
Future staff in Cologne: Hall 2.2, stand E. 06 / access, time and safety in an overall system primion simplified human resources management through sophisticated systems for timekeeping. Systems of primion for timekeeping, intelligent scheduling is quick and easily doable. The results are clearly designed. The time information is available for further processing. “At the fair future staff Cologne” (17-19 September) informed primion in Hall 2.2, stand E. 06 about the many benefits of primion time recording systems.

Also the collection of primion is as individual as people. Interfaces to SAP as well as wage and salary programs such as E.g. DATEV or soft research are available. The integration into existing IT environments is possible at any time. The software prime WebTime by primion offers many possibilities for analysis and corrections: for attendance summaries, time recording, Kontenabfrage, overtime, absenteeism and capacity planning. Overviews and reports are created by the primion software for time tracking on screen, on paper or in the form of the file. Various working-time models and clearing rules allow an automatic overtime Bill.

Holiday, off-site or doctor be taken into account. A Kontenabfrage is possible via Terminal, PC or mobile phone. Holiday applications can be made easily on your own computer. The Chief with a mouse click can do workflow scenarios such as E.g. approvals. An invaluable advantage for human resources departments. The primion attendance terminals are the ideal complement to primion software for time tracking. You have a user-friendly menu structure, reliable and expandable functions and can be complemented with biometric components. On request, they serve the access control, such as the Terminal DT parallel 800 NG and DT 900. A touch is enough to trigger the desired function with the finger. The terminals can also Access control are used. Admission for time and security into a single overall system: it can only primion!

GS Elektromedizinische Gerate

Central control of product documentation and software localisation Carlsbad, March 14, 2012. With the GS Elektromedizinische Gerate G. Stemple GmbH another leading international provider of the medical technology industry has opted for across systems. The company is a manufacturer of equipment for the emergency and intensive medicine technology and relies on the across language server in the translation of software and user interfaces, as well as product-related documentation. Thus GS in the future and want to avoid redundant translation efforts optimize processes, especially for updates. The GS Elektromedizinische Gerate G. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ray Kurzweil has to say.

Stemple GmbH is a successful, internationally operating family company that developed innovative medical technology for the emergency and intensive care medicine for 30 years and manufactures. At the company’s headquarters in Kaufering, more than 130 employees deal with the development, production, quality management, customer service, marketing and sales. The brand corpuls sold defibrillators and patient monitoring devices are in use around the world. Due to the global orientation, also the software on the systems and user interfaces, and the instructions are translated. Alone the instructions for the defibrillator/monitor corpuls comprises currently 400 pages, while the instructions for the application of telemetry is documented corpuls.web around 90 pages. Currently the company delivers its devices in 18 languages, in the medium term, extending to 21 is planned. Due to the constantly growing product range and the concomitant increased translation volume server GS the across language introduces – a market leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company. In addition to the price / performance ratio, especially the usage possibilities of the language server spoke.

Without having to purchase for additional modules or even an external solution, across GS can edit both documentation and software interfaces. The editorial is at the same time and implemented content management system by Fischer Computertechnik. So are the texts modularized, to minimize the editing and translation effort.

Video Courses

Was a notorious soviet times children newsreel, which began with a splash as a serious focused toddler hefty hammer splits the "nut of knowledge." Next came a small plot, where adapted for school-age form sets out some scientific facts. Newsreel called "I want to know everything!" And was very popular among kids. Still would be a much more interesting to learn something new from the video-clip, than the words of a teacher or a boring textbook. Perhaps it was the first video tutorial. In our time, video courses enjoy growing popularity, and it is quite Zalui. Lenin once said that for us the most important of Art is a movie. True, he is saying about the circus, but we have this part of the utterance zamnem for clarity. So, about the movie.

