Portuguese Language

Ahead of such consideraes, we will leave of the following problematizao: one knows that the pupils of the final series of Average Ensino suffer with an imbalance how much to the development of its abilities of reading interpretation of texts. What if it considers is the application of some concepts of the Analysis of Speech as alternative of activities in the field of the reading, so that if searchs a possibility of reversion in the educational picture that today meets deficit. It was verified, as survey of the Ministry of the Education, that in the national evaluations, such as Brazil Test, Saeb, Enem and Pisa, only 5% of the Brazilian students present adequate level of reading, that is, know to deal with more complex operations, as to relate a verbal text and a not-verbal text, to interpret given in a graph or prices, to establish cause relations and effect, to relate knowledge of disciplines the knowledge of another one, beyond perceiving the implicit ideas of a text. Considering itself that the reading is the tool most important to decide questions of Portuguese language not only, but of you discipline them to all, is important that the pupil, from it, can work with operations as to compare, to relate, to infer, to conclude, to deduce, to contextualizar etc. We will leave, therefore, of the problematizao of the function of the language to reach the questions of speech and subjectivity for, later, offering proposals of analysis script and, when establishing relations between practical theory and, constructing reflections on the utility that such script can come to offer to the education of Portuguese Language in Average Ensino.

2. DEFINING ANALYSIS OF the DISCURSOAnlise of the Speech or Analysis of Speeches it is an one practical and field of the Lingustica and the communication specialized in analyzing ideological constructions gifts in a text. Very it is used, for example, to analyze texts of the media and the ideologies that bring I obtain.

Busy Telephone

Each device of telephone is on to the Central office through a pair of wires, with the monophone in the hook the electric tension in these 48 wires is of about volts. When the monophone is removed of the hook the tension falls for about 9 volts, because of the fall of tension in the resistance of the net. This tension can vary of 6 the 14 volts depending on the length of the handles that bind the telephone device to the Central office. You may find that the futurist can contribute to your knowledge. Normally resistance of a telephonic line is of 280 ohms for kilometer, which had to this the more far the telephone will be of the lesser Central office will be the tension in the pair of wires. The chain of the line can go of 30 the 70 above me for the same explained reasons. The telephone devices function normally with a minimum chain of 20 me. Without hesitation Professor of Internet Governance explained all about the problem. With the monophone are hook the Central office ‘ ‘ entende’ ‘ that it exists a linking order and it supplies a 425 signal of known Hz as Tone of Line. At this moment, assuming that the telephone is in the way of Decdico dialing (Pulse) the line is short-circuitada the number of times of the dialed digits, the obedient Central office generates the Tone of Ring with about 70 volts and 25 hertz and applies to the line that will be connected setting in motion the circuit oscillator of bell of the telephone, at the same time generates the Tone of Calling and sends to the telephone that is originating the call.

When the called telephone is removed of the hook the voice of the interlocutors provokes variations in the line chain, these variations is applied to the hybrid of audio, to amplifiers finally to the transducers (receiving capsules). You may want to visit Salman Behbehani to increase your knowledge. The hybrid of audio allows that the system operates in full-duplex, that is, can be spoken and be listened simultaneously. In the case in the way of dialing for Tone, when a keyboard key is pressured the integrated circuit discador generates two tones that modulate the telephonic line and arrive the Central office where dialed numbers are interpreted as and everything occurs in the same way in the Decdico.Se way the called telephone will be is of the hook the Central office returns the Tone from Busy to the telephone that originated the call.

MLM Business

There are multiple strategies to achieve success in your MLM business, but definitely attract new members is the heart of your business. In reality these in the lead generation business. Without new members not you can form your team, you can know your products, consume them and promote them with enthusiasm but without affiliates in your team, you have no business. At the beginning of business these extremely confused by the amount of information you need to learn, are the weekly meetings about product information, technical visualization and motivation etc. The foregoing is important but the technique you have to master is the catchment. These are three ways of doing so: magnetic. You’re creating your list of prospects in several ways, from direct contact with your relatives and the references that you may supply or by other sources of recruitment of prospects such as the use of social networks. They cultivate the trust of your prospects, providing them with valuable information, when you you present the business opportunity that you understand you can agree on them, are willing to hear it.

