-clip, than the words of a teacher or a boring textbook. Perhaps it was the first video tutorial. In our time, video courses enjoy growing popularity, and it is quite Zalui. Lenin once said that for us the most important of Art is a movie. True, he is saying about the circus, but we have this part of the utterance zamnem for clarity. So, about the movie.

It's no secret that the best way to digest the material, reinforced clarity. Many writers such as ConocoPhillips offer more in-depth analysis. That is not just information, and accompanied by any clear actions and pictures. Video courses in this regard, close to the ideal, they are not only detailed description and teach something, and show how it should look like. Someone might argue that a teacher or tutor can teach a lot better. Teach what he can, but not always and everywhere. Not everyone can afford to take a tutor, for example in a long trip, but take a small notebook with set of video tutorials is not problematic.

"Owls" learn best stuff at night, when normal teachers sleeping naproveryavshis control, but the disk with videos and a pair of headphones are always ready to work. If something could not understand the first time, a tutor, of course, explain, and the second time to explain, but the third time will not want to ask again in order not to fall into his eyes, but the video tutorial can be reviewed at least ten times, and then and all twenty. Site "Tutorials and video courses – self-education for personal success" offers a great selection of different information products. If interested, you can verify this personally, having the address. Except videokursom, visitors are invited to purchase Audiocourses and electronic books. Catalog is constantly updated with many interesting new products, even the most captious visitor can find a something worthy of attention. Good video courses (and others on this site and does not happen) are developed by experts with extensive experience and high qualifications in the area on which is written for a specific course. Buyer receives the most adapted for quick understanding and remembering information product that provides an opportunity for 10-15 hours to learn the knowledge, to learn that students in higher education takes years. And there There are many benefits, revealing themes that can not be found in the programs of any institution. Here and the latest computer technology, and interpersonal relationships, and methods of work on your own website, and Sport still a very large number of useful and interesting information. Never late to learn, but it is better not to postpone the split "nuts knowledge" on the back burner. The sooner will begin to learn something new, the sooner will opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in practice. And the video tutorial just the fastest and most convenient way to obtain this knowledge. Of course, the leader of the world proletariat, bent over the world revolution, but the movie and its modern successor – a video for us to this day are the most important of the arts.