
Send flowers through the flower buying on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular online shop Flowerdreams and the number of online flowers purchases increases continuously due to the high-quality offerings of flower and the usability. The offers lure with beautiful flower bouquets, binding techniques and accessories. Flowers send over the Internet is a good way, if you can not visit the receiver. Maybe he lives further away lives, are prevented or sick and can not personally present the flowers. . In the case, takes the place of the flower service and can send the handpicked flowers, a card with a personal message. Usually even a small gift can be resolved the flowers, such as chocolates, plush animal, champagne or wine. You can also anonymously send flowers maybe on the secretly venerated.

The flower vendors work quickly and reliably. Usually, the flowers arrive already on the next working day at the receiver. For that, you can Delivery appointment also your desire. Bettina Bryant will not settle for partial explanations. Besides use in the flowers send over the Internet many advantages: with a few clicks of the flowers are easily from home ordered, you can choose from many flower offerings and compare the providers and their prices. After ordering, you will receive an email order confirmation, where you can check the data you specified. The payment of the flowers is easy: Bank transfer, PayPal or credit card. Some online shops offer also the payment on invoice. In conclusion, one can say: send online flowers is a very good idea and opportunity to make another person happy. And it is very simple, from the couch from home, you can surprise your loved ones and prepare an unforgettable moment. -Flowers of Flowerdreams-


As a general rule, it is accepted that foodstuffs are healthier from a hygienic point of view the more fresh and recent. For this reason, it is not advisable to prolong too storage times, by suitable than conservation conditions. In terms of refrigerated fresh products can be communicated, noted the following storage times: pasteurized milk, the time indicated on the packaging and always in fridge. Sterilized milk or UHT, up six and three months respectively, with monitoring of the preferred consumption date. Once the container has been opened, keep in refrigerator. Yogurt and other dairy products, which allow the date of expiration and refrigerator. Fish, one or two days in refrigerator.Meats, three or four days in refrigerator. Eggs, one week.

Fruit and vegetables: two or three days.Dried beans: ten or twelve months when purchased new, and equally nuts, if stored in airtight containers. Sugar: a year or more.Rice, biscuits: a year or more, with attention to the preferred consumption date. Pasta: a year or more, except pasta stuffed and fresh, with attention to the preferred consumption date. Oils, one year from the date of packaging. Canned canned: without limitation until the best before date.Semi-perfect, in fridge and with attention to the deadline of consumption. Refrigerated cooked dishes: five days from the date of preparation.

Clinical Rheumatology

Pineapple is the fruit of a plant of the family of the Bromeliaceae, which is now cultivated in most tropical countries of the world, and they are attributed to that very beneficial health effects. It promotes circulation, for its high content in Bromelain (present above all in the juice and the stem), that dissolves clots and fluidise the blood, preventing vascular thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes. It helps to control blood pressure, especially hypertension. It promotes digestion because it digests proteins, thereby ingesting this fresh fruit after the meal helps the stomach to perform its function and eliminates side effects of heavy digestion, such as gas, stomach heaviness, acidity at the same time slows down the passage of food through the stomach and produces a sensation of satiety so you eat less. Avoid constipation, because it regulates intestinal transit. It eliminates bacteria of the digestive tract that cause intestinal pains or diarrhea. Is even effective against pinworms. All this because Bromelain destroys the cover of chitin that protects them.

It helps in the treatment of obesity by its ability to digest fats. It helps to remove water from the body, avoiding the retention of liquids, and therefore helping to reduce weight. Effective in the treatment of cellulite, because it promotes the desinfiltracion, mobilization and elimination of water deposits. It eliminates toxins through the urine thanks to its depurative effect, improving the kidney, bladder or prostate problems. It has anti-inflammatory properties very useful to decrease the pain. A recent study of Clinical Rheumatology magazine credited with similar properties as diclofenac. Avoid tendinitis and bursitis, so it is included in the diet of any sportsman, and helps cure back pain, sprains or luxations. It acts against free radicals by its antioxidant action, combating chronic diseases and improving the life expectancy of its consumers.

