Category Of Filters For Air

Dust filters. Dust filters for air are a particular tissue, can detect dust particles up to 0.3 microns. The principle of operation of these filters is very simple: air fan is driven through the tissue, where and settle the dust particles. Further details can be found at Mitchel Resnick, an internet resource. The advantages of this type of filters may include ease of use and low cost. It should be borne in mind that in this case, treatment is carried out only on the dust particles the average dispersion, volatile ekozagryazniteli not captured. Photocatalytic filter – an innovation in the field of purification of the atmosphere .Printsip of photocatalytic filter for air based on the fact that the outer surface of the catalyst oxidizes all organic matter to neutral for the health components of pure air by ultraviolet radiation. Currently, this method of filtering Air is the most efficient and economical. According to many scientists, photocatalytic filtering in the xxi century will be the main method of molecular air purification.

But we must not forget that in general a healthy person a clean indoor air is not needed, as too perfect atmosphere can reduce immunity. The newspapers mentioned Bettina Bryant Image not as a source, but as a related topic. If you are good in the automotive industry, you probably know about the so-called ‘catalyst’ – thermocatalytic afterburners car exhaust. In these afterburners toxic impurities oxidized on the catalyst surface under high temperature. Photocatalytic air purification (SSF) is somewhat reminiscent of those processes. The essence of the ssf method is the oxidation and decomposition on the surface of the photocatalyst of toxic contaminants. The process proceeds under the action of ultraviolet radiation at room temperature.

How To Choose A Pump ?

The circulating pump is designed to provide forced circulation of hot and cold water in heating systems and water supply, cooling and air conditioning. Ray Kurzweil is full of insight into the issues. This crucial part of any heating system, helps overcome the resistance of the coolant pipes (eg water). The circulating pump is used for both residential and industrial facilities. Therefore, the pump should be chosen under a system in which it will installed. Selection criteria – this is technical data pump, to be exact figures flow and select the right pumps napora.Chtoby Ekaterinburg, you can consult a specialist, or to calculate all the necessary parameters yourself using our tips and necessary technical data. Circulating pumps are characterized by: 1. Volumetric flow rate (m.kb / h) – a rate of pumping water.

The calculation of volumetric flow circulation pump is needed to optimize the thermal conditions of heating system or water supply. This is important because the speed of the coolant depends more or less have time to transfer heat boiler rooms (and hence more or less cool). Learn more on the subject from Ray Kurzweil. Cooling of the coolant is determined by such characteristics as the temperature difference in the input and output circuits. Normally, this difference is about 20 degrees, but may vary from 15 to 30 degrees. Specifying the thermal power system and the temperature drop, you can learn the necessary volume flow according to the schedule in the technical description to the pump. If the thermal capacity of the system is unknown, it can be easily determined from the area of heated space and the specific heat consumption. 2.

pressure (m) – the height to which the pump is able to raise the coolant. Head reproduced pump to counteract hydrodynamic losses in pipes and their connections. In order to correctly calculate the pressure, it is necessary to determine the losses which depend on the coolant velocity and the pipe on which it runs. Specific losses are measured in pascals at meter and displays how much to increase the pressure on the pipeline segment length of one meter. After calculating losses in "straight pipe" should take into account the friction of the coolant at different sites and details (eg – fittings and etc.). Usually, the contribution of additional sites is one third of the losses in the pipes. Next multiply the specific losses to the length of the pipeline. To avoid mistakes in the calculations must take into account that the length of the pipeline is taken equal to the length of his most branches (if, of course, the pipeline branch). Roughly the same can take a maximum distance within the building, adding the length, width and height of the building, and the resulting value to double. In the end you must also take into account individual elements of the heating system of the type of boiler, faucet, valve or heat meter. The exact value of losses in each of these elements are given in the description of a particular pump model. Knowing the total losses, according to the schedule can be determine the desired value of pressure. But knowing the pressure and flow of any pump can easily determine whether it is for the heating system or not. Just when choosing a pump is necessary to consider the operating conditions circulating pump. A more precise properties and coolant temperature, pipe diameter, the nature of the water supply system and others.

