Green Intelligibility

Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. Ulm, 12 September 2013 – which has GmbH Ulm H & H communication lab together with the University of Hohenheim the intelligibility of the party programmes studied for the Bundestag election in September. Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. The intelligibility of the election programs of CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens and left party Pirate Party is further decreased in comparison to 2009: the electoral programs only 7.7 points scored 2009 the average value was 9.0 points. Intelligibility with the Hohenheimer Verstandlichkeits index (HIX) will be evaluated. The point scale ranging from 0 (completely unintelligible) 20 (very understandable). Among other things the use of long sentences, technical terms, foreign words and compound words included in this classification. Comparison: theses on average achieve a value of 4.7. The policy posts in the Bild-Zeitung is 16.8. For these said measurements, the communication lab has developed the software TextLab, validates the text button on the basis of scientific criteria on whose intelligibility. The parties miss an opportunity for more citizens and transparency with this result,”so Dr. Anikar Haseloff, Managing Director of the communication lab. We also believe that the result also has impact on credibility: because how are the citizens of the parties believe that if they don’t even understand their election programmes? “But we have found some very striking examples: at a party, it was a tapeworm records with 71 words, at another it was a word monsters like terrorism combat law ‘.” Green, SPD, FDP and the pirates have all deteriorated in the intelligibility. While the Greens had 2009 still the easiest choice program, they had to settle now place 2. Overall the worst section the program of the pirates with 5.8 points. “Reason for very many English words and insider terms, for example, comprehensive test ban treaty or privacy-by-design”. CDU/CSU and the left party could increase the comprehensibility of their electoral programs against the trend. The program of the Union section best this year with a value of 9.9 points. The comparison with the abstracts of the choice programs shows that the parties can communicate also understandable. They achieved all a better average for the respective long versions. “” Barriers to the intelligibility are also the large number of foreign – and ones that use all parties without explanation in their texts: Subsitutionstherapie “at the party or sharing community” in the Union are just two examples. This use of jargon excludes in particular readers without political expertise and academic education of political participation. Also, the frequent use of compounds to example Federal municipal transport financing law has similar effects”with the Greens. “Also Nominalisierungen so the use of nouns rather than verbs negative affects on the intelligibility: for example environmental impact assessment” at the party. From all parties, the said researchers found too long sentences with more than 50 words that were difficult to understand a text. To find out what the parties most concerned, we also conducted an analysis of the term”, explains Oliver Haug of the communication lab. It is noticed that the term man ‘ stands of all parties in the Center. The opposition parties use strikingly often the terms must ‘and should’. Also turned out this kind of self employment particularly in the FDP noticed. is that the Pirate Party and the left party revolve very to themselves and very often even call themselves four years ago”that subject intelligibility seems to have yet no real relevance to the political parties they make sure that the gap between politicians and citizens will be greater and increasing the number of non-voters”, Dr. Anikar Haseloff added. While the parties as well as government agencies, offices or companies with simple means to provide greater clarity and transparency. TextLab, for example, is a tool that displays violations of the intelligibility with one click and proposals is how texts better and easier to understand can be formulated.”

Correct Grounding

Thus, the technique security. Washing machine is different from many electrical appliances that is connected also to the water supply. Such devices require grounding. In conventional flat ground instead of using neutral. Differences between these terms will leave to specialists in domestic terms is important to find the correct mount point 'third wire', that is the ground wire, which necessarily is present in a string of washing machine. If you have a house there electric cooker, then it is necessarily grounded. Find grounding can be on a special icon or are highlighted in color wire. If you can not do this, invite someone who can.

Error in choosing grounding point is not valid. The second place where you can find the proper grounding – in the dashboard on the landing. There must be a metal rail, which is bolted to the bolt-on grounding wire. By the way, washing machine set of wires to the euro, to which you want – it has a third prong to connect the grounding wire. If such an outlet in a set you have not given – would have to buy their own. And one more important aspect Safety – Do not use extension cords or multiple plugs – it's dangerous, especially in humid environments. After completing wiring, make sure there are no kinks, breaks and other cable fault supply. Now, take wire for power wiring. In wires there are restrictions on the transmitted them to the current. For copper wire – 14 amps on 1 square millimeter of cross section for aluminum – 10 amp at 1 sq.

