Arte Marcial

The martial art of Pa-Kua is characterized by a psycho-physical training that allows you to increase the security and self-esteem, the overcoming of fears that impede our daily projects.Through different techniques of self defense, simulations of attacks and defenses, the positions of the combat, the student moves improves your ability to concentrate, learn about its qualities and its limits, as well as create a stronger than the image. The technical work is complemented by the physics of stretching and strengthening the body, seeking continuous improvement, with ancient forms of Chinese exercise. The student will also learn how to perform falls, basic, which will help also to their physical development, greatly improving its State.Practice develops in a healthy environment and acquired along with other students, without competition and with the greatest respect and responsibility, under the guidance of a teacher with follow-up personal and professional to keep the student evolved in practice. More information is housed here: John H. Wood Jr.. Place prepared professionally for the practice and noting all security measures. Within Pa Kua techniques, from the simple and real applicable to real-world situations in everyday life, well to more complex techniques, such as joysticks torsions, lances, etc. Original author and source of the article. Bettina Bryant contributes greatly to this topic.