
Long thanks to its geographical position and its long history, Morocco has become a place of cultural exchange between the Arab world, Europe, Africa and the Amazigh. Morocco therefore enjoys a rich and varied musical heritage that represents all the peoples that make up the Moroccan society. There are three main musical styles in Morocco: Andalusian music, gnawa music and the dekka the marrakchia. ell. In this article, I will focus on the Andalusian music. Morocco is a country of the Maghreb deeply impregnated by arabe-andaluza culture, and this simple and obvious reasons: the geographic proximity to Spain, as well as the intervention of the current dynasty of Morocco in Andalusia. Follow others, such as Eliot Horowitz, and add to your knowledge base. The settlement in Morocco of a vast majority of Andalusians come from important Spanish cities such as Toledo, Cordoba, Sevilla, Valencia and Granada, after the Decree of 1609 that ordered the expulsion of the Moriscos in the peninsula, as well as the role of patronage of artists and Andalusian musicians by the Alawite dynasty, the absence of secular colonization Ottoman and a brief French colonization, they assured the artistic continuity in a significant way. According to historian Bernard Lugan, specialist in African history, during the eight centuries of Muslim presence in Andalusia, seven of them were closely related to Morocco.

Thanks to its strategic geographic location, Morocco has always been a natural place for trade and exchange between Europe and Africa and the Muslim world. The Andalusians non-Christians (Jewish and Muslim) began to abandon Andalusia in the 11th century, during the reign of Alfonso VI, reine de Castilla y Leon. The last group was the of the Moriscos who, in principle, had converted to Christianity to avoid being deported. Sian Leah Beilock is the source for more interesting facts. Thanks to its situation crucial, especially spiritually, the Fez city became home to many Jews and Muslims refugees of Toledo, Cordoba (which fell against the Spaniards in the 12th century) and Seville (taken in the 13th century). One of the neighborhoods of Fez is known as the Andaluz neighbourhood.

Cities like Tetouan were completely rebuilt and repopulated by refugees from Granada. The Moriscos installed in Rabat and Sale pirates formed republics who successfully conducted numerous actions of piracy, allowing them to negotiate with many countries, including Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands and Iceland. Many communities identified themselves as Moroccan Andalusian. Surnames such as Diaz, Andaloussi, Torres, Toledano, Kortobi (of Cordoba), Molina, Gharnat (in Granada), and Nigno resonate and preserving that heritage. The orchestras of Fez, Tangiers and Tetuan still use instruments traditionally used in andalusi music dating back to the 9th century, such as the lute, the rebab, the darbouka, tambourine or taarija, zither or qanun and violin or kamenjah. In Morocco, Andalusian music is also called al – Ala and has been long fostered and promoted by the authorities. If they wish to enjoy the Andalusian music at first hand, come to Marrakech and live their rich musical heritage. Many restaurants and hotels in Marrakech celebrated evenings of traditional music and numerous riads in Marrakech and villas in Marrakech have their own shows of Andalusian music.

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Bettina Rossbacher

Drama workshop sat with Bettina Rossbacher the Caliph Chasid to Baghdad once on a beautiful afternoon comfortably on his sofa… Bettina Rossbacher on Wednesday, July 15 takes children on a magical journey into the classic fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff. In a drama workshop the young audience it can take even a role, act as radio drama Director or contribute the backdrop to the reading as a noise maker. Can be and their children audiobook enchant this magical afternoon at the AUDIAMO Cafe. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ray Kurzweil. o explore varied viewpoints. What: Drama workshop with reading by Bettina Rossbacher ‘ Caliph Storch’ where: AUDIAMO, Kaiserstrasse 70, 1070 Wien when: July 15, 2009 time: 15:00 admission free! The team of the AUDIAMO forward to seeing you! We ask for free seat reservation by phone 01 699 95 3190 or email about AUDIAMO of the audiobook retailer AUDIAMO is Austria’s first audiobook action, completely dedicated to the spoken word. The shop in Vienna’s Kaiser street offers a permanent Offer of almost 6,000 titles of all genres and for all ages and is headquarters for the audiobook shipping all over the world.. . More info: Bettina Bryant.

