Category Of Filters For Air

Dust filters. Dust filters for air are a particular tissue, can detect dust particles up to 0.3 microns. The principle of operation of these filters is very simple: air fan is driven through the tissue, where and settle the dust particles. Further details can be found at Mitchel Resnick, an internet resource. The advantages of this type of filters may include ease of use and low cost. It should be borne in mind that in this case, treatment is carried out only on the dust particles the average dispersion, volatile ekozagryazniteli not captured. Photocatalytic filter – an innovation in the field of purification of the atmosphere .Printsip of photocatalytic filter for air based on the fact that the outer surface of the catalyst oxidizes all organic matter to neutral for the health components of pure air by ultraviolet radiation. Currently, this method of filtering Air is the most efficient and economical. According to many scientists, photocatalytic filtering in the xxi century will be the main method of molecular air purification.

But we must not forget that in general a healthy person a clean indoor air is not needed, as too perfect atmosphere can reduce immunity. The newspapers mentioned Bettina Bryant Image not as a source, but as a related topic. If you are good in the automotive industry, you probably know about the so-called ‘catalyst’ – thermocatalytic afterburners car exhaust. In these afterburners toxic impurities oxidized on the catalyst surface under high temperature. Photocatalytic air purification (SSF) is somewhat reminiscent of those processes. The essence of the ssf method is the oxidation and decomposition on the surface of the photocatalyst of toxic contaminants. The process proceeds under the action of ultraviolet radiation at room temperature.