FAMILY support, a company founded in August 2006, helps family stop for 1 year in German children and families, Miriam Pelzer & Deborah van den Boogaard GbR is successful on the market for more than a year. Primarily in the area of Berlin and Brandenburg worked, advises and supports family support team individual individual families. Whether stress in the morning, different ideas of education of parents, siblings disputes, separation, truancy, or simply strengthen the parenting skills of the field of activity is as varied as the families are unique. FAMILY support is characterized by the integrative counselling, which distinguished ascent and advice of the domestic environment, advice to the daily routine (E.g. meal times, family time, childhood, parents time, bed time), analysis and instructions on how to avoid typical conflict situations etc. the combination of home visits and supervision in the everyday environment, specifically to work on situations. Read more here: Bettina Bryant image.
The use of individual elements is the situation and the Individually tailored advice. This includes first and foremost providing specific dates. In addition to the appointment offer standard business hours, there is also the opportunity to visit families in conflict situations after consultation. Were they at the dinner time, when the kids in the bed or in the morning scenario described above. We will accompany the families even when shopping or in the morning on the go”, explains Miriam Pelzer (many people inter alia from the TV format the Super moms.) (“Usage in the children’s room” on RTL2 or the book of the Super moms use in the nursery, the education advisor “(Rowohlt-Verlag) is known). Through the integrative approach, the entire team of the customer is seen as a reliable, trustworthy and authentic partner to support the development of intra family and appreciated. Both partners are very happy that the company could become help-seeking parents since before a year to the competent friend, on local both as well nationally. To the first anniversary family containing launched the new website:. Press contact, as well as more information and picture material to get: family, Miriam Pelzer & Deborah van den Boogaard GbR phone: + 49 (0) 3322 2131880