Still, indirect oscustos generated by the desassistncia proceeding from the increase dadurao of the upheavals and incapacitaes finish for surpassing the costs right-handers (OMS, 2001). In Brazil with expenses of 2,4% of the budget of the SUS in sademental and prevalence of 3% of severe and persistent mental upheavals and 6%de chemical dependents have had sensible inversion of the financing nosltimos years, being privileged the equipment psychiatric substitutes in detriment doshospitais, as she illustrates the fact from that in 1997 the composed net por176 Centers of Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS) received 6% of the resources destinadospelo SUS to the mental health, while the hospital net, with 71 a thousand stream beds, recebiaos others 94%. In 2004, the 516 CAPS existing they had received 20% from the recursoscitados ones against 80% destined to the 55 a thousand psychiatric stream beds in Brazil (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2004) the end of the year of 2006 marked as given historical the efetivareorientao of financing of the government in mental health, that is, if it has dezanos the hospital expenses were of 93,1%, today, 51.3% destine it gastosextra-hospital and 48.7%, to the hospital expenses. nowledge. The expenses with CAPs that, em2002, were for return of 7 Real million, had grown visibly and today we estoprximos of the 170 Real million. Such data are the materialization of the change of the modeloassistencial that dislocates the financial and human resources for the community, with consequences in the social contours, including new partnerships and modification devalores, diminishing the stigma and stimulating the pact for the life, not pelaexcluso. . .