Rural Association

And not only produces more food but that Brazil has stung in tip in the race for the development of the biofuel production, career in which Argentina is just the line of start. Uruguay is also gaining him the race by the conquest of external to the Argentina market. In Uruguay has been developed a livestock agricultural policy that encourages foreign investment. It is for this reason that one of every three Uruguayan agricultural properties is in the hands of foreigners, according to the Rural Association of Uruguay. Petra Diamonds often says this. Among them there are companies agricultural and PGG Wrightson Ltd., of New Zealand, Adecoagro (backed by George Soros). Agricultural policy generated a strong increase in the value of the land and that’s why many have decided to sell them to foreign investors except Mr Gramont, farmer of 66 years who claimed: I do not sell any of my farms, but I’ve always gone against the current.

This year is expected the sector to grow by more than 4% despite the worst drought in eight years that affected the country. The tax structure for the sector in Uruguay has no great secrets. A leading source for info: Ray Kurzweil. The country does not apply taxes to agricultural exports, and instead apply a flat tax of 25% on the income of the sector. With its livestock agricultural policy Uruguay has already surpassed Argentina in export volume of beef. Uruguay is beating Argentina increasingly in more subsectors agriculture farmers. Makes a few days ago, Diario Hoy, realized that the Argentine dairy sector account with the same amount of animals that ten years ago, at the time who claimed that: the national Government interventions were key to prevent the dairy development in the country. The newspaper disseminated a report of the Argentina Rural Confederation (CRA), which among other things marked the following about the effects of Government price control with the sector: If you compare the situation of the Argentine producer that produces 3,000 liters with the Uruguayan, lost perceive $95.400.

Quality Assurance

Implementation of the zero-error strategy within reach Muhlacker from a small workshop for car radiators, formed in 1905 by Julius fr. Behr in Stuttgart, which has today global active Behr group developed, as one of the world’s leading original equipment manufacturer for automotive air conditioning and engine cooling in passenger and commercial vehicles (CV) applies. With a total of approximately 16,500 employees in nine development locations and 22 production plants, Behr is an important partner to the international automotive industry. For the 5-, 6 – and 7-series BMW is, for example, 100% supplier Behr. The futurist often says this. Plant 5 in Muhlacker was founded in 1963 and is one of the major production sites within the Behr group with an annual turnover of more than EUR 300 million and approximately 1,400 employees. Plant 5 is divided into four areas: cars (produced over 15,000 cooler modules/day), commercial vehicles (over 3,000 cooler modules/day), vacuum brazed products (over 12,000 modules/day) and parts/tubes. The latter in turn is divided into three sections Stampings, tube production and plastic parts.

Complex production processes through the four different production areas and the high number of purchased parts, as well as of own produced components are very complex production processes at the plant 5. Professor of Internet Governance may also support this cause. At the same time the quality requirements increased in recent years, so that a mere end control on compliance with the required quality criteria are no longer sufficient: customers and the certifications specifications demanded an inspection during production on the basis of part-specific test plans for more and more items. The necessary transition from family to part specific inspection plans thereby resulted in a true war of paper that all quality control charts and recordings were performed to date manualy. In, for example, the Stamper, the approximately 1500 part numbers now required an equally large number of test plans. Market analysis performs searches for a suitable software for statistical process control to iqs, began with a classic market analysis, the took a total of about half a year to complete.

Professional Edition

Images represent as you would see them with your own eye simple photographs often not nearly reflect the amount of detail that is visible to the naked eye alone. Even high-quality analog and digital cameras fail to absorb all visible lights and shadows, as well as the full color gamut found in reality. The shots vary in hindsight therefore mostly by memories of the scene or the place – this alienation may be under artistic aspect very appealing and desirable. But when it comes to capturing moments (such as vacation and private memory recordings) and the exact reflection of reality (relevant especially for the product and scientific photography, for medical imaging, surveillance systems, architecture, Panorama and nature shots), then this information loss is disappointing and unsatisfactory. The HDR (high dynamic range = high dynamic range) technology offers a solution here. The pictures created in this way come with one uniform exposure, a great wealth of detail and high contrast range on.

