
The collection and comparison of results was through the summary report provided by the SPAV to complete the evaluation. We obtained 256 pairs of reports. Results The results obtained from the summary report of the SPAV allowed the following analysis: Comparison of results obtained with the Test of Articulation of Repetition and the first application of SPAV. We compared those items that both tests evaluated: phonemes in initial position, middle and end, consonant and vowel diphone diphones. The overall results of both tests agreed 100% (Normal, dyslalia and presence of PSF). Comparison between the two applications of SPAV in relation to the number of matches obtained. We compared the first application made by an audiologist, and the second application of SPAV, performed by another professional, finding an average of 81.02% a overlap between the results obtained from both applications. Given the above results we can conclude the following:

a SPAV The software presents the same results as the Test of Articulation to repeat with the advantage of automatically process the results without interference from the examiner. 2. a The coincidence of results found between the first and the second application of SPAV, conducted by different examiners, was highly significant beyond 80% matches. 3. a The application of SPAV is surprisingly quick, independent examiners. Obviously the more the user becomes familiar with the test, the faster your application. Importantly, there was a 18.98% of discrepancies in the results obtained by different examiners and investigators who attribute it to the following: Differences among examiners: The clinical experience of each of the examiners and in particular their ability to discriminate sounds and PSF of children with more problems may have influenced the difference in results.

Management Knowledge

When night falls, fear tends to the door, and when the day he moved to the hills. Afghan proverb The dictionary defines knowledge as “the product or result of being instructed, all the things that are known or that are contained in science.” The dictionary agrees that the existence of knowledge is very difficult to monitor and reduce their presence to the detection of its subsequent effects. The knowledge is stored in the person (or other agents). This makes it almost impossible to observe. Some authors believe that “knowledge is the ability to solve a particular set of problems with a particular effect.” Knowledge is an integrated set of information, rules, interpretations and connections made within a context and an experience that has happened within an organization or a general or personal.

Knowledge can only reside within a connoisseur, a particular individual internalizes it rationally or irrationally. As noted, there are multiple definitions knowledge, from the classic and fundamental as a true and justified belief, to more recent and pragmatic as a mixture of experience, values, information and know-how that serves as a framework for incorporating new experiences and information, and is useful for action Most people have the intuitive sense that knowledge is something broader, deeper and richer than data and information. We will try to make a first definition of knowledge that allows us to communicate what we mean when we speak of knowledge within organizations. Knowledge is a mix of experience, values, information and know-how that serves as a framework for incorporating new experiences and information, and is useful for action.

Russian Realty

Also in Europe are highly popular eco-friendly products (PVC skirting or other plastic now there are hardly used), although this is not about Russia. However, the manufacturer operates within the framework of the market, where it manufactures its products, ie arranged under a certain consumer and the size of his wallet. Produce moldings of high quality is possible and in Russia, but the road skirting a cost-effective floor covering (laminate) will not look very nice. And this is taken into account. This is a of the main problems of manufacturers of accessories on the floor: they are quite difficult to operate separately and independently from the manufacturers of floor coverings. But today, manufacturers of accessories for laminate flooring may offer exclusive and unique products that are still designed for a very small percentage of buyers (about 5%), as this is the number of people in Russia can afford the expensive accessories. Not so long ago the market baseboards divided into the cheap and expensive. But now he is full functionally: cheap, with cable channels, with different types of outlets, exclusive, expensive and very expensive.

The segment is now almost fully formed. At the same time you can always add something exclusive and extraordinary, but to create a new segment in this niche would not be inappropriate. Russian Reality tendency to simplify – the main trend, which is so characteristic just for skirting Russia. Many manufacturers of moldings and accessories offer unique products, the costs are very large and complex installation.

Private Construction Of Houses From Glued Beams

Good day my dream is a house of laminated veneer lumber. Of course, I came to this is not right and how many people in our country first, like a house cheaper, ie, made of ordinary timber or a maximum of bricks. Algorithm for building a house own this. 1. Man buys land. For more information see Ray Kurzweil. 2. Puts it shed for temporary accommodation. 3.

