
square. The highest rates are among the suppliers 'Watlow' and 'BelTerm'. Electric heaters with insulators of periclase powder and similar materials cylindrical and rectangular shape (heating elements, cartridge) released a long time, are well known, gostirovany back in Soviet times and in this class of equipment are rarely used. To date elektronpagrevatelyam with such insulators include duct heaters (spiral heater) for hot runner molds. They are made of rectangular tubes of small cross section and can curl into a cylindrical spiral. Method transfer of heat flux to the heated object – the thermal conductivity and radiation, operating temperatures on the surface of the electric heater of more than 700 degrees. C. Since the transfer of heat flux to the heated product in these electric heaters going through an air gap, their efficiency is low and energy costs and the cost are large.

Somewhat improve the energy characteristics of electric heaters can use of external reflector tube and the inner shell to be installed in a heated facility for dense planting. In this case, the cost of electric heating is becoming more and complexity of installation on heated object increases. Alternatively, the above-mentioned electric heaters, in most cases, objects with diameters of 25 mm and more, much cheaper and easier to use a ring heater family 'ThermoRang 8,5' (supplier 'BelTerm'), transmitting the heat flow object thermal conductivity and having higher rates of reliability and power consumption. Variety of designs of heated objects and defines variety of designs of electric heaters. Today, the market for modern electric heaters are ring (they Clamp, banding, Obruchev), including disclosures to be installed in a heated object and replacing most of the semiring and arched, but with a simplified installation and connection, flat, spiral, etc.

with all kinds of insulators listed above. In this case, the best value 'price – quality 'are high quality electric heaters with insulators of mica material suppliers such as' WATLOW' and 'BelTerm'. With technology of manufacturing of electric heaters with a density heat flux up to 8.5 W / cm. square. they can create highly compact design of annular, flat, etc. of electric heaters, simply embedded in the modern technological equipment, and in most cases replace the outdated energy-intensive electric heaters.

Russian Silicone

On the latter point – not products designed for painting stored in bulk in boxes, they should at least shift the layers of soft material that prevents the emergence of scratches, and the best packaging of each product separately. This is especially true common akrilonitrilbutadienovogo plastic (ABS) is one of the most popular plastic for the production of complex shaped products with a high degree of extraction. Methods of dealing with defective color first step in painting technology of plastic, for that matter, and any other materials is the preparation of the surface. Poor pre- training is the most common errors. It can cause the following: – a violation of the surface structure as well as lubricants often contain silicone – peeling, as paint applied to the layer of grease, which aims to prevent adhesion – the formation of cracks as possible the existing internal stresses in the plastic are not decreasing.

Time, which seems possible to save Surface cleaning – is often lost time, since in the end very often have a claim, and thus the additional cost of rework. Not to mention the loss of image of the client. As everyone knows when casting products plastic, various lubricants to facilitate their removal from the forms. Grease can contain silicone – one of the best materials to reduce the adhesion. But he is the most important problem for subsequent staining. Personally, I think it is better from the outset not to use grease molds with silicone than to slurp a spoonful of problems because of it, besides, they said Patriarch of the Russian , mold, working with the use of silicone as a lubricant, you can safely throw away In the Internet you can find tips for removing silicone contamination by various antisilikonami used in the coloring of cars, sometimes at small batches, you can use them.

Custard Cream Protein

The best among my favorite treats as a child were interleaved with air ducts cream of egg whites. As well as a variety of baskets and cakes, but I have eaten much less frequently, which used the cream of the proteins. At an early age I knew how to cook delicious dishes in various recipes. Of course, the same among the delicacies that I was doing was a lot of cakes. And I quickly learned how to whip egg whites. Naturally, at first I was glad that prepared a cream made from egg whites. Done wafers, from their freshly prepared cream …. And what was my disappointment when after several hours of a beautiful, airy and sweet cream is completely melted.

Wet waffles What spoiled them, and spoiled myself. At the same time, my mother always said that there are raw eggs dangerous. And I was very impressed, zechem same in the cafeteria is put into cakes protein cream. But nevertheless, I began to experiment a lot with the cream of the proteins. I tried the longer whip whites to the cream, then cream mixed with sugar. I tried to use instead of sugar, which has long been dissolved, powdered sugar. But protein cream quickly settled.

