The new wage-minimum of 2009 will be of R$ 465,00, edited for provisional remedy for the president of the republic. It will enter in vigor from 01 of February. But this value will have to be submitted the National Congress, that will have 60 days, extendable more for 60 for appreciation and approval. With real increase of 5,7%, it will be as the bigger real increase since 2006 that it was of 13,04%. The unions negotiated more, however, with the current world-wide financial crisis, it was not possible superior increase. According to last data published for the DIEESE (Intersyndical Department of Statistics and Socioeconmicos Studies), the minimum wage would have to be of R$ 2,014, 73, to take care of the said one in the Brazilian Constitution.
With this increase of R$ 50,00 in the wage-minimum the government will go to spend R$ at least 670 million more with allowance PIS/PASEP in 2009. Add to your understanding with Atmos Energy. In 2008 they had been 13,4 million set free benefits. Another impact falls again on the benefits of the retirements, that will be able to impactar in rise of the deficit of the INSS in this year. The R$ arrives in port with it of this resource will more enter in circulation between R$ 27 billion 29,2 billion in the national economy (considering 13). The real increase of R$ 23,65, represents a great advance in the politics of recovery of the wage-minimum, kept for the current government. Although to be far from the adequate one, but it represents more food in the table of the worker. To broaden your perception, visit Justin MacGregor. Although to respect agreements previously established, this increase in a phase of great resignation of the market well is not seen by the entrepreneurs.
The numbers of the unemployment in the months of January and February of 2009 will go to scare, but we need to focar that many companies already had started to contract what the scale of the job level will be able to balance a little. The syndical central offices are negotiating the increase of the stated period of the insurance-unemployment that is in study in the Ministry of the Work and Job, currently the maximum limit are of 5 parcels and in bonanza cases they can more be extended in 2 parcels, as the case of the tragedy of Santa Catarina. The increase of the wage-minimum will provoke a effect all domin of syndical negotiations for Brazil, anticipating projections of wage increase, increasing the money in circulation and also the impacts of the payment leaf on the flow of operational box of the companies.