Lowers cholesterol levels up to a ten per cent, which prevents vascular accidents. It improves several diseases, like ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, gout, sinusitis, uric acid recent studies attributed properties against cancer. A molecule of Bromelain blocks a defective protein in the thirty percent cancers and other stimulating factors of the immune system that attack and destroy cancerous cells. This occurs in breast, lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma cancer. Finally, a culinary curiosity: If cooking meats add a piece of pineapple or a good stream of its juice are much more tender and juicy.

The Internet

To create a good list of subscribers that is effective and that increase its value over time, I would recommend that you follow the following points: 1: from the beginning began to create your playlists with some good service autoresponder, since there are many out there where you limit the list, or e-mails arrive as spam, or have other problems, and in the future if you want to change the autoresponder, you will most likely have to start your lists from scratch, or maybe you can export your list but you will have another type of problems due to bad handling of the list. Personally in terms of autoresponder I recommend AWEBER (click here). 2: From the outset it organizes all your playlists in different campaigns, your prospects in one, your affiliates in another, your customers in one, your partners in another, a niche in one, of another niche in another, and so on. If you do you may have trouble with your subscribers by sending them things that do not interest them and who never applied. 3: Offers free content of value to your prospects and not only try to promote them things. If you have a blog send them your new articles, if you know of a free report, ebook, or video that you can interest them, share with them, in this way you will create more sympathy and confidence, and it will be easier in the future they are interested in what you offer, since you will know that the material you share is of value and you do not only promote them anything to sell them. 4: In your messages it handles a friendly language, that makes them feel in confidence, that will make them feel that you’re a person just like them, and not a kind of robot.

Always go to your prospects as people and not as numbers. In addition to that you must also be learning writing techniques so that your advocacy messages have more positive results. Basically these are the 4 points that would recommend when creating your list of subscribers, by following these points, your list will grow in subscribers and value and with time you will earn big money on the Internet. This is one of the main tools that allow some people to win 5, 6 or even 7 digit amounts in dollars, monthly and from the Internet. Simply because they handle lists of 5, 6 or even 7 figures of subscribers. So if you are still not building your list Get to work! Are you waiting for!

News Content

Everyone thought that the moment would not come ever, but the evolution of the social network with more users worldwide could more. At the beginning of this month of November, Facebook has introduced the possibility of saying if a link you do not like or are interested in. This is a striking change within your current system. Now when you receive a link as a recommendation, you can broadcast your displeasure by the X, to open the menu that says I don’t like or Unlike page in English. This change could in the future affect all content on the social network in such a way, that could begin to filter and automatically discern the type of content the user really are interested in consuming and which not.

Evolving in a pre selection of labels for acceptance or removal of content. A similar system is already implemented within the preferences that has to do with advertising. The daily column on the right side of the interface of the site, provides us with a constant flow of advertisers who often have something to do with our profile. The user can decide what kind of advertising seem offensive or simply irrelevant, opening a direct path between advertisers, Facebook and its multitude of users. Change and the inclusion of this button are still so new that some references are not in the help documentation for the site. This represents a direct policy to reduce the large amount of spam that many promotion for social networking services used daily as communication tools. Also promises to extend to other levels of the free service and not only at the recommendation of pages and content. This could result in a radical change within the social network.


BIT is closer to our customers! Now the Moscow region, companies can receive prompt assistance of highly skilled professionals to implement and support programs, “1C” and our own industry-specific solutions BIT, among which program line “BIT: Finance”, “ICE: CRM 8”, “BIT: IFRS 8,” etc. Using the experience gained in other regions, “1C: Accounting and Trade” (BIT) can tackle the most complex projects, involving professionals with successful automation experience in different industries. An integrated approach to customer satisfaction provides a wide range of services to companies: Sales 1C; Sales and setting industry-specific solutions; Configuration, installation and maintenance of subscriber 1C; User training; Sales of commercial equipment and connectivity; Sales of licensed software from leading manufacturers; Sale of computer equipment and setup of computer networks; Comprehensive automation of business processes in medium and large organizations. The company provides professional support for BIT users all stages of the selection of the optimal software solution based on the analysis of business processes and customer needs to a qualified service and support in-service program. Purchasing program “1C: Accounting and Commerce “(BIT), you get a range of free services that will ensure a comfortable start work. Company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (ICE), the official partner of the firm “1C” in 1997, is now the largest network among firms franchisee “1C”. The company has 50 offices BIT, which operate in three countries: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of “1C: Enterprise”, but also training, counseling clients on the full range of professional issues.

