When to think about losing, imagines that the force comes of inside of you, believes nobody is born super-hero, we win in them we fight, we conquer, we search the impossible one, and we obtain, because everything that we make is of heart, and everything who is of heart, is true. It learns to be winning, it does not exist formula, prescription, or thing of the type, more exists motivation, force of will, drifts, determination, this that a winner becomes you, you can be crying now, more tomorrow you will be smiling, goes to say that you were born, pra to be successful, pra to fight, you lode to the world to shine, does not stop suffering, you goes to carry through all its dreams, it is enough to believe in from above face, and there most important, to believe you yourselves, to believe that you are not ' ' plus one in multido' '.. Other leaders such as Xerox offer similar insights. . . Bryant Estate has much to offer in this field.