While were present in my experiments and the positive side, I learned to make biscuits meringue. My next step was to attempt to add the cream in the protein gelatin. Of course, I had some success. I began to take a cap on cakes, which they adorned. But this cap was simply unrealistic to cut. She was all clinging to the knife. And the whole protein cream was filmed for a knife. And the risks of raw eggs remained. Yes, and the desired taste and consistency I have not received. As time went on. Parents went with us to a new city. One school gave way to the next. Complicating the training program. Then University. Naturally, I continued to cook different dishes and delicacies. At the same time, my cooking skills to me needed in the hostel. But the idea of whipping the cream of the proteins, as in cakes, I eventually walked away. One day, I wondered to make a simple cream to bind meringue. And asked the girl friend, which was previously worked for some time as a chef and pastry chef, does not know whether it is a prescription cream for coupling the meringue. On what she said, knows the recipe, but the custard of the proteins. As I was surprised that the very cream, which I so much wanted to done, is done by special technology. The cream for the merengue, I certainly found it, but it was too late. And the essence of technology cream of egg whites was very simple. Necessary to prepare a sugar syrup. To make syrup was obtained ball. Beat the egg whites. And enter the boiling syrup into whites. Thus brew cream of egg whites. On technology turns heat treatment of egg whites and kill all harmful bacteria. A cooked cream, do not just need used in the design of cakes and pastries. He is also well kept, up to 36 hours. Now, when I know how to mix the cream of the proteins, the time came to buy forms for preparing puff tubes. And nazharit my favorite rolls with custard protein cream.

Diamond Tools

Need to make an opening in the concrete wall? Without noise dust and vibration? No problem, if you have a diamond tool. The technology of diamond drilling and cutting more than half a century, are used in the construction industry and have themselves equal. Diamond tool is able to penetrate the multimeter openings, performing them perfectly accurate. The broad scope – construction, demolition, reconstruction, aerodromostroenie, road work, excellent technical factors – accuracy, speed and vibration-free work all this makes diamond tool indispensable element of the construction industry. But few people think about the reasons for such a good job. Diamond tool was widely used because of the unique properties of diamond segments fixed on the surface of the tool.

Diamond segment is the basis of the instrument and is a bundle consisting of metal powder and synthetic diamonds. In the production of segments used, as a rule, synthetic diamond, superior strength and durability of natural diamond. Development and production of diamond segments – high-tech process that requires significant scientific and technical capacities. After completing the research and development activities, long-term field tests, the segment goes into production. In the production of diamond segments, experts gc "Adele", a manufacturer of diamond tools, providing 4 main phases: Preparation of a mixture of metal powders and diamonds. In according to the recipe segment is preparing a mixture of metal powders and diamonds. Uniform distribution of components is carried out in a mixer. In the finished composition add a link to the process granulation.

Materials For The Walls In The Rooms

The walls that separate from each other interior spaces are usually covered with plaster, they are rarely veneer, and they do so where the cladding is necessary from a functional or aesthetic point of view. For finishing with high humidity and where the work with water, such as bathrooms, toilets, walls (in conjunction with flooring) to a certain height, or even up to the ceiling to protect the veneer. In buildings, where people are more or less long time, the walls are usually covered with a fine liner. Ceramic tiles for the walls of burnt brick wall ceramics began several millennia ago, as evidenced by the extant monuments. Facing – often Mosaic – has always served as decoration of buildings, baths and simple dwellings. Tiles, as well as on modern technology, burned at high temperatures and used as a simple baked clay or glazed in the color version.

Wall cladding with ceramic tiles, ceramic tile production in Europe has begun a very long. It became increasingly used for interior decoration and wall covering in wet areas, where demand protection from moisture and it was necessary to simplify the maintenance of cleanliness, and sometimes decontamination room. Color tile ornamentation, depending on its nature allows to create various surfaces. Firms engaged in the manufacture of wall tiles, including in Moscow, today produces and supplies a broad trade range of products with different technical properties and in different appearance. The emergence of new chemical materials used in production, and modernization of production we have today opportunity to choose from a huge number of options tiles.

