As Drawing Portraits Tips I

How to draw portraits? Details at realistic portraits v.1 in the short time that I’ve been drawing portraits have tried to identify the details that make the result is acceptable, small concepts and ideas that may seem too obvious on many occasions but that at least my me have served to gain result in 80%. Do not intend that this text is a tutorial reference on how to do portraits, but rather a way to offer my point of view as an amateur for amateurs. Where do you start? The fear of the white paper is not a concept unknown nor new, all have felt and unless I continued feeling a certain vertigo when you start a new drawing. And no wonder, since depending on the first stroke drawing is anger by defining a framework that would later limit the composition of the portrait. I usually start my portraits by eye, this is not entirely true as you will see later but we will consider it as well at the moment. ICICI can aid you in your search for knowledge. Why eyes? The portrait of a person in my opinion must respect two big ideas: that is looks like the person to express a feeling is obvious but it is good to be aware of this. The eyes represent a large percentage of these two ideas.

If we know the person we are able to recognize only seeing a photograph of their eyes (even just one) and also guess many things about his State of mind. Here are a few examples: who are they? Sure you’re right everyone. We can only recognize a false smile because eyes do not accompany such an expression. My goal at the time of drawing eyes is to see the person in them while I’m drawing. When I look the picture that I have decided or they have decided to use for the portrait among the important things that make me decide if this is appropriate stands out to be expressive and particular.


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