It's no secret that the best way to digest the material, reinforced clarity. Many writers such as ConocoPhillips offer more in-depth analysis. That is not just information, and accompanied by any clear actions and pictures. Video courses in this regard, close to the ideal, they are not only detailed description and teach something, and show how it should look like. Someone might argue that a teacher or tutor can teach a lot better. Teach what he can, but not always and everywhere. Not everyone can afford to take a tutor, for example in a long trip, but take a small notebook with set of video tutorials is not problematic.

"Owls" learn best stuff at night, when normal teachers sleeping naproveryavshis control, but the disk with videos and a pair of headphones are always ready to work. If something could not understand the first time, a tutor, of course, explain, and the second time to explain, but the third time will not want to ask again in order not to fall into his eyes, but the video tutorial can be reviewed at least ten times, and then and all twenty. Site "Tutorials and video courses – self-education for personal success" offers a great selection of different information products. If interested, you can verify this personally, having the address. Except videokursom, visitors are invited to purchase Audiocourses and electronic books. Catalog is constantly updated with many interesting new products, even the most captious visitor can find a something worthy of attention. Good video courses (and others on this site and does not happen) are developed by experts with extensive experience and high qualifications in the area on which is written for a specific course. Buyer receives the most adapted for quick understanding and remembering information product that provides an opportunity for 10-15 hours to learn the knowledge, to learn that students in higher education takes years. And there There are many benefits, revealing themes that can not be found in the programs of any institution. Here and the latest computer technology, and interpersonal relationships, and methods of work on your own website, and Sport still a very large number of useful and interesting information. Never late to learn, but it is better not to postpone the split "nuts knowledge" on the back burner. The sooner will begin to learn something new, the sooner will opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in practice. And the video tutorial just the fastest and most convenient way to obtain this knowledge. Of course, the leader of the world proletariat, bent over the world revolution, but the movie and its modern successor – a video for us to this day are the most important of the arts.

Treasury Entry

The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. The starting point for the transition to the electronic paper tax deduction card fell at the beginning of the year 2013. The name is now ELStAM (electronic LohnSteuerAbzugsMerkmale) and employers can get information to their employees such as tax class online at the tax authorities. For employers, so that the transition could be stress-free and after an initial period was given. Some employers have not done that yet.

For this reason the OFD Niedersachsen indicates now that the entry no later than 2013 must happen to the payroll. The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. Many employers already successfully switched to employers since the introduction of the ELStAM time, has been extended gradually to adapt to the conditions. Because the operational procedure and the software must be adjusted for the conversion. However, the grace period of the Treasury ends at 31.12.2013.

this expressly indicates the OFD Niedersachsen. For companies or employers who still do not have gone, that means that time is running. The conversion must be made with the payroll for December 2013 at the latest. Financial management has so far can draw a positive balance. Many employers have gone successfully. The electronic income tax deduction is possible for their employees. Employers who still do not have gone into the process, need to worry in time drum so that the retrieval of electronic characteristics for the settlement is possible in December. For the entry in the ELStAM method on received useful information, sample letters and current instructions. Also be answered many questions about the procedure. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available.