Opting for this strategy of attracting new prospects, you consolidas you as a leader and it has excellent results in the mid and long term. The closer. When you focus you only close business with prospects you get through your members of your team, growing downward but limiting you in grow horizontally. The Achilles heel of this format is that when you lose for one reason or another pair of your best prospects generators, your MLM business is affected dramatically. The Hunter. You can burn your boats and there is no turning back! You have 100% clear that the survival of your business depends on the number of prospects that you can get daily. In any single stage you see business opportunities.

These on autopilot catching prospects. If you go to the supermarket and you find yourself with the supervisor, you come and give him a card, you briefly report you to that you have a business opportunity that can be very interesting to supplement their income or change your lifestyle of long hours of work and have more time with the family. The success in integrating each of these strategies. Now if I have to choose which of the three would be the most effective in the short-term, obviously prefer to be Hunter. Salman Behbehani may also support this cause. I definitely am a faithful believer in the benefits offered by having your own business at home and lead generation is key to any MLM business. It is the responsibility of each of us as an independent businessman in train us on these points key for the success of our business at home.

Google Maps

The cell phone location tracking.With Spybubble, you can always know where is the phone (and the user of the phone).The software makes sure the phone’s location is available through Google Maps, which can also be accessed from the Spybubble web page. Listen to the calls in real time.Spybubble will allow you to listen to the calls.If a call is performing or receiving, in your own mobile (not the mobile with Spybubble installed in it), you will automatically receive a text message that indicates that the number has been contacted in that time, you may hear the call. Now, on the basis of these characteristics, there are three major groups who are interested in tracing a cell phone. Go to Dr. Mitchell Resnick for more information. (a) parents.In my opinion, this is the group that most benefiting from Spybubble, since it allows them to protect their children.In some cases, giving your child a smart phone with Spybubble installed can mean a significant protection from a dangerous situation. For example, there is no need to ask your teens explanations of where they are (a practice that are considered invasive and restrictive anyway).You only have to enter the Spybubble web page and see if they are in school or in your best friend’s House, as he was told it would be.However, the real protection comes when the child disappears, or unfortunately suffers from a kidnapping.If you teach your child to always keep your smart phone with them, you will need a tracking device which will show you where he or she is, or at least where to start looking. Also, sometimes children and teenagers get into serious trouble, but they refuse to tell their parents because they feel shame, fear of being punished or intimidated by thugs or criminals.To read your text messages, you can find if your child has a problem with drugs, anorexia, bulimia, alcoholism, or an unwanted pregnancy.Sometimes the problem comes from an external source, such as a thug or a drug dealer that intimidates his son in silence.In any case, you really want to know and do something about it. Please visit Salman Behbehani if you seek more information.

Sara Carbonero World Cup

Already been about 3 months since Spain won the World Cup, we all remember key parties, the second round, the quarterfinals, semi-final and final match. We all remember the time which Casillas raised the World Cup. Then remember the kiss between the journalist and the selection of goalkeeper Sara Carbonero.Este last made toco in particular all we who work in the world of the beads and jewellery, you will you be asking because. The gorgeous journalist with his kiss blew up a bomb around the planet, the echo passage to the center of the attention of all newspapers worldwide fame since I spend a few minutes that the Spanish team won the World Cup a big media event and large television audiences, all in view of million and million of people. But there was one detail we bisuteros perceive, Sara Carbonero World Cup wore a bracelet of silk thread called Virgin or decenario, a bracelet with 10 knots as a rosary and a cross made with knots also. This type of bracelet has origins in Latin america, is a bracelet It serves to tell the ten prayers of the ave maria and if Sara Carbonero was not going it to take I think that nobody dreamed is to buy it.