Business Practices

Certainly, I do not think I sought to appropriate it seemed he had hired lawyers because they are known all agreements, overtime, fees, assessments … so much knowledge and obligations on the employer, myself, to throw down tools and have a cigarette as long as several hours when I was not present. Between that and the cup of coffee the play came out quite expensive … both as a disease of muscle and bone that still crawl. Overall, if compared to what offered me some other workers, I can only praise the will and power of foreigners. I confirm the reluctance of local workers that when I bought my floor, up to 8 months I was waiting for me to call out of office do not know what made me a life insurance value of the mortgage, all through the lender. I, during those eight months, I thought the employees of that office are talking about the bridge or car is the most hated fellow while my application was rotting in a drawer somewhere. I know apart from my wife, who, working in an office recently, I commented that "people here," he kept going all day to take coffee and cigarettes.

Also for a role that went to legalize a state institution and upon reaching the office, which served from 9 am to 1 pm, was deserted. At 9:30 came the charge that he had left apologizing for inside left no smoking. He had left before I arrived, on time, in time to when he began his working day! For a cigarette! And because it was an official, untouchable, who had the nerve to give me that excuse. .


Future staff in Cologne: Hall 2.2, stand E. 06 / access, time and safety in an overall system primion simplified human resources management through sophisticated systems for timekeeping. Systems of primion for timekeeping, intelligent scheduling is quick and easily doable. The results are clearly designed. The time information is available for further processing. “At the fair future staff Cologne” (17-19 September) informed primion in Hall 2.2, stand E. 06 about the many benefits of primion time recording systems.

Also the collection of primion is as individual as people. Interfaces to SAP as well as wage and salary programs such as E.g. DATEV or soft research are available. The integration into existing IT environments is possible at any time. The software prime WebTime by primion offers many possibilities for analysis and corrections: for attendance summaries, time recording, Kontenabfrage, overtime, absenteeism and capacity planning. Overviews and reports are created by the primion software for time tracking on screen, on paper or in the form of the file. Various working-time models and clearing rules allow an automatic overtime Bill.

Holiday, off-site or doctor be taken into account. A Kontenabfrage is possible via Terminal, PC or mobile phone. Holiday applications can be made easily on your own computer. The Chief with a mouse click can do workflow scenarios such as E.g. approvals. An invaluable advantage for human resources departments. The primion attendance terminals are the ideal complement to primion software for time tracking. You have a user-friendly menu structure, reliable and expandable functions and can be complemented with biometric components. On request, they serve the access control, such as the Terminal DT parallel 800 NG and DT 900. A touch is enough to trigger the desired function with the finger. The terminals can also Access control are used. Admission for time and security into a single overall system: it can only primion!

GS Elektromedizinische Gerate

Central control of product documentation and software localisation Carlsbad, March 14, 2012. With the GS Elektromedizinische Gerate G. Stemple GmbH another leading international provider of the medical technology industry has opted for across systems. The company is a manufacturer of equipment for the emergency and intensive medicine technology and relies on the across language server in the translation of software and user interfaces, as well as product-related documentation. Thus GS in the future and want to avoid redundant translation efforts optimize processes, especially for updates. The GS Elektromedizinische Gerate G. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ray Kurzweil has to say.

Stemple GmbH is a successful, internationally operating family company that developed innovative medical technology for the emergency and intensive care medicine for 30 years and manufactures. At the company’s headquarters in Kaufering, more than 130 employees deal with the development, production, quality management, customer service, marketing and sales. The brand corpuls sold defibrillators and patient monitoring devices are in use around the world. Due to the global orientation, also the software on the systems and user interfaces, and the instructions are translated. Alone the instructions for the defibrillator/monitor corpuls comprises currently 400 pages, while the instructions for the application of telemetry is documented corpuls.web around 90 pages. Currently the company delivers its devices in 18 languages, in the medium term, extending to 21 is planned. Due to the constantly growing product range and the concomitant increased translation volume server GS the across language introduces – a market leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company. In addition to the price / performance ratio, especially the usage possibilities of the language server spoke.