Released MPDS Version

3D-Anlagenbau: Fast and dynamic with MPDS4 version 5.2 Moers, Germany September 10, 2013: version 5.2 software for the 3D-Fabrikplanung and the 3D-Anlagenbau MPDS4 contains new R & I functions, dynamic routing and move tools, tools to download & select parametric components, and a new option for the 3D DWG export. The catalog-driven 3D with MPDS4 saves compared to other 3D CAD systems time and provides better performance. Both benefits reduce the supply, presales or the detailed planning phase of industrial projects and at the same time provide an inter-process data exchange. With this release, we have expanded our tools for dynamic routing and intelligent design. This project periods be shortened while at the same time high-quality engineering data are generated, which can be easily exchanged with customers and suppliers,”as product line manager mark Simpson. New mpds4: produkte/medusa4/neu-in-m4/neu-in-medusa4-und-mpds4-version-5-2.html Extensions: P & ID the current P & ID module receives a new configuration tool, which now offers the possibility to manage attributes or symbol libraries and edit. Dynamic construction of piping, air channels and conveyor systems version 5.2 includes a new feature for quick and intuitive auto-routing, piping, air channels and conveyor systems. There are also new tools and options available for moving components, dynamic loading of parametric resources and building uneven floors. MPDS4 dialogue dynamic loading of parametric components of version 5.2 includes several new features for selecting, editing, loading, and intelligent positioning of resources. 3D DWG and AutoCAD support MPDS4 user a new flexible 3D-Datenaustausch and Farbmapping expected for 3D models including bi directional conversion of 3D DWG. As soon as the module together with MPDS4 is used, the Farbmapping for the 3D models used in MPDS4 is used automatically. The CADConvert interface supports now also AutoCAD 2013 data exchange and data management MPDS4 offers comprehensive import and export interfaces. For 2D: DXF, DWG, for 3D: DWG, STEP, IGES, STL, COLLADA (Google Earth), as well as VRML and VDA-FS. A new Windchill PDMLink Workgroup Manager for MEDUSA4, delivered with MPDS4 together, 2D/3D construction system, is now available. With this version, many of the PLM/PDM integrations on the latest versions of the third-party of system have been adjusted. MPDS4 version 5.2 is the CAD Schroer as a free upgrade available to maintenance customers. New customers benefit from renewable energy at the time of a 70% discount. MPDS4 action for alternative and renewable energies: produkte/mpds4/mpds4-aktion-fuer-alternative-und-erneuerbare-energien.html about CAD Schroer CAD Schroer is a global developer and provider of engineering solutions. Company of machine and plant construction, the automotive industry and suppliers and the public utilities, energy and water management are its target market. With several branch offices and subsidiaries in Europe and the United States the company presents itself today more and more up-to-date than ever. CAD Schroer’s product range includes solutions from the area of construction, plant construction, factory planning and data management. Companies in 39 countries rely on MEDUSA, MPDS and STHENO / PRO to move efficiently and flexibly in an integrated design environment between all phases of product or system development.

What Every RSS Site Needs

RSS or Really 'Simple Syndication "is not just for blogs and news sites. Every website can benefit from this newly popular technology. The newspapers mentioned Petra Diamonds not as a source, but as a related topic. Syndication The term is what throws a lot of people off the track. Syndication items is as news, right? It may well be. But think so.

If you had a brick and mortar store and decided to lead a new product line, how do people know? You could advertise of course, but with no alternative better is to send a press release to the local newspaper. The business section can lead to your ad for free. Now back to our cyber-shop in the virtual space. If you add a new website, or make substantial changes existing pages, how to let your customers (both former and future) know? You can send an email to their old clients, but the spam-blocking software will prevent half of them to get your message. And track mailing lists, unsubscribe requests and address changes is nothing less than a nightmare.

Instead, send a press release through RSS. Interested customers will have their observation programs newsreader for your ads, and receive the news as soon as you send it. The announcement will include a link to the new or changed, and your customer can click on it if interested. It is true that unless you click through that could read a message from you – but those who do reach your site in a more receptive frame of mind. And email readers still need to access your site to see the new page anyway. If you make additions or frequent changes in your site you must have its own RSS feed.

Web National Institute

Then you can calibrate ycomo an instrument at home or the office, for example, at a lower cost? One of the most common techniques is to freeze or simply carry distilled water to a boil, and watch the temperature of the spacecraft with its radiometry. This requires: ensuring that his spacecraft is large enough to ensure that the size of the radiometer is less than the observed surface. That the observed surface ship by radiometry is flat and perpendicular to the plane of the observer. What can be reasonably ascertained the spacecraft surface S and in the exercise of its powers of level II. That lighting and other heat sources impacting minimally (RT). Contact using traceable thermometer to ensure the expected reading Notes: Keep your records and when does the maintenance of the reports for their clients. You will need to exercise the repeatability between obtaining annual readings, to discuss the where, when and how to perform the calibration. andwith how often you should calibrate or validate an instrument? Normally, instruments IR (infrared) are calibrated or verified annually.

