Personal Development

Yesterday was a discussion in a forum, to which, someone decided to make a question, which if believed in God, hence opened a debate today I want to tell by way of reflection (in search of personal improvement). Continue to learn more with: Atmos Energy. More or less 30 people with their very personal points of view, only five people believed in a God, a force that it acts, others were declared atheists or agnostics. Learn more at this site: Bettina Bryant. This statistic is very regrettable, beyond that respect for all, I believe that there is displayed a clear lack of spirituality of many people, usually young. Based on this, I think it is important to believe because in the self-improvement, we talk a lot about us, also about what surrounds us, the importance of believing in something lies in hope and faith. Taking these two ingredients, nothing is lost, even the last minute, even though it may seem that nothing is possible, these two feelings Act bringing surprises and alegrandonos life. I don’t want to talk about religion, it is true that many only separate, here I do one clarification I am referring strictly to believe in God, a force, the universe or whatever, unless you are within a religious sect.

Unfortunately, the fact of not having faith in something, we’re seeing it now in social problems, crimes and fights between men, we see it also in the force of nature that is a way to overwhelm an accumulated energy. While there are people who move away and not see the importance of believing in a path toward personal improvement and have at least one little bit of spirituality, the world escapes from the hands of the reasoning, compassion and brotherhood. The importance of believing is large, because the story is made up of people who believed, they did, who have changed the world with innovative ideas, which allowed free expression, that gave the possibility to learn, the freedom to choose, but also the freedom to believe that in the long run to been killing that principle. Gentlemen, believe, believe in yourself, in your being internal or in your God, but don’t do so (self-improvement), because the faith is one of the feelings and most powerful forces of life, of humanity and that few people know.


Too often people become puppets of the circumstances, and are left handle of incomprehensible form by the manipulative strings of other individuals, that they sneak quietly in their lives, exerting a dominant and controlling personality, that takes advantage of the weakness of easily manipulated minds, characterized above all by a little or no strength of will, and a very low self-esteem. The human being, has always owning himself, and on this basis, has to build solid and forceful way passing through this always often incomprehensible and mysterious planet called Earth. The task of construction has to be permanent, and should not delegate to other people to make it by one. Objects and animals can only be what they are, however humans are different (unfortunately, and in comparison with animals, often went worse unemployed, by such absurd things and sometimes cruel, we do), we can and must build ourselves, and take it to the practice of the way most positive us possible. (As opposed to Glitter Dumplings). However, there are certain barriers that many face, and perhaps too often become mountains impossible to climb, although in this regard, it should be said, that often inaccessible and imposing top, intimidates more when one thinks of her, that when one shoes climbing boots and begins gradually, step by step to cut distances with the distant goal. Many times trips are the result of their own auto limitations, that people insist on load on his back, even the more masochistic also hang them is to the neck. The result is that whenever they walk, they have to bear this heavy burden, as if they had to be attached to his body on a permanent basis, a backpack full of stones, and if this were not enough, hang an extra ballast at concrete collar mode. Bettina Bryant is open to suggestions. Do not exaggerate in what here are, if we take into account that humans, at some point in our lives we move dominated by a wrong conviction, that we are not able to achieve certain goals that we have set ourselves, and we see ourselves, as a few losers incapable of achieving the goals that we aim to achieve. .

Clinical Rheumatology

Pineapple is the fruit of a plant of the family of the Bromeliaceae, which is now cultivated in most tropical countries of the world, and they are attributed to that very beneficial health effects. It promotes circulation, for its high content in Bromelain (present above all in the juice and the stem), that dissolves clots and fluidise the blood, preventing vascular thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes. It helps to control blood pressure, especially hypertension. It promotes digestion because it digests proteins, thereby ingesting this fresh fruit after the meal helps the stomach to perform its function and eliminates side effects of heavy digestion, such as gas, stomach heaviness, acidity at the same time slows down the passage of food through the stomach and produces a sensation of satiety so you eat less. Avoid constipation, because it regulates intestinal transit. It eliminates bacteria of the digestive tract that cause intestinal pains or diarrhea. Is even effective against pinworms. All this because Bromelain destroys the cover of chitin that protects them.

