Job Board more than just a job board, Hamburg, October 2008 – JOB-HOTEL, as one of the leading online job boards of hotels, restaurants, tourism and cruise ship industry provides its users and prospective customers an extensive service area. It boasts unique headings and free additional services. So the JOB as a single job & career portal of the industry offers a special supplementary zone only for Crusader. Not only candidates from the cruise industry can benefit from current information about life on board, maritime information and a cruise-lexicon. Diversified service & learning areas are each visitor of the eponymous Web site JOB HOTEL available. So, for example a free resume and job application-check is offered to the applicant. Everyone can inform how to correctly apply, what education and training is offered and how and where the working abroad works.

The correct behavior is style & etiquette in collaboration with style coach Uwe Fenner explains educational gastronomy magazines are recommended and can be directly subscribed to. Latest industry news report news from the fields of hotel, restaurant, tourism and cruise ship and under the heading job hotel world can pull out of any additional information to the professional life. All services are free of charge and can be used by every Internet visitor, is an online job board, founded in April 2007. The company is Hamburg. JOB-HOTEL is one of the leading job boards in hospitality industry, catering, tourism and cruise ship and is a competent partner for job offers and job seekers. In the JOB-HOTEL national and international enterprises switch their jobs and are looking for their employees.