A simple and single point of validation of their radiometric, often performed before performing a scan. Validation is a concept for securing and usually does not require much time and calibration. The Cost of radiometric calibrations through third parties, such as a calibration laboratory or manufacturer calibration laboratory, is expensive. Manufacturers are often the only source of correction radiometry. This is due to the use of proprietary software in the radiometry. The calibration laboratories are not the manufacturer only be able to provide evidence that radiometric traceability is within the manufacturer or its specifications.

If you intend to spend more money to get your own black body (highly recommended if you use Thermography Level II), some sources have been listed at the end of this article. A more complete description of traceability and an excellent source of key terms in the calibration are provided by the NIST: References 1. – Measuring instruments – 2. Web National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States (English): 3. ANSI / NCSL Z540-2-1997 American National Standard for Expressing Uncertainty, U.S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement 4. Infraspection Institute's Level II Certified Infrared Thermograph Reference Manual. "

Apple Mac

The previous MacBook Air featured an ultra-thin design at the expense of removing the DVD drive. The funny thing is that, in the case of the computer, included an installation DVD to recover the system in case of error or major problem. Something quite contradictory and which required having a second PC or Mac connected to a WiFi network for installation. The new MacBook Air has solved this problem in the most logical way: now the recovery system will come in an accompanying computer USB memory. A complete success that also has a quite got design and a very small size. Is this a new system of distribution of Software by Apple or something unique for this computer? If you can’t wait to try it, in K-tuin.com you will find all new models of macbook air and macbook pro in Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao and the rest of Spain. W City News Blog Archive Real Madrid Vs FC Barcelona 2-6 World City Information and Tourism The Better Computer Mac Or Pc? Excel recovery Better Computer do data recovery Barcelona 3 0 Atletico de Madrid Real Madrid 2 0 Recreativo de Huelva? 2 Make take a look at AutoCAD WS for iPhone and iPad iPhone, Mac, iPod, find all the information of the Apple universe in Blog K-tuin 24-10-2010 Seville Ath. Bilbao 4-3 Highlights Spanish League Highlights.

Washing Machine Repairs

What should be the repair of washing machines. Company "Moscow Repair Service" is committed to open some trade secrets of their activities. However, it is not no secrets. This head-Principles our work, because we have leadership in the Moscow market. Of course, the repair of washing machines imported and Russian – troublesome, you certainly do know this firsthand.

You probably know that the repair washing machines imported and domestic in-house can also become a real torture, which will not withstand the power to even the most housewifely, the "zolotoruchny 'owner, not to mention the most our clients, for whom the inner world of household equipment as simple and clear, as the universe. However, in the "Moscow maintenance service" you get rid of all the problems, troubles and worries associated with malfunction of absolutely any household domestic appliances including washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, etc. We offer our customers the widest range of high quality service, which will help you to tame any appliances, purchased by you in order to facilitate its own existence. And the major differences (ie as in the title – the principles) of our paper are the following: 1. Repair of washing machines in Moscow, as well as other household equipment in Moscow maintenance service is carried out at the highest professional level. You should not doubt the quality of our work – it has been confirmed by the thousands, hundreds of thousands thank our immediate customer feedback, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturers of modern household appliances. Our company employs only highly qualified professionals with many years of successful experience in the repair service generalists, and we are always willing to undertake even the most difficult technical problems.