And quietly builds his house. Basement, walls, roof and trim. For me this is not an option because have children and live without terms of my family can not. This option only seems simple in execution, in fact, a similar long-term construction is harmful, especially for the home. You as the sole builder of the first construction season, so he knocks of the forces that you have lost all the enthusiasm and the house is not at risk of being unfinished. Remember how exhausting simple repairs in your apartment.

And if you use a cheap material, and the process of building carries no pleasure. Poorly hewn logs lie askew. You notice a wide gap between the rims, which tell you about the additional costs for finishing and insulation. That way of arguing his own house, I came to his Dream. In the network a lot of information about the benefits of certain technologies. Some are very cheap, others expensive, but higher quality. Everyone is trying to show the best side of their product, so I will not repeat here technological characteristics. If desired, you can find it yourself.

Real Estate Agencies

How many articles have been written about the crisis and falling real estate prices, but I was curious about how the crisis will affect the real estate agencies, will increase if the demand for private realtors. And anyway – what are the prospects development of real estate business. Just want to warn that the figures that will be mentioned here, are not supported by any research and this is just my personal feelings. So let's begin. What will happen to the agent after end of the financial crisis is not difficult to foresee: the number of agencies will be reduced, major real estate agency will gradually eat the smaller ones, are under severe crisis conditions will survive all complicated. There will also be widely spread sale of franchises, using that medium-sized agencies will increase their presence in the market.

If the fall of the situation with property prices are not stabilized, the percentage of 25-30% of real estate agencies do not break down and cease to exist. Part of experienced Realtors joins the ranks of private brokers, will join the other part to the large agencies. Already we can see how very large real estate agencies, such as "Miel" and "Best", reducing their offices, trying to cut costs somehow retain their brands. The agency "Mian" generally goes to the regional market. Of the five largest real estate agencies in Moscow will be able to survive the crisis, probably only a few, which include "MIC Property and Inkom. During the crisis will increase the number of private realtors, I think that the number of transactions, conducted by private realtors reach 25-30% of the total.

But even among private realtors do not everyone can pass the test of crisis. Someone generally leaves the profession, someone will join a real estate agency, but those who can withstand the severe conditions of crisis, after it will just rest on our laurels, fighting from customers wishing to use their services. Outcome. Over the next few months to reduce their activities several large and many medium and small real estate agencies. Survive only real estate agency, which in its arsenal are all kinds of services: rent, suburban, commercial, overseas and residential property new buildings plus the professional and cohesive team, leadership and technology literate work in the real estate market.

Housing Problem

Form the intention. For you to be such a need, then you must submit to what the apartment is like to live. How many rooms there should be. That there should be, and what you need for comfort. feeling

Assess your capabilities. Guaranteed for Facebook to Solve the housing problem, you need to pay 3 amount. I agree, not enough money! But the warranty is worth it! Believe me, I know! If all at once your chances do not coincide with Your intention, then – in my opinion an excellent opportunity and incentive for more fulfillment. productive is not it? this, (about my friend, I’ll write in my other articles as soon as possible). Trust One real estate professionals which recommend their friends and acquaintances. Dial real estate professionals, trust him completely! This is important! (Po – this need to know who is going to be dealing with.

About me read on my creative website I clearly know, What should be asking you to work effectively, what information is needed and the landlord does not need you on (more on this in future articles), for example, I know how to be the first to show the most popular rental apartments, and in all my luggage there are many other secrets! Like the apartment Shoot! – If you like the apartment on the first show – Rejoice! and Shoot! Imagine how much time is left on your pleasure! time, but now expensive, as in other and everything else. The fact that it requires will walk more to seek, select, should be very happy for you! Remember! I show only those options that I like! This is a should be always with you. To rent, which like you, was up to your Be sure to take externally with money (at least on bail 5000-10000) and a passport. The apartment can just slip away to exactly who cared to take them. Check the documents to the landlord apartment. From the documents must contain the following: passport, certificate of ownership. There are in addition the circumstances under which the lessor has the right to take my apartment, for example, and powers of attorney, etc. Agentessa Knows everything that must provide the landlord in the eye and circumstances. Necessarily constitute a lease apartments. The Treaty is a very useful and thing. necessary even in such a banal, if suddenly the data will be lost, accidentally deleted from your phone, the contract all, everything is absolutely written. Look Agentessy contract. There’s even a “data point meter.” my contract with no apertures on its obligations. Know and Follow these simple rules and your question is housing always a solution!

