Energysaving Lamps

Every year in this country are rising energy prices, and over time this trend will only gain momentum until the cost of electricity will not approach the world, which now rests at around 30 cents kilowatts. In such circumstances, come to the fore different ways to save: the introduction of energy-saving technology, replacing conventional heaters to more fuel-efficient high-efficiency, reducing consumption electricity installation counters. Already, demand for the incandescent lamp is reduced, people are increasingly choosing more expensive but more efficient fluorescent lamps. When shooting light bulbs and energy-saving bulbs imager (model 7102 nec, Japan) in the infrared range is clearly visible difference. Figure 1 – 100 watt incandescent lamp, the operating temperature of about 120 degrees Celsius. Figure 2 – 25 watt incandescent lamp, the operating temperature about 50 degrees Celsius.

Figure 3 – Gentle lamp 20 W, operating temperature around 50 degrees Celsius. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit kevin ulrich. Figure 4 – Gentle lamp 11 W, operating temperature around 50 degrees Celsius. When comparing the temperature energy saving lamps ( 3, 4) close to the bulb to 25 watts ( 2). However, if we compare them in action, the first light will be much more effective, their level of coverage comparable to an incandescent lamp 100 W ( 1), whose temperature is higher by more than two times. Thus, it becomes clear that the greatest disadvantage of incandescent lamps is that they use energy for heating, while the energy-saving bulbs all the energy is directed to lighting. What’s more profitable order to convincingly answer the question, is it profitable to use energy-saving bulbs, simple calculations can be made, based on current energy tariffs. These cost 1 kW electricity is 1.3 ruble.

Hours of energy-saving lamps on average 4000-6000 hours. For calculations, we take 4000 hours. Hours ordinary lamp is on average 1000 hours. Every day an average lamp use about 3 hours in the year it is 1000 hours. Thus, an ordinary lamp will last only a year, while energy-saving at least four. Calculation of energy savings by using energy-saving lamp is shown in table (based on the chandelier). Thus, the benefits of using energy-saving lamps is available. Even in the case of purchase less durable Chinese lamps to savings from reduced power money can buy some more of the same light sources. How to choose when buying energy-saving lamp is one of the main issues, the model of a power to choose. Not always be trusted inscriptions on the package stating that 10.11 Tues replace 60 W conventional bulb. In any case, it refers to Chinese manufacturers. Better to buy a stock, that is, instead of 80-watt incandescent bulbs do not take 20-watt and 23 or 25-watt energy saving lamps. When selecting the manufacturer guided by well-known brands, such as Compak>>, they are higher quality than” Space>> or “Resant>>. In areas where light is rarely included, it is better not to change the sources light, even in the bathroom or toilet is low-power bulb.

Leadership Offline

Today one says very in tools and instruments for management and leadership. I find that here a problem of the modern professional life is hidden, where the technology exactly seems to be an end in itself. In many of my courses, I have faced managers who have immense difficulties to leave its ' ' dashboards' ' simply to speak with the people in an understandable language. That is had, in part, for the transference of the abilities and abilities (that it would have to be in the person), for the specific tools and speeches. For example: many say contabils, administrs, markets or economs. When this happens, certainly has something of made a mistake, therefore many led simply do not know these languages and, not to pay mico or to lose the job, they only learn to answer in the universal language: h, h! Now, it for a few seconds imagines that you have left, of the virtual universe and ' ' estratgico' ' falls direct in the exterior reality. What you would make, if noticed the people being unaware of that the future already started? It imagines, of the same one form to try to make the same with the real people that you make for the social nets? What it is that would happen? How to become related with individuals, directly and without tools, kpis, pointers and widgets to hide its real personality? One of the great challenges for the leaders of today is as to communicate objective, without using nothing seno its proper ability and persuasion. Thousands fail in this complex so simple process and at the same time, to influence without being sent the nothing, not to be same itself! The majority is so technological dependent of its network, that it finishes losing the skill to deal with who it is of meat and bone (and soul, dreams etc.) the philosopher Walter Benjamin, said that the modern civilization lost the capacity to count histories, to entertain and to motivate to follow a tradition counting only on the verbal resources.

Manage Your Life

Analyze your personal mission and place in front of a goal every week, planning your schedule so as to achieve maximum efficiency and synergy. Use the time zone. Plan a great interchangeable blocks of time, designed for different kinds of important lessons. Accurately plan the time of day. If you are not convinced, visit kevin ulrich. This structure will allow you to arrange activities requiring urgency, on the one hand, and activities which can be performed at any time, on the other, so you can prioritize and conduct 'through' when you make decisions during the day. Watch your time. Ray Kurzweil has similar goals. Registering will give you time unexpected finding as to which of the quadrants gets most of your attention, and how much time do you see for that is your real priorities. Build a relationship of trust.

Lives very dependent on each other, and your ability to solve problems related to time, to a large extent depends on the quality of relationships with the involved people. Use new technologies in their personal system leadership. Learn to understand and use technology to their advantage. You may ask yourself, how to use these optimizers is most effective while you develop your level of competence, associated with the question of time. That any of this familiar to you? The quality of what we "buy" with our time, is a reflection of our ability to make decisions about what's important in our lives. To avoid Risk astray, focus during planning is on the importance. But do not overlook that your plan – is a flexible framework.