Convergence Number

The number 2 cups of the picture is completely different. prp was crystallized in its entirety. Subsidence of the upper part has not happened. Large shells do not. The structure of the puf homogeneous (photo 1.2 and 2.2). See Petra Diamonds for more details and insights. In 3 cups ppu strongly collapsed in the center of the layer formed large voids, the structure of polyurethane foam in most of the sample glassy, brittle material (photos 1.3 and 2.3).

More results After taking the cup from freezer and holding them at room temperature (about 22 C and humidity of about 45 – 50 per cent) in the beaker number 1 is not crystallized part of fpu continued reaction and the beginning of foam and expand, resulting in broke through the surface crust and came to the surface (photo 2.4). Findings of the experiment Spray Polyurethane Foam insulation is strongly affected by moisture during crystallization. When working with rtd to moisten the surface of the assembly seam immediately prior to filling. Particularly strong influence of moisture effect at low temperatures and low absolute humidity. Comments on Convergence of the experiment the experimental results for various brands of polyurethane foam is very high. We can state that all well-known brands ppu behave about the same.

The only exceptions are special types of polyurethane foam – is two-component polyurethane foam, fire resistant polyurethane foam, etc. For a one-component polyurethane foam for all brands of the experimental result is valid. Photo 1.1 (glass number 1) Photo 1.2 (glass number 2) Photo 1.3 (glass number 3) Photo 2.1 (glass number 1) Photo 2.2 (Glass number 2) Photo 2.3 (glass number 3) Photo 2.4 (glass number 1) Photos of the opened on the complaint of the real weld Conclusion When working with rtd to moisten the surface of the assembly seam, which is often no one does, or make overly generous, and then protective tape do not stick to wet surfaces.