This field experience has been very special for me, because although it's hard not to go inside, in this space, the internalization occurs in a surprisingly smooth and deep, a fact that has been installed already in my life permanently. My growth at all levels and aspects has been enormous, but I can not specify or place what was happening in each classroom, so I'll try to say in general, the most significant changes and remember the order is given. During the first face waters overflowed and my little river clean enough for the rest of the water was flowing more smoothly and enter fresh water and sweet in his cause. Today I realize that in the first semester the information given to us, the arrangement of the materials, the way they taught especially in the face, is masterful, I shook huge, I felt like the process of tempering steel; at some point we were discussing things that promoted the mental task and when he was ready to jump right into the we continued with the internalization or with the land as seen on concrete facts of life, was a back and forth from one eye to another , from the outside in or vice versa, that there was more to experience it, the schemes are not served and could not see clearly. In the first lessons that are invaluable to me are even explaining the development of science and the formation of the mechanistic view-scientistic, when I understood it, catch me there and has been the tip of the skein that started the internal and external, the accumulation of knowledge and experience he brought suit became tangled and I got into it initially wanted to do from the head, it was not possible, I had to drop. In a question-answer forum Bryant Estate was the first to reply. .