Pacific City

We always associate the nodes. You can say, with units starting our day we delay the shoe-laces, bow, sash. Gathering in a way, delaying the rope again and things were binding sites. When we go on vacation, we again persecute nodes – in trunks, tents, Fishing nets, networks. In a word, string (cord, rope) was and remains an important tool for people. These days, even in outer space people could not do without a rope (it was a special synthetic rope) it was used as a breakaway late in the output of the pilots of the spacecraft in space.

For whatever needs no rope is used, it is inconceivable without knots made her special weaves, cords and eyelets. As soon as picking up a string, we immediately think of how to tie. There are lots of specialties, work that is associated with a viscous units. Take, for example, a weaver, a shoemaker, tailor, etc. Ability to bind nodes for them – particularly the importance of property, and they do it beautifully. Without the ability to tie knots is impossible to imagine an experienced sailor, fisherman fitter high-altitude, rescuers and gliders, Athlete-climber, a rigger, the builder, fireman.

These jobs require special skills to knit needed in their work sites. Representatives of these professions can be seen instantly on already to the way they hands take the rope. A few words about the unusual properties that exhibit specialists at mating sites. How to say 'Guinness Book', is printed each year, the British brewing company 'Guinness', the rate of binding sites Champion is a Clinton Bailey, an American from the Pacific City area in Oregon. In April 1977, in competition league fans binding sites for 8.1 seconds Bailey tied six knots – straight vyblenochny, bowline, clew, 'Leg of mutton' (peg), and a bayonet with two hoses. Nevertheless, no matter how amazing 9 out of 10 new residents in the ability to tie knots quite unable, in this case they are even more naive than our cave-dwelling ancestors. They are best known 3 knots and can tie a shoelace, tie and bow. And ask them to securely connect two ropes to fix a rope to a pole or to build a rope tightening the noose, they do this reliably fail. Why? Yes, because in Each of the three separate cases, they are trying to do the same node, which is still remembered in his youth: and again poluzla poluzla. Tied knot so unreliable and even dangerous. Its strength does not improve, if add another odinodin poluuzel top two.

What Style And Color To Their Liking For The Kids In The Children

Next , which allow mothers and fathers with children's clothes – dress children in starched and white. Then the child begins to constantly hear the warning: 'do not nosis – fall, mess, do not touch until then – it dirty, do not climb a tree – ruining his pants ' etc. Children's clothing turns to 'Idol' and begins to impose conditions: lives in the clothes, not clothes for the sake of life. There are other errors: almost never think about such trifling things like baby clothes. Parents are keen on more important concerns – how to dress, feed, shoes to prepare for school children. Picking up baby clothes, be sure to keep in mind a combination of shades of each other, avoid 'shouting disagreement. " Children can gently feel the beauty. For children of course important in the child's clothes roomy and convenient pockets. This is one of only a sacred repository for their property. Do not buy children's clothes with pockets in inappropriate places such as the stomach, knees and chest. To a child a feeling of unity among the elders, for special occasions (theater, concert, in restaurant), it is desirable to buy a stylish baby clothes: coat, tuxedo, and for girls – her hat and gown and gloves. For children, although more rapidly grow, a sort of children's clothing may catch the fancy greatly. But not must be remembered that such children's clothes in the wardrobe of the child shall be a minimum. Only for special occasions. Kids 100% know what they crave. Children tend to look modern, stylish, trendy, try to be confident. They are free to assume any baby things will be in their wardrobe and make on children's clothes own requirements: functionality and beauty, a feeling of spaciousness and comfort. Unfortunately, kids do not always explain to mothers and fathers cause their whims. Adults are small children's problems seem a trifle on the comparison with the more significant challenges of our tumultuous century. Credit: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger-2011. And yet, the guys completely indifferent to the political War and global disasters. For children is more important than to be loved and appreciated all around. So it is strongly recommended to treat with care preferences kids and take a children's clothing, which will bring many self-confidence and joy. We should not forget about the traits and qualities of age. Importantly also to be able to put yourself in the kid and work together to solve the existing problem. In this case, children will be easily and freely disclose for himself covering the world and sell themselves. Source: Children's Clothing

Convergence Number

The number 2 cups of the picture is completely different. prp was crystallized in its entirety. Subsidence of the upper part has not happened. Large shells do not. The structure of the puf homogeneous (photo 1.2 and 2.2). See Petra Diamonds for more details and insights. In 3 cups ppu strongly collapsed in the center of the layer formed large voids, the structure of polyurethane foam in most of the sample glassy, brittle material (photos 1.3 and 2.3).