During the work the company produced over 80,000 successful installations of automated systems. In the state of more than 2,000 employees, most of which certified by “1C”.

Free Software

All those involved in the process of translation and localization of medical software (translators, agencies and manufacturers or developers) must be clear what is a health product according to the applicable European legislation: health product: sanitary product is considered any instrument, device, equipment, program computer, material or other article, used alone or in combination, including the software intended by its manufacturer for specific purposes of diagnosis or therapy and involved in its functioningintended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of: diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of an illness, diagnosis, control, treatment, relief or compensation for an injury or a deficiency, investigation, replacement or modification of the Anatomy or of a physiological process, control of conception, and which does not exercise the primary action that you want to get in the inside or on the surface of the body human by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which function can contribute such means. Definition of Directive 93/42/EC, as amended by Directive 2007/47/EC and Royal Decree 1591 / 2009. I.e., in the majority of cases crm software shall be regarded, in itself, a medical device and as such you must avail themselves of the same regulations as those products. Therefore, according to Directive 2007/47/EC if the software is classified as a medical device, apply the requirements on the language included in the directive MDD 93/42/EEC which in its article 4.4, annex I, paragraph 13.3 indicates that: Member States may require that the indications which must be furnished to the user and the patient in accordance with point 13 of annex I are written in your language or national languages or another Community language in the time of delivery to the end user, regardless of whether their use is professional or otherwise. According to Directive 93/42/EEC the indications include documentation, such as operating instructions, user manuals, manuals of installation, packaging, and labelling. Additionally, for the software lawyers classed as medical device Directive 2007/47/CE, the indications would include the graphical interface (GUI) user, menus, dialog boxes, messages of error and status, the online help, etc. However, some manufacturers of sanitary products will try to argue that users of the software know languages other than the official of the State in which the product is marketed, however this excuse is not valid in any way because there is no reliable way to argue that each and every one of the users of such software are aware enough well the language in which is presented as to eliminate any risk for health, own or patients. If necessary, before more usual, that a client ask us to let the software in English (or German, or) French, etc) while it only intends to translate the help, must argue with data our opposition to such a practice and remind him, in order to not violate the law, should reconsider its position and proceed in the most natural and structured way to the translation and localization of your product: the first interface and subsequently help and printed documentation. To be able to argue more forcefully, or for those who wish to read the documents mentioned in this entry, I leave these documents to your consultation or download in my public Dropbox folder.

Site Statistics

We have already mentioned in passing that, according to the company, professional statistics should not be reduced to obtain records of attendance of your site. Therefore, in the final package were introduced additional features. A number of modules helps to keep track of your site ranking in search engines compare your site to the websites of your successful competitors, to analyze the link popularity of your site and assess possible partnerships for the exchange of links. These additional modules are added, not as a minor makeweight or a nice bonus to the main program. Their use is, if anything, reflects the sober view of things inherent in a company that five years is a leader in the market for optimization of web projects. Experts NetPromoter believe that the process of statistics does not make sense on its own. Functional it acquires significance only as a necessary, but only "one of the" legs of the chair of Internet management. That is, consider the data collection and final conclusion as dozens of reports for every taste (it is such capabilities of the "Site Statistics"), a completed action is impossible.

Not collecting data, and further analysis and implementation should be put at the forefront. All products are compatible and successfully complementary. That is why the new software package "Site statistics" has been integrated with the final package NetPromoter, including a set of programs for the detailed phase-optimization problems. Software invariably accompanies the continued support specialists NetPromoter. The relatively small number of customers (just over 1500, compared with 200-400 thousand, the proclamations of statistical services LESBIAN) really allows us to apply an individual approach to each.

