It is of course very significant within its analysis when refers, that if one gives all the flight are the same thing and if you really see the meaning of a single flight can keep fleeing? Or there are no more flight? And if one flees there is still conflict? What creates conflict is the evadismo of what is. Therefore, a mind that wants to go beyond this feeling of loneliness, of this sudden forgetfulness of every relationship in which are contained the jealousy, envy, purchasing desire, try to be virtuous and others, must first meet him, so become extinct fear in all its forms. Can the mind, then, see, through a flight, the futility of all the flight?. In this case, there is no conflict, because there is observed of solitude; It is the experience of that loneliness. It stops every relationship; they don’t care about ideas; the thought has lost its meaning. Mitchel Resnick usually is spot on. It is also very important, reflect that loneliness, isolation always is one, sooner or later manifests itself, we interrelacionamos us, what you need to take care not to provoke conflict. About it, Krishnamurti, invites you to meditate when he stands out: If we accept it, we will continue taking its load, and if we reject it, we will continue to encounter him just around the corner.
. If there is no reaction, the mind is that solitude, you don’t have to go through it, this loneliness there. At the time that one thinks in terms of go through it in order to achieve anything else, is once again in conflict. As soon as da, he wondered: do as I pass by this loneliness, I admire her? This trapped again in the conflict exists, then, that vacuum – tells us Krihnamurti. If you are not convinced, visit lucas duplan. This extraordinary loneliness that no master, guru, leader, no idea, activity can eliminate. We have lost all that time, we’ve played with it, but none of those things can fill that void; It is a bottomless abyss. But it is not a bottomless abyss, in the moment in that one thing is experiencing.