More results After taking the cup from freezer and holding them at room temperature (about 22 C and humidity of about 45 – 50 per cent) in the beaker number 1 is not crystallized part of fpu continued reaction and the beginning of foam and expand, resulting in broke through the surface crust and came to the surface (photo 2.4). Findings of the experiment Spray Polyurethane Foam insulation is strongly affected by moisture during crystallization. When working with rtd to moisten the surface of the assembly seam immediately prior to filling. Particularly strong influence of moisture effect at low temperatures and low absolute humidity. Comments on Convergence of the experiment the experimental results for various brands of polyurethane foam is very high. We can state that all well-known brands ppu behave about the same.

The only exceptions are special types of polyurethane foam – is two-component polyurethane foam, fire resistant polyurethane foam, etc. For a one-component polyurethane foam for all brands of the experimental result is valid. Photo 1.1 (glass number 1) Photo 1.2 (glass number 2) Photo 1.3 (glass number 3) Photo 2.1 (glass number 1) Photo 2.2 (Glass number 2) Photo 2.3 (glass number 3) Photo 2.4 (glass number 1) Photos of the opened on the complaint of the real weld Conclusion When working with rtd to moisten the surface of the assembly seam, which is often no one does, or make overly generous, and then protective tape do not stick to wet surfaces.

Programming and Compilers

In 2004 appeared Modula-2 compiler, which is on efficiency and quality surpassed all high-level language compilers, available at the time of the software market for personal computers. Unfortunately, even vusloviyah capitalist market the best product does not always win, and the package remained in the shadow of more publicized Turbo Pascal and C. In 2007, clarified the basic concept of JPI – focus on multilingual programming. This year, were released C compilers, Pascal and Modula-2, working in the general programming environment, complemented by powerful means of interaction. Unfortunately, that release contained too many errors and correcting them took too much time.

This book describes the implementation of programming TopSpeed V.3.02 latest release, which fixed all the errors identified during the operation of previous versions and polished many of the ideas and technologies that were first used by J Pi and largely determined the development of compilers in the 90s (eg, optimizing compilers, passing parameters in registers instead of the traditional stack). Recently, by the way, optimizing linker technology was sold to Clariori, which also went right to use the trademark TopSpeed. In this particular version of the package is a modern environment development of programs in different programming languages with advanced tools preprocessor (using pragmas in Ada style to control the compiler and linker). These funds overcome incompatibility of libraries and object files created by different compilers. In a medium TopSpeed you can create a program written in C, C + +, Modula-2 or Pascal, using a library of graphical functions TurboSi and some math library, written and compiled in FORTRAN. Pragma one you choose the transmission parameters – through the registers (can be set through what) or through the stack (from left to right or right to left), another -Name prefixes specify the procedures in the object file, etc. Special mention should be possible optimization.

Package Builder allows you to turn into an executable file only those procedures, variables and constants of the library or object files that are actually invoked in the program that significantly reduces code size and making it more efficient. Efficiency of the code also defines the default mode of transmission parameters in registers and the use of registers for storing variables during program execution. The compiler is actively working with registers, sometimes it does not allocate memory for the variables described, if it can store them in registers. In addition, used by almost all the commands of the processor, but even experienced programmers in assembly language using only part of the team, reducing the potential effectiveness of the code. The package supports TopSpeed ANSI standards for C and C + +. Implementation of Modula-2 is much broader than that described by Niklaus Wirth standard, in particular, TopSpeed Modula-2 has an object-oriented extension (the objects are compatible with C + +). Package allows you to create executable files, library files and dynamic link libraries (DLL) for MS DOS, Windows and OS-2, a powerful debugger and a lot of tools to facilitate the work.