Tess Relay Services GmbH

Telephone interpreting service provides emergency Rendsburg free nationwide, 06 December 2013. It comes as Santa Claus gift is packed but a sensation: emergency calls can immediately of all hearing impaired people nationwide and free about the Tess relay services can be discontinued. Communicating via sign language interpreters or interpreters of Scripture directly to the competent emergency call centre. Gone are the days where hard of hearing persons had to wait on anybody’s help, to a telephone call to the 110 or 112 to make. Now, everyone can call the fire department or the police, and with Smartphone, Tablet PC, SIP phone, or PC with an Internet connection. Every deaf person in Germany can free our emergency services”, explains Sabine Broweleit, Managing Director of Tess Relay Services GmbH.

All what is needed is a registration as emergency customer”and the appropriate software. The registration is necessary, so we use the stored address data “competent emergency call centre to determine and to allow any callbacks”, S. Broweleit explains. The deaf caller via a video link calls a sign language interpreter for the distress call via the relay services. This connects with the competent emergency call centre and simultaneously sets the phone for the deaf caller and the hearing participants of the emergency call centre.

For all hearing impaired people who do not sign a written interpretation service is translated into a chat application. Here, deaf callers can even speak and read only the answers. We have the technical ability, the emergency of deaf people in sign language or to accept written language and to teach so we do it”, S. Broweleit explains the motivations for voluntary performance of the relay services. Thus we can dismantle finally another barrier for deaf and hearing-impaired people, even if only in our Opening hours from Monday to Sunday from 08: 00 until 23:00.”we are very pleased that the Federal Network Agency, on whose behalf we provide telephone mediation services, has agreed to offer of an emergency call for all hearing impaired people in Germany”, S. Broweleit explains. In the context of this assignment, the opening hours for the years are set in 2013 and 2014. Maybe offer times are changing in the next contract period. Then an emergency might possible around the clock.

Ruby Web

Web 2.0 that is web 2.0 the Web 2.0 term (2004-present) is commonly associated with a social phenomenon, based on the interaction that is achieved from different applications on the web, that facilitate the sharing of information, interoperability, design focused on the user or D.C.U. and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 are web communities, web services, Web applications, social network services, the hosting of videos, wikis, blogs, mashups and folcsonomias services. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or change the web site content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information provided. Web 2.0 this closely associated with Tim O’Reilly, because the Conference on Web 2.0 of O Reilly Media in 2004.

Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to the technical specifications of the web, but rather to cumulative changes in the way in which software developers and end-users use the Web. The fact that Web 2.0 is qualitatively different from previous web technologies has been questioned by the creator of the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee, who described the term as just a jargon – precisely because it had the intention that the Web include these values in the first place. (WIKIPEDIA) The 2.0 Web. features: web 2.0 standardizes languages for a better code re-use. Sindicacon content: RSS/Atom. Dynamic pages: Ruby on Rails, ASP, AJAX, Soap. S API and XML so that applications can be exploited by others.

Mashups (hybrids of resources). The software is a service, not a product culture customizable and personalizable. Leverages collective intelligence for the benefit of Internet. In the web 2.0 we moved from monologue to dialogue. Web 2.0. consequences: democratizes media/content: anyone has the same possibilities to publish content that a traditional newspaper. Engine of change and transformation in the way in which we work, we collaborate and communicate. Web 2.0 everything becomes easier. Reducing costs of dissemination: we can have our online radio for free, our online journal on web 2.0 increases the segmentation: users can access contents that were not traditionally published in traditional media. Migration of traditional media to the Internet user. As consequence increases the investment in online advertising. Web 2.0 has improved the viral effect of the message. Online marketing blog, which is web 2.0, web 2.0


In the current economic climate, reduce costs seems to be the way towards greater competitiveness. When the cost reduction is a priority, it is necessary to take measures in our technological environment. A good way of doing this is to reduce those that derive from the use of products or services that are commonly used. But, in this case, the reduction should not trim elements that could damage the quality of our work or the services that ofrercemos. To do this, we can invest part of our resources in the optimization tasks, shorter times of response, effective management of our databases and data compression.