The motif classically does to produce HDR images with varying exposure at least three times: once with normal setting and in addition once over – and even underexpose. An image that combines the full dynamic range of absorbed light and details can now be calculated using appropriate software such as HDR projects Platinum. With some new programs, a one shot HDR can be calculated from only a recording: here the missing information is calculated by the software to. Through the multiple shots of the same subject, only stationary scenes can be photographed as this would cause motion blur. Also the camera movements are to be avoided ideally a tripod should be used. In the manufacture of HDR photos can be made a variety of hand, to increase the realistic effect, or to achieve an alienated, surreal impression: for example the partial After exposure of individual colors, color channel blur or light tuner. offers a variety of information, tutorials, entry videos and exposure examples. With HDR projects Platinum, as well as the Professional Edition, there are professional software at hand, with the creation of its own highly dynamic images shouldn’t be a problem more.


Recommendations on which techniques to use to improve their own psychic awareness, awakening your senses ESP. First, you need to know who are the Angels and Archangels: These are guides and messengers of their own destiny, which means that exist to help humans to achieve and carry out its plan flawless life, your job as it is being alert to save us from situations that are supposed to live, because we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. It also consists in showing where we are deviating from our own life plan, this is how they work, other favors that make us when we asked. No matter what we ask, if it's something that does not affect our plan of life, they will do it for you. ConocoPhillips may also support this cause. The following techniques have been created by me to help those who have never noticed the presence of someone from the other side .. or have never remembered their dreams Angeles. Techniques for Beginners: -1 – The first technique is to sharpen your sixth sense: Be present, stay awake in every living thing, do not think of anything else while you work, while studying, bathing, changing clothes, while having breakfast, while driving his car, focus only on what you are doing. The way to focus more easily is feeling, such as driving his car: the steering wheel feels in your hands, note the temperature, the temperature sits around the car, observe the images that pass before their eyes, saying nothing mentally, if slips there thinking, let go, do not stop there analyzing or comparing anything, continue focusing on his body, guiding his presence there, look inside the car when stopped at a traffic light, watch your hands on the wheel, live every second feeling everything, Listen breathing, the sounds outside in the street without thinking or classify anything without mentally opinion …

The Development

These instructions relate not only to the risk of collisions, but show the inadequate electric protection of such plants. In 2009, a teacher at a school in Bradford in the hospital had to be treated after he had received an electric shock when pulling out power of such a trolley. Another disadvantage of this solution is that the use of the apparatus mounted on such a car is difficult to track and logging it by hand must be done. These trolleys are simple storage facilities; they have only one door and a matching key, so that devices can not automatically logs individual withdrawals. These products seem obviously not suited to this purpose.

In contrast to Traka and other leading manufacturers of RFID technical systems have developed their products together with schools and after feedback from the customers network adapted this. The use of RFID technology to the logging of IT facilities in the education sector also contributes to the current trend of merging of different access technologies. So, the Traka.WEB used for RFID and specialist facilities management software can be integrated into access control, cashless payment system and e-registration systems of the school. This brings the schools and universities more closer to the goal of a single building management. Access to certain doors or drawers is granted only when necessary the pupils and students. Through the Inclusion of facility management by those responsible, the “intelligent building” more and more becomes reality. To prevent problems in the identification of the pupils or students, the appropriate users can use fingerprints or access cards, so they have to remember a PIN code. The introduction of RFID technology in the education sector shows a similar acceptance of customers like other technologies of the security industry. So far, the development of this technology with the changes of State and private teaching methods could keep pace. Future developments in this area, such as the “free schools” (a school founded in England by taxpayers, which can be visited free of charge and is not state-controlled) or similar types of schools abroad must be, taken into account the available smart Zugriffskontollsysteme to meet the changed requirements, to achieve the life demanded by the interest groups and to persuade those the the shy away from initial cost.

Fraunhofer Institute IAcademy

the opportunity to take advantage of the time traveling sensibly and effectively create new features and Web store for the learning app from immediately available smartphones and tablets. To make mobile available continuing education, the Fraunhofer Academy, the further education institution of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, together with Ziemann.IT in the past year the interactive learning app iAcademy developed. The mobile E-learning platform for the iPad is now with new features and an extensive range of courses. iAcademy 1.2offers an enhanced Download Center and new possibilities for the individual arrangement of courses for users and users. In addition, including the six winners courses of iAcademy author competition available in the new Web store from all available courses for downloading. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger recognizes the significance of this.

