Robots Rights

/ Artificial intelligence experts meet in these days in Barcelona. Some of them emphasize the need for advances in the world of the robots are accompanied by legislation that equip them with rights. In a few years, the presence of domestic robots endowed with a high degree of artificial intelligence will be common in the homes of the wealthy and they will force to consider the necessity of a specific legislation for these new autonomous beings. So has emphasized on Tuesday the director of the Institute of research in Artificial Intelligence (IIIA-CSIC), Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, within the framework of the International Joint Conference Artificial Intelligence that takes place in Barcelona. Lopez de Mantaras explained that compared the rapid advancement of Robotics – increasingly autonomous and with greater capacity for decision – there are experts on law and technology, especially in EE UU, they defend that I should also have them certain rights.

For this expert in reasoning and learning, if in the medium or long term develop robots socialized with artificial intelligences similar to that of men, with those who coexist in their homes or who will be in stores, would not be outlandish, legislate on their responsibilities and rights. If they are very autonomous, who will be responsible for decisions of the robot, the robot, designers or the user? because they will learn of the user, they will come with a minimum of preparation, but then they will be developing. I don’t have answers, acknowledges. In this line, warns of the risk of using artificial intelligence to develop military robots, a technology on which there is a great silence in the scientific sphere. View of this scientist is unacceptable from the ethical point of view to use artificial intelligence to build a robot soldier with autonomy to decide when to shoot or when not. That is something that must be cut from root, claims.