Currently is possible to intregrar all these processes and benefits with some computer tools. DB2, for example, is a databases management system raised by IBM that uses systems of understanding that free space and allow that we can save us more than 50% of space. Thus reducing costs associated with maintenance and management of volume. One of the most notable improvements of this software is the Automation. The work is automated, eliminating routine tasks that consume a large part of our resources. So is optimizao the performance of the system, by solving problems that may appear automatically (and even ahead of his appearance) another of the most noteworthy improvements of DB2 is found in the description of this product. Where we see how their applications are deployed and develop effective and easily although they have been created for use with a different database software. It also presents a strong capacity for understanding of data, which may vary according to the type of data that we have stored, but that usually give very good results. For further information on this system you can visit their official website and also its page of Facebook IBM DB2.

Germany GmbH

Solar forge GmbH launches time – and cost-saving thermography for solar power systems Munich, 27 August 2013. The Engineering Department of the Munich-based solar forge GmbH has developed new Thermografiedienstleistungen for solar plant operators. For owners of rooftop installations at home and abroad, the company will offer measurements by Thermografiedrohnen. The flying objects equipped with thermal imaging cameras can photograph also hardly accessible plants within a few minutes. To broaden your perception, visit Stansberry. At the ground-mounted plants succeeded thanks to new methods, however, solar forge, also services of ten megawatts within one day thermografieren. Visit Compuware for more clarity on the issue. Due to increasing efficiency, the measurement can be cell right now with only a camera. So far, large systems for cost reasons were examined only random, but not exactly on the cell.

Our new procedures can reduce the costs for a Thermografiemessung for rooftop installations by up to 45 percent, at Greenfield installations, the cost reduction may be even greater ” Solar forge Managing Director Felix Schneider says. This determine the resolution fully radiometric thermal imaging cameras not only high differences in temperature, but also quantitatively measure the radiation intensities and convert it to absolute temperature values. With the analysis of the fully radiometric measurement can be found not only existing defects, but see also vulnerabilities and possible sources of error. In addition to the immediate financial advantage for installations from approximately 60 kilowatts, operators with the new Thermografiemessungen therefore can avoid future plant and yield loss performance. Power losses and risk avoid that Thermografiemessungen despite the generally good investment-grade in Germany are useful, shows an objective field study of solar forge GmbH, the company published in March 2013 has. Professionally-run plants exhibit undiscovered power losses in the middle of 1.5 percent”, Felix Schneider says. Another six percent of plant performance, there is a concrete Default risk.

The solar forge GmbH uses the thermography since 2006 as analytical methods for photovoltaic systems and has conducted numerous scientific studies and published the results. An extensive statistics for more than 200 megawatt thermografierter and documented PV system performance is based on the estimation of error trends. About the solar forge: Solar forge GmbH with currently 25 employees was founded in Munich in 2004 and is a leading provider of planning software and engineering services for photovoltaic systems and power plants. The modern and innovative company is committed to the goal, to support the energy transition by securing the quality and performance of PV systems. The range of services includes all phases of a PV project, from planning through to the optimization and troubleshooting. Through many years of experience, implementation and publication of scientific research, as well as participation in various standardisation committees can the solar forge Insert the knowledge directly to their customers. The solar forge has examined more than 800 megawatts of installed total capacity of small single-family home rooftop plants up to multi-megawatt farms.

Druckhaus Waiblingen

True to the Company motto for you it works”make asim experts new possibilities in asimBase 4, asimPublish, asimCommerce and asimBase 5. In addition, the audience information about trendy apps and interactive solutions. (Similarly see: BMC). Representatives of in house Handels GmbH, the PBS Holding AG, the Adobe Systems GmbH and introduce best-practice examples of Lista Office LO. An evening event with showAct on 3 December 2013 completes the asimDAY. Registrations are on the Internet at possible and by phone under + 49 7151 566-417.