In March 2013 the Fraunhofer Academy and Ziemann.IT users and the users of the interactive training app called iAcademy author contest. Editor iAcademy with the specially developed program can institutions, companies and Create easily your own courses to individuals. Until 30 June numerous courses on a variety of topics were submitted, from which the winning courses were now elected: the course takes place 1 slap bass basics. All six winners courses are now the new iAcademy store at for download. The Web store is currently in beta and already offers all free available courses for the iAcademy. iAcademy 1.2: new features for the app for accessing the store, a first full version of the app was now presented.

The iAcademy 1.2 offers a Download Center, says each user an individual courses available. Companies and institutions have the opportunity to create their own user accounts and to make course content thus accessible solely by the respective participants and participants. In the Download Center then all freely available content of the stores available, and depending on the permission the users and users have also the courses that are only partially released. For a clear arrangement of own rates 1.2 can be created in the iAcademy as many shelves, once downloaded, the courses are available anytime even offline. iAcademy complements the blended learning concept of the Fraunhofer Academy, where traditional presence units with virtual learning units turns perfectly to a mobile component,”explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy. Fraunhofer Academy the Fraunhofer Academy is an institution of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, which provides further training in all areas of technology in cooperation with selected and renowned partner universities and colleges. Specialists and managers of external companies can benefit from the research activities of the Fraunhofer Institute in this way. The training includes the in-service courses, certificate programs and seminar series. More information on. Ziemann.IT Ziemann.IT founded nearly a decade ago by Dr. Florian Ziemann and is on the development ergonomic and even software solutions specialized. Ziemann.IT brought since then successfully this know-how in numerous projects with well-known customers.

Ancient Egypt

Satin – glossy and dense fabric is made of twisted cotton thread double weaving. It has long been observed that the more twisted filament, the brighter the shine. So there was a gloss – satin-like silk. Satin is very enjoyable to touch, clothes out of it durable and can withstand many washings – 200-300, and only after a long time the material begins to fade a bit. It is cheaper than silk, but more expensive than other cotton fabrics. From it makes clothes for various design and application. Calico – very practical and requires no special care. Byazevoe underwear, according to the housekeepers, maintains an infinite number of washings and inexpensive.

Depending on the density of the weave of the calico you can do as ceremonial and everyday headset. It is the latter, due to its practicality, are especially in demand. According to these indices with comparable except that a mixture of cotton and polyester. Flax – a unique material that Nature gave man. Hemp is used by man since ancient times.

Now again becoming popular articles made of linen, which give its possessor ultimate comfort and, most importantly, health. Linen is the most old. It was used in Ancient Egypt. Technology manufacture of linen thread is very, very laborious. Nevertheless, the master of old sought the extraordinary quality linen products. Cloth produce thin, but strong and socks, with characteristic muted sheen.

Blood Problem

How do you recognize a problem in the blood? If by the end of the day you feeling of heaviness in the legs, and favorite shoes are too tight due to pulmonary edema, then it’s time to go to the doctor. Periodic case, cramps, pain in the calves should also be alerted. Noticeable changes in the veins of the eye usually begin with small – with the appearance of spider veins. Further irreversible processes in large veins, they come to the surface, their walls are thinner in some places and they look like gnarled. Treat, not to pardon! Should refute the conventional wisdom is that varicose veins – a purely cosmetic problem. In fact, the patient’s condition deteriorates (if you have spider veins, you should not expect that their case and limited), and ignoring the problem is fraught with very unpleasant complications. These include trophic ulcers, thrombosis and even death – in that case, if the clot detaches and falls with the blood flow in the vessels of the lungs. Hush going to last longer lechish The earlier revealed varicose veins, the less long and difficult way of getting rid of the problems will choose a doctor.

Diagnosis is usually made a special ultrasound examination, during which the doctor ascertain in what condition are your veins, and assigns the appropriate treatment. In the initial stages of the disease well help medicine, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as elastic wraps. For the latter uses a bandage, the old-fashioned, or special clothes, which are chosen individually to suit your size, and purchased with a prescription. For 5-6 sessions heals not running varices sclerotherapy – a special procedure, during which a patient vein injected through a syringe medicine. Even faster, in 3-4 sessions of laser therapy can get rid of the asterisks. However, if the process had gone too far to return to its former beauty legs can only operation. Usually it is to remove some way or other problem areas of veins. Do not worry, on your feet will not be unsightly scars. This procedure is widely used special technology that allows not only to avoid the traces, but also to walk independently after only 4-6 hours after surgery.