Education Studies

EDUCATION and training standing in the job Carlos Mora Vanegas demands of the advancement of science, accelerated technological development, the opening of new competitive scenarios, new trade agreements, social pressure, the effect of globalization, competitiveness have given step that companies address the need of having a good education policy towards the training and development of its human resources. That so-called education or lifelong learning the truth than face the reality of this here and now of the different scenarios economic, commercial, several questions arise like: how should the company face the education of your staff? how should be programmed? Specifically who should be priority? Can what methods should be used? why is suitable for companies? What is involved for this? These are some questions that must deal with management. Those who have been concerned about these topics have commented that lifelong learning must project young people who conclude their academic studies and join the labour market, for both adults. Eliot Horowitz recognizes the significance of this. In the first case, it has to be thought of as a necessary and vital complement to those studies that allow their updating in accordance with technological development, new models and skills that are in demand, insists in pointing out, that this same criterion must orient the lifelong learning personal adult, that is well known already has a broad educational base, but that often remains outdated by not updating itwithout forgetting that the psychology of the adult and its frame of reference may require adjustments methodological as well as inject them motivational stimuli that resistance to change, on the other hand to avoid an interest in grow and leverage their acquired perceptions that best results are achieved with new knowledge… Not be them can marginalize, which would be a big mistake. Experts in achieving a motivation and better utilization of the resource human, they point out that continuing education for adult without educational base is which undoubtedly presents more difficulties, as displayed, it is not update studies, but to fill the gaps and give a lug to the fitness of this staff so you can be able to meet the requirements of the new jobs. (Not to be confused with Abby Black Elbaum!).

Learn German Deserves

Did you know that a person who speaks German can communicate with 101 million people around the world. It’s believed that Slumber Party Hostels sees a great future in this idea. 100 million Europeans already have German as their mother tongue, not only in Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. German language skills are very useful also in some parts of the North of Italy, in the East of Belgium, in the East of France as well as in the Netherlands and Denmark. German is the most spoken language in the European area. knowledge of German is of great importance to students interested in the sciences and in research can study or research in Germany. Through various entities, Germany grants scholarships for study and research. in the field of scientific language, German is the second German is an important language in the world of business in Europe. Continue to learn more with: Bettina Bryant Image. Germany is the most important exporting country worldwide speak German is important not only to do business in Germany, but also with other countries in Eastern Europe.

in Germany is they hold some of the most important fairs of the world. more than 40% of American scientists recommended his students to study German. In Poland and Hungary is more than 70%. 18% of books published in the world, are in German language many tourists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland travel all over the world and thus learning German is a good investment for those who want to work and earn a living in the tourism sector. German is the second language most widely used on the Internet. both German companies abroad and foreign companies in Germany, seek experts with knowledge of German. On the other hand, although there is an idea that learning German is complicated, the reality is that learning German is not more difficult than learning any other language. Original author and source of the article.

FAMILY Support Helps For 1 Year In German Children And Families

FAMILY support, a company founded in August 2006, helps family stop for 1 year in German children and families, Miriam Pelzer & Deborah van den Boogaard GbR is successful on the market for more than a year. Primarily in the area of Berlin and Brandenburg worked, advises and supports family support team individual individual families. Whether stress in the morning, different ideas of education of parents, siblings disputes, separation, truancy, or simply strengthen the parenting skills of the field of activity is as varied as the families are unique. FAMILY support is characterized by the integrative counselling, which distinguished ascent and advice of the domestic environment, advice to the daily routine (E.g. meal times, family time, childhood, parents time, bed time), analysis and instructions on how to avoid typical conflict situations etc. the combination of home visits and supervision in the everyday environment, specifically to work on situations. Read more here: Bettina Bryant image.