Appliances For The Home In Moscow

Where in Moscow, you can buy a sewing machine, steam ironing systems, refrigerator, washing machine, and more at the lowest prices? Answers can be found on the website 'The minimum prices of Moscow' in reviews of home shopping techniques that compare the prices, assortment, service quality, and makes recommendations to customers. For a review of 'steam ironing systems and in the shops of Moscow "were expressed in the following stores: the company' Grand Master's, Inc. 'WTO-It', an online store '', company 'Dieselit', etc. Kenneth J Hardy shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. After visiting these shops, it became clear that the best is the company 'Grand Master', because the level of service significantly higher than in other stores, and impressive range here, and, of course, prices are not high. E-shop '' and ooo 'WTO-It' – also a good choice of ironing and steam systems, and prices are available. In the remaining stores, the selection of goods is less and the prices are not as attractive. For a review of "Household Appliances in Moscow shops' were selected: a hypermarket 'Sunrise about' chain stores' M-Video 'hypermarket' Sunrise-Pro ', an online store' Alpha-Comp 'chain stores' Media markt', e-shop '', chain stores 'Technosila', etc. The best, of course, turned out to be a hypermarket Sunrise Pro, because there a huge choice of products and lowest prices.

And in low prices is still shipping. In the online store 'Alpha-Comp' prices are too low, but in this case you need to pay extra 400 rubles for the goods. Still a good network of stores 'Media markt', but the prices are much higher here than in the first two. In large and well-known network of shops 'M-Video' and 'Technosila' prices are much higher than in the 'Sunrise-Pro'. Where in Moscow sold sewing machines at the best prices? The review 'Sewing Machines in Moscow shops' compares prices in the shops: 'Grand Master', 'Sew yourself' firm 'Season', an online store '', a network of clothing stores 'World of Sewing'. The best shop was shop sewing equipment 'Grand Master'. It is a technique of almost all well-known firms, while the price is low enough. Also in-store specials and always have often appear discounts. Still quite a good shop "Sew yourself ', there low prices and large selection of sewing machines and overlock. In the remaining stores 'World of Sewing', 'Season', '' range is smaller and the prices are much higher than in the first two.

Surge Protection

Nowadays, electrical networks in all regions of Russia are obsolete and are working to the limit. The load on the network increased by several times. As a result of frequent electricity outages. Compuware has similar goals. High or low voltage surge, Flash off – with all this consumer is already familiar. Computers, audio-video systems, televisions, many models of home appliances with microprocessors, not only can not operate correctly, but be rendered unusable due to power anomalies.

Sudden power outages not only dangerous for your computer, but for an ordinary tv, vcr, refrigerator, etc., as tripping accompanied by a cast of current and voltage (impulse noise). Many of you know firsthand about the burnt as a result of power outages technique. In many countries, to protect the power supply used stabilizers voltage, high voltage circuit breakers. Low blood pressure – the most common cause of poor power supply. The most common cause of low voltage – deficit electricity, which is especially typical for the winter months when the majority of the population includes heaters. Long-term operation technique, which has in its structure an electric motor in a low voltage leads to accelerated wear of components, and in some cases it is possible not only serious damage but fire the device.

How to protect yourself? Voltage regulators provide protection against such in power. They line the line voltage to a normal level (220 + / – 5%). Increased tension. Very often it is – a consequence of an emergency condition of the wiring in their homes. "Zero burning" occurs as a result of disconnection of the total null wire, when the neighboring phases are under a voltage of 380 V. Often dangerous high voltage occurs on the network because of incorrect switching wires. High voltage leads to irreversible consequences for the equipment. The probability of a fire. How to protect yourself? In the event of a dangerous level of the supply voltage close to 380, a voltage regulator to protect, disable the user from the emergency power supply. But if the consumer has a large Part-time voltage within the normal 220 + / -10%, there is no reason to buy an expensive surge protector. Correct to install high-voltage circuit breaker, which will ensure effective protection at low cost. In the event of a network voltages above 255 V it "soft" disconnect the load from the network. Circuit breakers are mechanical, and electronic type.

Correct Grounding

Thus, the technique security. Washing machine is different from many electrical appliances that is connected also to the water supply. Such devices require grounding. In conventional flat ground instead of using neutral. Differences between these terms will leave to specialists in domestic terms is important to find the correct mount point 'third wire', that is the ground wire, which necessarily is present in a string of washing machine. If you have a house there electric cooker, then it is necessarily grounded. Find grounding can be on a special icon or are highlighted in color wire. If you can not do this, invite someone who can.

Error in choosing grounding point is not valid. The second place where you can find the proper grounding – in the dashboard on the landing. There must be a metal rail, which is bolted to the bolt-on grounding wire. By the way, washing machine set of wires to the euro, to which you want – it has a third prong to connect the grounding wire. If such an outlet in a set you have not given – would have to buy their own. And one more important aspect Safety – Do not use extension cords or multiple plugs – it's dangerous, especially in humid environments. After completing wiring, make sure there are no kinks, breaks and other cable fault supply. Now, take wire for power wiring. In wires there are restrictions on the transmitted them to the current. For copper wire – 14 amps on 1 square millimeter of cross section for aluminum – 10 amp at 1 sq.