
If there is a concurrent infection in the lungs this will exacerbate asthma attacks. Diagnosis of asthma your veterinarian will take a complete medical history and attempts to determine what triggered the asthma attack. He will want to take an x-ray of the chest and may even need to make a bronchoalveolar lavage to obtain a sample of the Airways in the lungs of your pet. Support for a large part of the successful treatment of asthma asthma is identifying triggers. If the triggers you can identify and delete, then there is no other treatment necessary. However it is rarely possible to identify all triggers or even if identified it may be impractical to remove them. Because of this it may be necessary to put your dog on medication of lifetime to control asthma attacks. Conventional drug therapies include: * Bronchodilators * corticosteroids * antihistamines are there free of drugs for asthma treatment? As the owner of a pet with asthma, you should be aware that your pet may be on medication for life.

Alternatively, there are natural therapies and complementary against asthma in our pets that have been shown to promote the health of the respiratory system and they do this without the side effects that often accompany the use of conventional medicines. During the past few years increasingly more pet owners have begun using natural and complementary therapies to support the well-being of your pet. Natural therapies that can relieve the symptoms of asthma include: * medicines herbal (naturopathy) * Homeopathy * acupuncture a combination of herbal and homeopathic ingredients such as Inula helenium, Althea officinalis, Mag phos, Kali mur, Arsen alb and phosphorus can be used to promote lung health. Natural remedies for pets can also be used along with conventional treatment for asthma. Remember that it is important to discuss any changes to the current medication for your pet with your veterinarian.