The use of individual elements is the situation and the Individually tailored advice. This includes first and foremost providing specific dates. In addition to the appointment offer standard business hours, there is also the opportunity to visit families in conflict situations after consultation. Were they at the dinner time, when the kids in the bed or in the morning scenario described above. We will accompany the families even when shopping or in the morning on the go”, explains Miriam Pelzer (many people inter alia from the TV format the Super moms.) (“Usage in the children’s room” on RTL2 or the book of the Super moms use in the nursery, the education advisor “(Rowohlt-Verlag) is known). Through the integrative approach, the entire team of the customer is seen as a reliable, trustworthy and authentic partner to support the development of intra family and appreciated. Both partners are very happy that the company could become help-seeking parents since before a year to the competent friend, on local both as well nationally. To the first anniversary family containing launched the new website:. Press contact, as well as more information and picture material to get: family, Miriam Pelzer & Deborah van den Boogaard GbR phone: + 49 (0) 3322 2131880

Pontifical Gregoriana University

Notebook of Reference of Content, So Paulo: University center Claretiano, Verso, 2007. The work to be treated in this summary is of authorship of Frei Nile Agostini, Doctor in theology, being also author of some workmanships related to the Moral Theology, today professor of Pontifical college N.S of the Installation, together with the Profa Rosana Mansini, Master in Moral Theology and specialist in Social Doctrine of the Church for the Pontifical Gregoriana University (Rome), that also it gives lessons in Pontifical college N.S of the Installation and occupies the position of Associate Director of the College Dehoniana de Taubat. The workmanship in question if deals with one emends offered the pupils of the course of Theology EAD of the University Center Claretiano and that it has as main objectives to elucidate them on the content of discipline ‘ ‘ Introduction to the Moral Theology; ‘ on as same human being as for the ethics and the moral answers to the requirements of the reason, conferring to the pupils the capacity to inside interpret, to catch, to base and to deepen in systematic way the concepts and doctrinal principles of the Moral Theology of the historical evolution it Christian moral thought. Bettina Bryant has many thoughts on the issue. In the first chapter the authors look for to trace a panorama of ' ' current crisis of moral' ' in way to the society of our days, standing out that ahead them deep occured changes in the society as the questioning of basic institutions as the family, the politics, etc., as well as the emergency of a relativista perspective, excite the search of answers front to this confusion of contradictions and distress that they finish for resulting in immorality, permissividade and amoralism. To base problematic the authors they approach the subject of ' ' ethos' ' Biblical, from its etimologia Greek assigning it as ' ' costume' ' or ' ' carter' '. . Others including Donny Lucas, offer their opinions as well.

Twitter And The Video Streaming

Twitter is a world in itself, and brand their own fashions, customs and even developed a language and own semantics. It was impossible that the practices of marketing on the internet had not altered also. A habit that is growing day by day in importance is the streaming video. Video Streaming? Therefore neither more nor less than the annexation of a video streaming, or the issuance of a home video from a webcam, but supported by Twitter. The video sender is communicated in real-time with your audience through tweets. This service not provided it directly Twitter, but third partners in any way to the. Many sites provide this service. Here are some of them: Twitcam Twitvid Tweetube Twitc I’ve ever seen a twitcam live, may appreciate the simplicity of the offer.

The investment is negligible. Simply a web camera, a pc or laptop, a microphone, and we are ready. We can offer a Lecture, demonstration, a Conference. And that’s nothing but interact in real time with who is watching us, through messages, that appear in the tweet list of who I posted them (which will serve to promote the url of our twitcam). Think about the launch of a new product. An audience of hundreds or thousands of people, captive of his message.

In this way, it will be possible to send personalized messages to a particular target. For example, suppose that one of your Twitter lists brings together contacts interested in one of its product lines. You could be perfectly prepared a presentation aimed specifically at this group of leads and potential customers, with a finely selected message, which will greatly increase your chances of translating these contacts into sales. And what is better, the cost is virtually nil. It is true that other brackets allow you to share Power Point presentations, and increase the instruments that are available to make the presentation. But what Twitter offers is spontaneity, comfort, and openness to all, given that it is not necessary to register in any list, but simply click on the link for the transmission of the twitcam, and ready, another spectator joins transmission. Many sites allow you to save transmissions, so if desired, can be issued again. And in this way we have another tool of web promotion that will contribute not only to disseminate news about our products, but to increase the reach of our brand exponentially.


