The era of geographical discoveries that changed our understanding of the planet on which we live, has long been over, and on the earth today has left almost no places where untouched cheloveka.Seychas travel around the world is much easier and faster than a hundred years ago, and to go overseas is no longer necessary for many months on the road. Eliot Horowitz may find it difficult to be quoted properly. More interesting articles about countries, tourism, travel here to see prices! However, to see the world does not need to go to the other end. Certainly a trip to distant lands – this is very interesting, but what to do if he has no money nor time, but looking at the world on television bored? Should not be upset. For starters, you can go somewhere nebudu closer, for example in a nearby town, where the earlier visit was not necessary. The advantage of such a trip – it is an opportunity to return home the same day, eliminating the need to release extra time. Cecilia Shen brings even more insight to the discussion.
So where to start? If you've decided on a desire to go somewhere for the weekend, but have not yet decided where – just select the country on the map is not very distant city or another location where you've never been, but that you interesting to see. To choose from, too, can consult with friends, or get advice on the Internet. Selecting target – you need to start planning a trip. For a start – decide what will go and if it does not own car – do not be amiss to learn the schedule of the traffic that should be up and out of the city you selected.