More information: about asim, the asimSuite is an enterprise software for information management, with which users can simplify their data and providing information. Central aspect is the multiplication of internal and external uses of the data. The range focuses on the Central product information management sales and marketing company. The asimSuite meets all publication tasks for presales, sales and post sales. The modular design of the asimSuite as well as the extensive services and the high degree of innovation of the company are guarantors for absolute customer benefit. Owner asim brand is the Druckhaus Waiblingen (DHW) in Waiblingen near Stuttgart.

the printing house with the media-neutral systems that manage information asim was born began in 1993. Today, supported and accompanied its customers in the installation, commissioning, maintenance and care of the system the same name Division. This customized nature of the cooperation attaches great importance asim on a flexible and the respective customer’s situation.

Vera Sayle

In the second step it is, to identify the resources existing already in the enterprise and channels of communication. You may find Max Schireson to be a useful source of information. Now more measures to support the informal learning can be taken on the basis of this preparatory work. For this purpose, regular interdepartmental meetings for the exchange of knowledge and experience can be arranged, for example, for the affected employees. In addition it can be useful for informal learning, if targeted seminars or courses to the independent and self-directed learning offered to the affected employees. Companies in the introduction and implementation of informal learning in the course of the enterprise can effective support Through the use of a suitable software solution will receive staff development. The personnel manager the innovative, Web-based human resource management software by BITE provides extensive support companies with formal forms of personal development as well as in informal learning. To the preparatory training for informal learning can effortlessly and granular with the help of the training management module”, which covers the entire process chain of human resources development, organized and controlled. On the other hand can the informal knowledge of the respective staff including the degree of appropriate expression in the qualification management module”by means of the integrated qualification matrix as well as the distribution of skills for all stakeholders to transparently collect and manage.

Furthermore the absence management module can”be used to capture the interdepartmental meetings for the exchange of experience and knowledge and to show up according to absences of the affected employees. The business of IT Engineers (short: BITE) composed of innovative software specialists and experienced consultants. Using of the art “technologies on the one hand, as well as the many years of consulting experience on the other hand created by State Web applications by BITE. BITE the software products is pragmatic tools for human resources management and the recruiting for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and processes in the company. With the personnel manager BITE the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability.

Car Alarms

Then open the driver's door from inside. On some models of cars, you will not succeed. Therefore, Reach, and open the hood. If alarm system worked, it means that everything is ok. If not, it should definitely put another one. Do not trust what is written in the instructions to the machine. Sometimes there is a record of the presence of signaling, but its not. And turn it off at the station can have authorized dealer.

This is done very easily. One way to close the sensor opening hood and all. Your alarm is remote central locking. Manage the locks would stick, and keep cars there. Then you of the alarm should be included, of course for the money, or put another. So since we are trying to get some more money. So we figured out with alarm, but this is the first and cheapest step to protect your car.

Further, if you have a car with automatic transmission, I recommend to put a lock on the box. They are pin without pin. By efficiency, they are identical, the only difference is convenience. In the pin when you need to unlock pull the pin and where to put it. In no whip you in the center console out the core. All management is key (just like in the apartment), he turned to one side, closed, opened at another. And even within passed the motion pin, which locks the box. But it is more expensive, though not by much. Often manufacturers dragon, BEAR-LOCK, MUL-T-LOCK. As for the quality they are virtually identical. Why did I say about the automatic gearbox, because when the machine standing in the parking lot, with a closed lock, it can not roll. If you put a block on a mechanical box, then under its own power machine: whether it be Chevrolet or Opel, or any other model, will not go away, but roll, replacing the clutch can be. Therefore, the unit performs the same role as the alarm system or immobilizer, and put it on the mechanics of a waste of money. Of course in different brands of car locks effectiveness varies. For example, on mercedes or bmw efficiency is very high. And on toyota volkswagen, or below, as there is access to the gear box under the hood. But all the same under the hood you can put special breakaway screws, which are not allow to bypass the lock box.

