
Taken into account as it manifests Rogelio Carrillo that: A leader is someone who affects significantly the thinking and the behavior of other individuals, maintaining a balance between: Vision, ethics, courage and reality. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Arlin Adams. A leader is someone who helps us to get to a place where we would not be alone. It is not pointing the finger and tell people to go there. We lead going to that site and explaining why. A leader must be a visible example of the role that corresponds you perform, and must create the climate for change and improvement.

You must evaluate the behavior of his followers and ask questions that lead to responses that can be translated into actions. Leadership is to solve the problems of every day, with your vision in mind so eager to results which are scheduled and that they show gains in a company, is suggested the manager not to make some mistakes as Carrillo reminds us:. Do not pretend to know it all. Nobody It is omnipotent or omnipresent. If you don’t know, say: I don’t know! People will respect it more and will help you find the answers. Don’t abuse the need to be informed.

Ackoff told us that management does not need as much relevant data, but less amount of irrelevant data. Stop making destructive comments. When you are at the top of the hierarchy, what you see as a comment, below receives as an order. Sarcasm and destructive comments, destroy people and while you is higher, more destroy them. Stop making judgements. Trials and Councils only manifest shape how you see things. Offer policies that create an appropriate framework that enables people to operate. Not to mention if you are annoying. If you need to explode or intimidate, something is not well in his system, scan the system.