
Why this wonderful recipe adds values specific ones to others, because only its intrinsic combined and in their synergy is reached sense and profit. To read more click here: Keshav R. Murugesh. If the human being is not understood in a comprehensive way, in the full sense of its nature, little leverage the interest of knowing him. Man is a creature of great complexities, does not occupy a single dimension. Those knowledge, technique and science apologists as differentiating elements of the present and future well-being of humanity, are not conceptually enabled to understand the human being. They suffer from an inferiority complex against the awesome power of the elements and phenomena that make up our universe, and as the humble man who a couple of centuries ago was huge for their future relieved to witness the first steam engines, they want to feel safer betting the future of the species to the knowledge of the man. In reality, the fate of humanity is in its ability to understand and apply the values that have been granted absolute privilege over other species.

4. Freedom on the road proceeds add to knowledge, self-control. How many people are unaware the success and victory because they don’t know the own domain! Himself is the greater man’s problem, the main fight unfolds in its interior. We have no enemy more dangerous than ourselves, there is no more effective more inflexible nor executioner judge. The own domain requires the man ability of self-governance, control their emotions, their fears and their anxieties, with the serenity of who has faith in their conditions and their possibilities, virtue to sustain them and knowledge to bring them to fruition. Self-control is a State essential to the implementation of the life. Control of emotions is a balancing mechanism vital for the same character who has adversity, because this is protected by elements of enormous intensity. When problems are not treated with high doses of their own domain, equilibrium disappears, fight fire with fire, the flames come alive until the point in which the fire ends prevail.