Pay Per View

The creators of software around the world have resulted in hundreds of items such as: program TV online where users can access free of charge (in most cases) to the most varied programmes and in different languages in certain occasions. According to studies of online television there are several types of corporate targets and all those objectives have been met fully no matter what. For example there is a market for films, another market for sports and so on have been excellent results. Text quoted from Wikipedia about the significance of the On-Line Television: television IP, is the immediate perspective of the Internet, a new way to understand the forms of audiovisual communication, a form of reproduction of audiovisual material on the Internet. IP television uses the TCP/IP data transmission protocol and taking general programming for all users and selected specific contents of the IP television by the users themselves. Everyone knows that advertising is one of the factors important since television this IP is no longer interrupt the broadcast of programming to appear as happens in normal television, the advertising system appears to us simultaneously and continuously to videos and even be able to sell products through the network. In the not too distant future IP television will surpass the Pay Per View, since the potential is much greater, as well as its simplicity and comfort.