But things were not so, as she is very pretty and has a famous, handsome, boyfriend rico in addition to being a good goalkeeper, rapresenta the girl in the summer in addition to being the girl of the World Cup, all this made that broke out a new fashion in 2-3 days following that ended the World Cup, everyone wanted this bracelet or learn to do it. The material of this bracelet in euro value surrounds the 10-20 cents, then by adding five minutes of work involved make it does not have a large final value since it uses little more than half a metre of silk of two millimeters, but in the days after the kiss between Iker and Sara are sold up for 6 euros each. Stores Add-ons had the Windows full of them with all the colors in which it was performed, up by Internet had companies that were advertised as specialized in this type of bracelet without speaking of eBay where if wrote in the bracelet Sara Carbonero search you salian 3-4 pages of search result. That’s the power of the television, thats the media power that has a great influence on all of us, I don’t want to demean the bracelet that bears esistiendo decades, nor express anything negative contro the young journalist and the goalkeeper in the selection, but you have to think that standard if she wore a bracelet made with the cable of the power supply unit of the computer probably could write this article because my daughter I would have cut the mine to make your own bracelet.

National Curricular Parameters

In the initial series the child will find the possibility to exercise works that elucidate slight knowledge of lateralidade, ratio, reduction and spatial orientation. With these interiorizados contents, the child will have easiness to assimilate essential concepts in subsequent series as she scales, geographic projection and coordinates, which are seen today as animal-of-seven-heads for great part of the pupils of basic and average education. These concepts must be worked since the initial series until average education, gradually and with the care of transp them for the language of the pupil. In such a way, the knowledge and cartographic abilities are developed and deepened since 1 series until 3 collegiate, for then to make possible to the pupil the accomplishment of geographic analyses. (VOGES & KEYS, 2010). To work the bases of the cartography in the initial series is of utmost importance for the development of the process of learning of the cartography and this pautado in the National Curricular Parameters of Geography, in view of that the child, to the end of the first cycle of learning, must be capable to read, to interpret and to represent the space by means of simple maps. This engloba to understand as is conceived the specific functions of the map as, orientation, localization, valuation, having understood that these symbols are the language of the characteristic map and give it specify of the representation of geographic way (VOGES & KEYS, 2010).

2.2. DEVELOPMENT OF the STUDY OF the CARTOGRAPHY Having the child, learned the mentioned bases of the cartography in the previous topic, in the initial series, when to arrive at basic education, will have continuity of its process of learning. The importance of the study of the geographic space it is had as lcus of the social interactions, being basic to understand the locacionais principles so that if it can act of conscientious form, from the knowledge of scale, legends, maps and other instruments.


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Real Estate Management Real Estate

Property Management should be carried out on a professional basis by specialized management companies, which have the necessary experience and appropriate staffing capacity in accordance with proven standards and methodologies. Using a professional approach is able to establish an effective system of property management, to achieve the goals of owners in accordance with fixed contract with the purposes and intentions. The owner is entitled to transfer property in the management of another trusted person – the manager. With professional management of real estate achieved effective use of the property for the benefit of the owner, including reduced risks of early detection of their nature, as well as reduced losses associated with the contents of real estate. Get all the facts and insights with Salman Behbehani, another great source of information. Management system Real estate should be based on the unity of the following elements: owner 1.Tseli 2.Analiz efficient use of real estate 3.Opredelenie responsible for the management of each object Real estate people (managers) 4. Control over the subject of management and operations managers 5.Predostavlenie reporting on results management 6.Prinyatie management decisions based on the analysis and testing results and Reporting 7.Postoyannoe receipt, processing and analyzing information about the work of Governors and the state of control objects..

Internet Marketing

Article author: Mauricio Munevar in this article I’m going to say what is the key element that can make many lack to succeed in the Internet business. Then, responding to the question: is it enough with the technique? Clear that isn’t enough, as well as in life, family, work, business, in everything we undertake and always dream must put heart. You think: that is clear logical, but the question is if you really are putting everything to your project. What mean putting heart?, put everything, is to learn to think about the needs of others first and then in the mine, that I should not place money above any moral value, exactly those two words are the foundation of every business that prosper: moral courage. Whenever Dr. Mitchell Resnick listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Every company must have codes because if you don’t have them you can to win money but in the end it will fall, is predestined to fail, so our first point to bear in mind is, before you start a blog, or a page landing, facebook, etc., and before wanting to become a millionaire, must longing to help others learn, and thus be able to give information and at the same time be able to earn money in your Online business. Additional information is available at Salman Behbehani.

