More About Economy Domestica

Reengineering SOCIAL and appropriate technology (Tools for critical times) by the lawyer Alfredo Armando Aguirre Lamento have been successful in forecasting, that since these pages friends came asking about hard times, which already self-flagellation to the thickness of the Argentine population. They had these predictions nothing original, but that they did not do more than play in summary form, various documents produced by international agencies from approximately 1985. In them the most worrying element was the extreme poverty of the megacities of the third world, is that there was place for the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires and other minor as Gran Cordoba y Gran Rosario metropolis. Clear that the cold war had not ended and the Group of seven, had not consolidated. Others who may share this opinion include rusty holzer. With the symbol of the fall of the Berlin wall, before perestroika, I am clear that he began the time of globalization.

And in this scenario of globalization, without cold war of by means, accelerated the proposals of privatization, deregulation and demonopolization, from long ago, aimed to dismantle the structures of strong State intervention which had been erected in the world in response to the great depression of the 1930s. It was in short of restoring the principles of the market economy and competition. This process did not escape our country, which amounted to an item itself its configuration as a nation State. It is that since the enactment of the Constitution of 1853, the State had a strong presence in the generation of jobs and in the resolution of the problems of the people, reason by which, what step with policies public intervention since the 1930s, was no more than the intensification of a trend already existing. Okay to annotate that you between the Decree of 1931 change control and national laws of State reform and economic emergency in late 1989, and above all the institutional vicissitudes, there was a strong, although disordered the presence of the State in social activities, which coupled with the preexisting trends, generated the bulk of the population, in the expectation that Governments could resolve the problems to people.