DocBook XML Language

The wiki-based knowledge sharing with colleagues and customers is already commonplace in many companies. Karlovy Vary, 29 October 2013. To facilitate the cooperation with international partners, an add-on for the wiki software-Confluence managing multilingual content within a subject area, the so-called space allows. For the translation of the content, the translation management system across can be connected directly. With the add-on scroll translations pages when needed, for example, for internal use can be translated directly into confluence. Consistent translations are required, in cooperation with customers or for the planned publication of a text is recommended integrating an external translation management system like the across language server. The central software platform for all processes of translation and language resources enables the localization of Confluence pages using professional tools. A translation memory and a terminology system ensures more consistency, numerous automation options facilitate cooperation with translators and language service providers.

All languages in a space that has add-on for confluence of K15t Software GmbH developed from Stuttgart. The documentation and easy availability of multilingual information plays an increasingly important role in companies. Confluence users with one click between the languages can switch with scroll translations. Knowledge transfer via wiki is so much easier”, explains Stefan Kleineikenscheidt, CEO of K15t Software GmbH. Interested on the this year’s tekom annual Conference from 6 to 8 November in Wiesbaden learn how this add-on in practice can be used. Across systems GmbH as well as the K15t Software GmbH will be represented with a stand at the exhibition (stand 107 or 402) and show the integration of the across language server live in the system. About K15t Software GmbH K15t software developed the scroll content management Add-ons for Confluence and advises companies and organisations as Atlassian Enterprise expert at the Use of products of the company Atlassian.


Rhinoner is a blog to learn modeling with Rhinoceros 3D, from the most basic to advanced, totally free through classes in tutorial format. Dedicated to students of Industrial design, engineering, animators, etc.. those who come and learn how to use the application with the trial version of the software, here a few testimonies of users: Anonymous wrote excellent blog, I would like to collaborate in some way, anyway, you know enough of this program. I have it a couple of years ago, but it has been a process slow.Do I hope we’re in contact and perhaps can Continue > Anonymous wrote Hello if I want someone me a hand with some doubts that arise when using rhinoceros 4.0 I love the program and today I had tucked all day practically, in the only by Daniela wrote hooola am industrial designer and I’m a while back of rhino 4.0 the under not let me install the vray this samples here comes all inclusive! Hopefully you can help me regards victor! wrote Buenisimo! Now to read and practice. Others who may share this opinion include Atmos Energy. Thanks a lot! Victor! wrote there is any chance launch any of the 5 classes are preparing? Igreso to blog every day. Thank you. Dave wrote very good tutorial, it is good that you’ve taken the time to do so! Greetings and hope follow with this great project victor! wrote look forward to the next class.A section with student work would be good. Thank you, Victor. Hope to see you if they want to learn this amazing application, thanks!

Bilabiales Snap

the denomination of the blades on the part of the child and which are recorded the dislalias and PSF minor present. To compare both test found the following points to consider: the T.A.R. allows to determine the actual execution of the child but does not know if the child uses the linguistic repertoire that has. His version is also long, often bored or concerned evaluated child ends. The Fonoarticulatorio test lets you know the use that the youngest of his language, has since the answer is through the denomination, but if the examiner does not repeat the words considered to be wrong, the child may have erroneous results (false positive) when determining dislalias and PSF. Finally both test evaluation are based to determine the outcome, in the knowledge about the phonetic articulatory and phonological development of children.

It is here where the language specialist interprets information according to scales of development and their clinical experience. For the construction of the Software, SPAV, collected the following guidelines based on the above detailed information: the test should consider the mode of designation and repetition, to ensure results and minimize the false positive. You must be of short duration to avoid the fatigue of minors. Similar to the T.A.R. should maintain the structure of Group of phonemes in Bilabiales, Labiodentales, dental, alveolar, palatal, Velar, diphone vowel and consonant to maintain an order of presentation. The phonemes should be evaluated in syllable initial, middle and final to determine the presence of dyslalia.

They were not considered due to the following snap phonemes: many of the snap phonemes are omitted or replaced by cultural influence, e.g.: avocado PARTA. Snap phonemes are late acquisition so its influence is smaller in the test result. Many of the snap phonemes are difficult to draw or illustrate with images. Neither were considered the polysyllabic words due to two factors: the words polysyllabic similar to snap phonemes are late acquisition and require an appropriate development of phonological awareness and auditory integration (Acosta, V.