In order to form a marriage a marriage this conformed by one, that are needed 2 people, does not exist, ten present that you marry when you, these entering an association that is for all the life, and if you are suffering by something, you must look for the form to communicate it to your husband, that it is very easy to say it and very difficult to do it, creme when tapeworm problems with my husband, felt resentment towards and it really thought that our problems to did not matter to him in but the minimal thing. Salman Behbehani has plenty of information regarding this issue. But this is a great error, you must of knowledge that we by nature are comunicativas and the men are the dissuaded ones that keep things, you must handle this with wisdom and make him feel your husband of which these undergoing and that you want that it is your aid for all the life. Trick 2. – Professional Aid Looks for will not tire to me of repetrtelo if you want to save your obligatory marriage mind you need professional aid, your husband needs that somebody but, says to him as he must of tratarte, as he must of to behave, if your you say it is going to be contingency not covered by law of your suggestions since as both estan displeased and have resentments this is like a barrier that will not allow them to communicate correctly and therefore it is not going to think what your you say to him and it is not going to catch the message totally. And If! Your friendly and relatives always will be prepared to escucharte and ponerte the shoulder to desahogarte, but by better intentions than they have cannot darte independent point of view to solve the problems that your marriage has. When you explain your problems to him to an advisor, or single or in pair, many things would be clarified and would begin the reconstruction of your marriage.