Madrid Ended

The young man said that his courtship with the former lead singer of the band La Oreja de Van Gogh had ended, but well. Both began dating for a year and a half. You may find that camden treatment associates can contribute to your knowledge. He was rumored for some time in the Roses forums, but confirmation had not arrived. Until this Wednesday. Gonzalo Miro admitted in a statement that it collects the Vanitatis website that his relationship with the former soloist of La Oreja de Van Gogh, Amaia Montero, had ended.

It has ended, but well, replied the son of Pilar Miro to the questions of the press shortly before entering the great depression premiere at Teatro Infanta Isabel in Madrid, where coincided with numerous familiar faces. Miro referred to the issue with certain sportiness: has concluded as Atletico de Madrid with his coach: with applause and banners of support, explained with humor. In this way, the former presenter retrieves its state of singlehood, after about year and a half with Montero and have left numerous snapshots as proof of his affection. Source of the news: Gonzalo Miro confirmed his rupture with Amaia Montero: “Has finished as Atletico”