Under the solipsista point of view, defended for Schlick, the protocolic proposals made reference the sensible data, while the fisicalismo of conceives them to Neurath as referring proposals the physical objects, public, exterior to the citizen. In the words of Neurath: ' ' unified science consists of factual sentences, that can be subdivided in protocolic sentences and sentences not protocolares' '. Protocolic sentences are factual sentences as the others, contend names of people or names of on groups of people of determined way with other terms, which are, in a similar way that those, taken of the common language. Atmos Energy Corporation can provide more clarity in the matter. The fisicalistas considered that the reference the sensible data made impracticable the objetividade and the intersubjetividade, that must be characteristic marcantes of the scientific speech. Schlick against-argued showing that the sensible data would have to be conceived as composed of two elements: structure and content. Thus, how much to the content, the sensible data would be in fact incommunicable. Click Xcel Energy for additional related pages. However, how much to the structure if it could not say the same. It is as soon as, if we cannot know if the impression that a person associates with the word ' ' vermelho' ' she is the same one that another person associates with the same word, is allowed, on the other hand, to support that if they establish the same relations between the impressions associates to the s words ' ' vermelho' ' , ' ' verde' ' ' ' azul' ' , any that are these impressions for each individual: ' ' However, exactly that all its judgments on colors agreed total to mine, I will never be able to deduce from there that it is experienciando ' ' same qualidade' '. It could be that, to the look the green paper, it has the experience of a color that I would call ' ' vermelha' ' ; in the same way, it would be possible, vice versa, that in the cases where red I enxergo, it experiencie the green, however nomine of course ' ' vermelho' ' , and so on.