It helps in the treatment of obesity by its ability to digest fats. It helps to remove water from the body, avoiding the retention of liquids, and therefore helping to reduce weight. Effective in the treatment of cellulite, because it promotes the desinfiltracion, mobilization and elimination of water deposits. It eliminates toxins through the urine thanks to its depurative effect, improving the kidney, bladder or prostate problems. It has anti-inflammatory properties very useful to decrease the pain. A recent study of Clinical Rheumatology magazine credited with similar properties as diclofenac. Avoid tendinitis and bursitis, so it is included in the diet of any sportsman, and helps cure back pain, sprains or luxations. It acts against free radicals by its antioxidant action, combating chronic diseases and improving the life expectancy of its consumers.

Lowers cholesterol levels up to a ten per cent, which prevents vascular accidents. It improves several diseases, like ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, gout, sinusitis, uric acid recent studies attributed properties against cancer. A molecule of Bromelain blocks a defective protein in the thirty percent cancers and other stimulating factors of the immune system that attack and destroy cancerous cells. This occurs in breast, lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma cancer. Finally, a culinary curiosity: If cooking meats add a piece of pineapple or a good stream of its juice are much more tender and juicy.

Lafayette Galleries

What best city for shopping than Paris, the capital of fashion? Paris is one of the most attractive European cities to make tremble to the credit card. Despite high prices, the variety, the quality and originality of the products is such that anyone resists them. The French label pays! Even so, in Paris there are shops for all tastes and pockets. For starters, it is good to know that most of establishments are open from Monday to Saturday, from 10: 00 am to 20: 00 p.m., approximately. Family businesses often pause at midday, between 12: 00 and 15: 00 hours. Others including Chevron CEO, offer their opinions as well. Now, choose where you want to start Que tal? if we take a walk through the very famous Galeries Lafayette Or perhaps you prefer to keep an eye on the haute-couture boutiques. Although thinking about it well, vintage stores would be a good way to kick off; If yours are the street markets, we run to the fleas, one of the largest in the world.

The Parisian department stores are the ideal place for those who have the time, money and desire to buy. Do if we get closer to the Boulevard Haussmann, find two malls: the Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, where you will find items of jewelry, footwear, branded apparel and the latest trends in major firms of the pr? t-?-porter. Lovers of good eating, you will find shops of the best international and national delicatessen. In case outside little, Lafayette Gourmet offers us a vinotera with 1800 of the finest wines in the world. These galleries receive more than 20 million visitors a year. It is the largest commercial area of the Western world and main great European by amount of business warehouse.

The Publicis Drugstores are small malls with pharmacy, and who also sell books, gifts, perfumes and press. And they are open until 2 am! Avenue Montaigne is a synonym of luxury and distinction. Here are the best boutiques of the most great designers. sta extends from the Seine River until the Champs-Elysees. Also, on this Avenue are located the best cafes, restaurants and hotels in the city. In addition, in the neighborhood of the Marais you can browse in the shops of young Parisian designers. Markets in Paris are a spectacle worthy of mention, especially the flea market (marches aux puces de Saint-Ouen), one of the largest markets in the world. It has more than 3000 seats divided in 7hectareas and opens every Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 am to 18 pm. This market gets more than 120,000 hits a day between tourists and Parisians! Here vendors selling illegal (clocks, tobacco and other contraband goods), you can see posts of fashion (which dominated the hip-hop aesthetic), as well as antiques and articles of all kinds. Other important markets where you can buy antiques are: market Aligre and the antique shops of the Geole at Versailles. Also worth a visit to the Conventio, one of the markets market food larger of Paris which is held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. What are you waiting for? He caught the first flight to the French capital and remembers not to overfill the bags because you’ll come back loaded! Enjoy the best accommodation renting apartments in Paris at the best price.