Without having to purchase for additional modules or even an external solution, across GS can edit both documentation and software interfaces. The editorial is at the same time and implemented content management system by Fischer Computertechnik. So are the texts modularized, to minimize the editing and translation effort.

Video Courses

Was a notorious soviet times children newsreel, which began with a splash as a serious focused toddler hefty hammer splits the "nut of knowledge." Next came a small plot, where adapted for school-age form sets out some scientific facts. Newsreel called "I want to know everything!" And was very popular among kids. Still would be a much more interesting to learn something new from the video-clip, than the words of a teacher or a boring textbook. Perhaps it was the first video tutorial. In our time, video courses enjoy growing popularity, and it is quite Zalui. Lenin once said that for us the most important of Art is a movie. True, he is saying about the circus, but we have this part of the utterance zamnem for clarity. So, about the movie.

It's no secret that the best way to digest the material, reinforced clarity. Many writers such as ConocoPhillips offer more in-depth analysis. That is not just information, and accompanied by any clear actions and pictures. Video courses in this regard, close to the ideal, they are not only detailed description and teach something, and show how it should look like. Someone might argue that a teacher or tutor can teach a lot better. Teach what he can, but not always and everywhere. Not everyone can afford to take a tutor, for example in a long trip, but take a small notebook with set of video tutorials is not problematic.

"Owls" learn best stuff at night, when normal teachers sleeping naproveryavshis control, but the disk with videos and a pair of headphones are always ready to work. If something could not understand the first time, a tutor, of course, explain, and the second time to explain, but the third time will not want to ask again in order not to fall into his eyes, but the video tutorial can be reviewed at least ten times, and then and all twenty. Site "Tutorials and video courses – self-education for personal success" offers a great selection of different information products. If interested, you can verify this personally, having the address. Except videokursom, visitors are invited to purchase Audiocourses and electronic books. Catalog is constantly updated with many interesting new products, even the most captious visitor can find a something worthy of attention. Good video courses (and others on this site and does not happen) are developed by experts with extensive experience and high qualifications in the area on which is written for a specific course. Buyer receives the most adapted for quick understanding and remembering information product that provides an opportunity for 10-15 hours to learn the knowledge, to learn that students in higher education takes years. And there There are many benefits, revealing themes that can not be found in the programs of any institution. Here and the latest computer technology, and interpersonal relationships, and methods of work on your own website, and Sport still a very large number of useful and interesting information. Never late to learn, but it is better not to postpone the split "nuts knowledge" on the back burner. The sooner will begin to learn something new, the sooner will opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in practice. And the video tutorial just the fastest and most convenient way to obtain this knowledge. Of course, the leader of the world proletariat, bent over the world revolution, but the movie and its modern successor – a video for us to this day are the most important of the arts.

Treasury Entry

The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. The starting point for the transition to the electronic paper tax deduction card fell at the beginning of the year 2013. The name is now ELStAM (electronic LohnSteuerAbzugsMerkmale) and employers can get information to their employees such as tax class online at the tax authorities. For employers, so that the transition could be stress-free and after an initial period was given. Some employers have not done that yet.

For this reason the OFD Niedersachsen indicates now that the entry no later than 2013 must happen to the payroll. The Steuerberater grainy informed from Mannheim ELStAM and the necessity of the entry. Many employers already successfully switched to employers since the introduction of the ELStAM time, has been extended gradually to adapt to the conditions. Because the operational procedure and the software must be adjusted for the conversion. However, the grace period of the Treasury ends at 31.12.2013.

this expressly indicates the OFD Niedersachsen. For companies or employers who still do not have gone, that means that time is running. The conversion must be made with the payroll for December 2013 at the latest. Financial management has so far can draw a positive balance. Many employers have gone successfully. The electronic income tax deduction is possible for their employees. Employers who still do not have gone into the process, need to worry in time drum so that the retrieval of electronic characteristics for the settlement is possible in December. For the entry in the ELStAM method on received useful information, sample letters and current instructions. Also be answered many questions about the procedure. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available.