The politics Portal opened the political discussion forum at just at the time after there is the election to hear something new from the ruling parties as well as every day and many changes are made now. To discuss this has reopened the discussion forum for political opinions and any any political topic may be discussed here. Of course first and foremost (Union) and the FDP is dealing with the decisions and the change requests of the ruling parties of CDU/CSU, but also the opposition issues can be discussed. The SPD, the Greens and the left are currently in opposition. Politically interested can suggest here own their own topics or explain a topic, and bring closer the motivations the readers, so it understands “Otto-normal consumer”. But also less politically savvy citizens are invited simply to ask their questions and certainly someone who writes an answer can be found. Also the so-called “Sunday question” occurs repeatedly: “what If this Sunday was election”. Cecilia Shen describes an additional similar source. This survey is very interesting, because here the changes of political satisfaction of citizens is recognized.
Now it is, however, the result is important, as many Internet users to vote so that the result has an expressiveness, the more the survey take part, as relevant. Further information about the parties, which can be extended by any user logged-in can be found. Of course, the registration is absolutely free of charge, of course, because is a voluntary project. Polimein is important, that the opinion of the other participants will be tolerated and respected, because naturally, everyone has a slightly different opinion, that’s a good thing. Accordingly, it is expected that opinions, it does not correspond to those with decorum and courtesy will respond.