Ordering in Moscow maintenance service repair refrigerators or other household technology, you are guaranteed to receive outstanding quality service. 2. We offer you a rush, quick repair of refrigerators and other household equipment. the situation. Speed, agility, mobility – these are inherent characteristics of our work, and you can always rely on us. The work of the Moscow maintenance service measured in hours or even less – minutes, and we are working only at the time that is convenient for you. We do not will come to your house when you will not. We will come only when you say, and do so as it is convenient to you. Fast repair of refrigerators in Moscow and repair service – this is your chance to not think about the lack of time. 3. We offer you best prices on repair washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, computers, etc. Due to special corporate structure, established business and professional relationships with manufacturers and suppliers household equipment and components of domestic and foreign brands, a unique automated distribution system orders, we were able to achieve the highest efficiency of their work. Therefore, our customers, knowing what the price of home repair refrigerators in Moscow maintenance service, do not think more – where to turn for help. We do our job quality, fast and inexpensive. 4. We have a wide service range. We suggest you repair washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, computers, and the full range of domestic equipment manufactured by both Russian and foreign companies. The complexity and scale repair work for us is not a matter of principle, we can all. We offer you the widest repair service washing machines and any other household appliances. Choose the Moscow Repair Service. Our services repair washing machines, dishwashers, computers, refrigerators are indispensable.

Green Intelligibility

Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. Ulm, 12 September 2013 – which has GmbH Ulm H & H communication lab together with the University of Hohenheim the intelligibility of the party programmes studied for the Bundestag election in September. Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. The intelligibility of the election programs of CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens and left party Pirate Party is further decreased in comparison to 2009: the electoral programs only 7.7 points scored 2009 the average value was 9.0 points. Intelligibility with the Hohenheimer Verstandlichkeits index (HIX) will be evaluated. The point scale ranging from 0 (completely unintelligible) 20 (very understandable). Among other things the use of long sentences, technical terms, foreign words and compound words included in this classification. Comparison: theses on average achieve a value of 4.7. The policy posts in the Bild-Zeitung is 16.8. For these said measurements, the communication lab has developed the software TextLab, validates the text button on the basis of scientific criteria on whose intelligibility. The parties miss an opportunity for more citizens and transparency with this result,”so Dr. Anikar Haseloff, Managing Director of the communication lab. We also believe that the result also has impact on credibility: because how are the citizens of the parties believe that if they don’t even understand their election programmes? “But we have found some very striking examples: at a party, it was a tapeworm records with 71 words, at another it was a word monsters like terrorism combat law ‘.” Green, SPD, FDP and the pirates have all deteriorated in the intelligibility. While the Greens had 2009 still the easiest choice program, they had to settle now place 2. Overall the worst section the program of the pirates with 5.8 points. “Reason for very many English words and insider terms, for example, comprehensive test ban treaty or privacy-by-design”. CDU/CSU and the left party could increase the comprehensibility of their electoral programs against the trend. The program of the Union section best this year with a value of 9.9 points. The comparison with the abstracts of the choice programs shows that the parties can communicate also understandable. They achieved all a better average for the respective long versions. “” Barriers to the intelligibility are also the large number of foreign – and ones that use all parties without explanation in their texts: Subsitutionstherapie “at the party or sharing community” in the Union are just two examples. This use of jargon excludes in particular readers without political expertise and academic education of political participation. Also, the frequent use of compounds to example Federal municipal transport financing law has similar effects”with the Greens. “Also Nominalisierungen so the use of nouns rather than verbs negative affects on the intelligibility: for example environmental impact assessment” at the party. From all parties, the said researchers found too long sentences with more than 50 words that were difficult to understand a text. To find out what the parties most concerned, we also conducted an analysis of the term”, explains Oliver Haug of the communication lab. It is noticed that the term man ‘ stands of all parties in the Center. The opposition parties use strikingly often the terms must ‘and should’. Also turned out this kind of self employment particularly in the FDP noticed. is that the Pirate Party and the left party revolve very to themselves and very often even call themselves four years ago”that subject intelligibility seems to have yet no real relevance to the political parties they make sure that the gap between politicians and citizens will be greater and increasing the number of non-voters”, Dr. Anikar Haseloff added. While the parties as well as government agencies, offices or companies with simple means to provide greater clarity and transparency. TextLab, for example, is a tool that displays violations of the intelligibility with one click and proposals is how texts better and easier to understand can be formulated.”