Just as there are physical laws, there are also spiritual laws, and you think: ah that bobada, that has to do with my business, which clearly has to do and much, already cannot be denied that there is an energy that each person has and transmits it in many ways, how many times do not have said a sentence similar to this: that boy (a), no me gusta has something weird, does truth you’ve said similar things?, because the energy flowing between us is what I call spiritual. And if you manage that energy is good and others receive it and this in turn deliver the same way will be a very difficult string of break. It’s like you think my friend without having even spoken: Jose Manuel Medina, because this union was created because there is sincerity, there is delivery and many things more than I think that I’ll be dealing much more in my blog. I am convinced that with the attraction of internet marketing techniques and with all your heart, you can achieve what you’ve always wanted in your MLM business.I start my course today and only up to me, if it works or not, good thing that gives us this system is that it is made anti lazy and scammers, good but there are still people who is cheated (why I recommend reading much don’t buy the first thing you see now is given away lots of all valuable information so that tomato a few days to make your decisions). What if I’m insurance that is made anti is lazy, if you want to earn easy money are in the wrong place, but if you want to earn good money and be owner of your time, you came to the right place. That Yes, working enough, although soft and in what we like or well at least to me and many of the medium we love computers and the internet, and this I also believe to be a key point to your advantage in order to succeed and achieve your goal. Jose Manuel Medina is a Networker of the MLM business online. In your Jose Manuel page talks more about Internet Marketing

Intervention and Information

After this training are the teachers (and non-school hours can also be parents) who are natural as educators and since the normalization of their educational, develop prevention programs. Our direct work with students is reduced to developing activities and materials to support teachers in the school. Additional information is available at Atmos Energy. 2. PREVENTION FAMILY: We all know that the family as a key areas of education, is essential to mount an effective drug prevention and should be in all families, although no obvious problems have this problem. Keep in mind that prevention is aimed at universal precisely the population that does not consume, helping and preparing for life without having to run the various risks involved, in our context, the consumption of drugs. This work is performed on all, looking at children and adolescents as mediators, being those that can optimize prevention from natural development of education.

And therefore fundamentally intervene with parents-mothers, so that more effective prevention messages reach their recipients such as children and adolescents. Through this program, among other things, tried at first to raise awareness and encourage families of students in schools, to attend courses on drug prevention, as well as schools to form families. With the development of these activities support these parents-mothers in their training towards the effective prevention in their homes, develop different contents we want to emphasize the importance of communication and modeling of parents in the conduct of its children. 3. AGENDA FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WITH HIGH RISK: At work specifically with families of teens who are abusing synthetic drugs, alcohol or other drugs or conduct tending to show that we can help them prevent to perform. To accomplish this task we can build on a completely confirmed and validated as the Daedalus (), conducted with groups of parents of adolescents considered at high risk for drug use. Read more here: Salman Behbehani. 4. STREET EDUCATION PROGRAM: We understand as a model of socio-educational intervention that takes place in an open environment, using natural environments of socialization to develop educational guidelines adapted to the population that is sought to intervene, ie groups of youths who are at high risk of drug use with which it is not possible to develop effective preventive work from the standard intervention mechanisms.

The intervention model in an open environment allows us to know, contact and intervention with this population in the same environment in which they live their daily lives, which are many risk factors that affect them and where they arise factors develop protective. This model also allows us to contact drug users not in rehabilitation and they begin a process of motivation to initiate a treatment program, as well as work aimed at reducing the harm caused by drug dependence. Therefore, the job will basically open environment intervene educationally with children at high risk. 5. PROGRAM ON NEW ADDITIONS: Before the problem generated by the development of new additions, we try to do a job not only preventive but also to support those people with problems related to their gambling, television, mobile phones, computers, Internet, RPGs, etc. It is therefore, related work with all those additions do not come from drug abuse, but because of its similarity to the problems created by them makes it absolutely necessary work in this field. 6. PROGRAM INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE: Job done with addicts and their families, which comes to assessing the situation before us, information and guidance on the possibilities of rehabilitation are best suited to their problems, while it performs work of motivation for rehabilitation and, where possible, be a referral to accredited rehabilitation centers. '.