Regional Advertising

Today, the Russian advertising market is viewed quite a serious problem with the quality and effectiveness of advertising. Most likely, this is due to the large annual recruitment market with new advertising agencies, employees are not enough qualified and have substantial experience in the advertising industry. Thanks to these firms Russian advertising has significant losses during the time of development, the accumulation of positive experiences and increasing the budget of the advertising market. During the existence of the Internet in Russia was not created by any Internet resource that would allow us to collect and systematize the common experience of marketing and advertising agencies. Just the opposite, none of the representatives did not wish to share the negative experience of the advertising firm, he represents a positive nuances carefully hidden. This is understandable because this is a corporate secret, but if you delve into this issue and drew on past decisions, we can avoid future mistakes that are usually accompanied by huge losses.

If the Russian market players pull advertising major cities, with regional advertising, things got much worse. Here, every now and advertising production companies that create tangible promotional product, rather than information management. Ie regional agencies offer already finished goods or service as a shield or ads in newspapers, advertising text and design of the customer or as a free (for low wages), an application to purchase advertising space. Advertising campaigns are not computed, and the market is not analyzed. Hence, a huge budget, attracted to the advertising and low efficiency. Tver Region is one of the closest regions to Moscow, but by no means the most successful. Advertise it has developed long and not very significant.

He has a sufficient number of television channels, newspapers, billboards of outdoor advertising and other things. But the economic situation in the region still falls short of its goals. The fact that many entrepreneurs Tver, Tver Oblast and the city Kimry in particular pinning great hopes on advertising in the beginning (and in the process) of their business, but do not get the desired result from a particular agency are disillusioned with advertising and looking for other methods, wasting time and money. Of course, it is clear that in itself is not advertising can be an "improvers" of business, and its success depends on many other of its sides. But in the Tver region is a little who are interested in, and not all know about it. To be continued