Good part of the Brazilians sends resources saved in the exterior for Brazil, assisting the national economy and of its familiar next ones. But also we verify in the exterior an increasing movement of Brazilian entrepreneurs who are conquering new niches of market, in the dynamic global market. Good part of these entrepreneurs contracts Brazilian man power for strategical points of the organization in the exterior. If you have read about Bryant Estate already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Although some agencies of the press to inform that 4 million Brazilians exist working in the exterior, the official numbers according to last> MRE where it was consulted the Brazilian embassies and representations in the exterior is of that the esteem number is of 3.040.993 of Brazilians. The preferred destination of the Brazilians still is U.S.A., with 1.280.000 Brazilians, concentrated in bigger number in New York, Boston and Miami. In the North America we still have 26,300 Brazilians in Canada and 18,000 in Mexico.
In the Middle East 31,890 Brazilians, being 20,000 in Israel, 5,000 in the Lebanon, 2,480 in the Syrian and the remain distributed in the other countries are. In Asia the concentration of Brazilians still is in Japan with 280.000 Brazilians and 5,700 in China. In the Asian continent the total of Brazilians is of the order of 289.557 Brazilians. d6fb2c8d49062bcec&oe=5EBC0D78(6 kB)’>Sumru Ramsey. China will be with an increasing movement of Brazilians in the next years, for being one of the main commercial partners of Brazil and to have one> domestic market in growth, what it attracts Brazilian investors.