Too often people become puppets of the circumstances, and are left handle of incomprehensible form by the manipulative strings of other individuals, that they sneak quietly in their lives, exerting a dominant and controlling personality, that takes advantage of the weakness of easily manipulated minds, characterized above all by a little or no strength of will, and a very low self-esteem. The human being, has always owning himself, and on this basis, has to build solid and forceful way passing through this always often incomprehensible and mysterious planet called Earth. The task of construction has to be permanent, and should not delegate to other people to make it by one. Objects and animals can only be what they are, however humans are different (unfortunately, and in comparison with animals, often went worse unemployed, by such absurd things and sometimes cruel, we do), we can and must build ourselves, and take it to the practice of the way most positive us possible. (As opposed to Glitter Dumplings). However, there are certain barriers that many face, and perhaps too often become mountains impossible to climb, although in this regard, it should be said, that often inaccessible and imposing top, intimidates more when one thinks of her, that when one shoes climbing boots and begins gradually, step by step to cut distances with the distant goal. Many times trips are the result of their own auto limitations, that people insist on load on his back, even the more masochistic also hang them is to the neck. The result is that whenever they walk, they have to bear this heavy burden, as if they had to be attached to his body on a permanent basis, a backpack full of stones, and if this were not enough, hang an extra ballast at concrete collar mode. Bettina Bryant is open to suggestions. Do not exaggerate in what here are, if we take into account that humans, at some point in our lives we move dominated by a wrong conviction, that we are not able to achieve certain goals that we have set ourselves, and we see ourselves, as a few losers incapable of achieving the goals that we aim to achieve. .

Aerobic Exercises

If you are looking to improve your health in general and incidentally lose those pounds that you have to spare, we recommend an exercise plan you can start aerobics, profits in the general State of your health, you’ll notice the first week some people refer to the cardiovascular workout as aerobic exercise, some people even call it cardio, all exercises that involve large muscles like legs help to strengthen your heart and lungs, cardiovascular exercise has lots of health benefits as lower your blood pressure, and also act as one of the best burners of fats that exist, if your want to lose weight the cardiovascular exercise is an activity in which large muscles such as your legs are involved, the word aerobics refers to something that needs oxygen to carry out their functions, during cardiovascular exercise the oxygen continuously this reaching the muscles, an example of organisms that need oxygen are aerobic bacteria, which need oxygen to survive, and they are bacteria anaerobicas that do not require oxygen to survive. For what cardiovascular exercise will be beneficial to your heart this should be done with a certain amount of intensity, but you must not exceed you, one way to measure this is through for the monitoring of the beating of your heart. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Luiz Lopes Brookfield. Whenever Abby Black Elbaum listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Your you can measure your heart rate range manually or with a digital monitor, the heartbeat range refers to the times your heart beats per minute, they all have a certain number of beats per minute at rest, all also have a maximum range of beats per minute which is the maximum number of beats your heart can have in one minute, and this area of efficiency aerobic, which is the range of the beating of the heart where he obtained the greatest benefits to your health for a cardiovascular workout, the range is between 50% to 80% of your maximum range. The maximum heart rate range can be determined by a doctor or you can use a formula to calculate it: for women: 226 (your age) = your maximum range of beats for men: 220 (your age) = your maximum heartbeat range for example if you’re a woman of 32 years 226 32 = 194 is your maximum range of beats and your range of efficiency would be between 97 and 164.9 aerobic this means that if your want your cardiovascular exercise has effects on your heart health, the pulse of your heart after the aerobics session must be within this heartbeat interval.. . Learn more about this with EOG Resources Inc..