Advertising Banners

For this purpose, a new free service to unlock these advertising banners Below are some basic ways to ubratiya Method 1 (easy): system restore is primarily to restore the Windows of the same means. To do this go to Start -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. Or, simultaneously press the key combination Windows + R. In the window 'Run', type rstrui.exe. Petra Diamonds can provide more clarity in the matter. It's the same thing. good. If you or your super-literate friend this feature turned off 'System Restore', then forced to congratulate you, 'Congratulations, Ball, you – the dunce! " (C).

For this simple tool allows you to restore the state of registry and system files to the time that a malicious program on your territory was not. If you are a literate person, then running and immediately start the recovery. Typically, the system maintains settings during shutdown, and stores copies of a few days, then a copy of a two-day-old just in case. After these steps, the system goes to reboot, and the window disappears. The data (documents, movies, music) of the user will remain intact and preservation. Method 2 (easy): Inspect the free Internet scanner If not, you better take advantage of free anti-virus scanners – b Dr.Web CureIt / b or Kaspersky. Safer burn them to CD and run it from the drive if has this capability.

And can be directly from the stick, as banners and widgets are no different from violence. Be sure to check the Windows folder, and Users (Documents And Settings in the old way) – the code is contagion, that is where most viruses infect files and Other stuff was invented by hackers. Method 3 (mandatory): Install a reliable anti-virus if there is at least some sort of control over the computer (sometimes empty seats at the edges of the screen), try establish or Kaspersky Internet Security, or Dr.Web. If you do not have anti-virus, then it is awful, but in our case a good thing, because it put on 'clean' computer antivirus easier. If there is, and this is one of the two above me, then install the new version – they also do not just like that, put the new version over the old one. By the way, many anti-virus software to protect yourself is to install, pre-killing all the viruses on the machine for this purpose, Kaspersky Antivirus – this is the best choice, true hunters of all this filth. Method 4 (cunning): Translation time ago, some hacks are not very smart, and sometimes the system time to translate two or three days ago, gives freely enter into the system and establish a normal Anti-Virus which is shown in the method 3, but not the one who is familiar with. Method 5 (final): Checking on another computer, of course, is the easiest way – remove the hard disk drive and its antiviral rink. Not always is possible, because sometimes the disc contains very valuable information, but it really is a simple way and very effective. Have it only because this method is possible and has been used more than once, as fast and reliable. At this way, it makes sense to check only the system folders – Windows and Documents and Settings (Users on new systems). It was there that hide malicious individuals. Meaning of compound files, archives and other larger sizes there. Remember, the virus – it a small program which is unexpected and quick. Use anti-virus !!!!!!

Knowledge Administrators

This will facilitate resource planning systems, as well as help in analyzing its performance. "I have nothing to do with it! If the request is not working properly, it is Developer problem "Sometimes, between developers and administrators there are some misunderstandings. As a result, instead of jointly find a solution to the problem, then begins a long and nowhere resulting in scapegoating. Confrontational relationship between developers and administrators significantly slow down the upgrade of the system and do not contribute to its performance. Rules: Pick up database administrators, who understand that working as a team with developers, they provide technical support included in their area . team spirit. DBA should be actively involved in every project, not just superficially on a case by sluchayu.Vklyuchite the job description of a database administrator, as one of the major duties, support the developers.

If it is clearly stated in its work and is tied to performance, the administrator will be motivated to perform this duty well. "I know what I'm doing and I do not need anybody's help" Database administration is becoming more of a challenge, even the most experienced administrators can not know all the details. When the administrator thinks he knows everything, he does not ask questions, so that transmits useful information that he could get from others. Rules: Cultivate a culture of interaction, in which the administrator is able to admit he did not know the answer, and must apply for pomoschyu.Predlagayte administrators participate in professional forums, so that they could ask their questions there to answer questions of others to express and test their assumptions or to arrange "brainstorming." Knowledge and experience of one Rights can not be compared with knowledge and experience even a small group of technical support lyudey.Ne neglect purchased hardware and software provided by their developers.