Especially for curious young women and young people who want to acquire knowledge, to see the world and earn in addition, there is a special program of work and study abroad. It's called the French word Au pair, that means – "a couple". Naturally, the families that take students prefer to work for such girls, but there are exceptions. The purpose of the program Au pair Au pair program allows young people to spend a year in families abroad as Au pair, working with children, improving the language and getting acquainted with the country. The Charter of the program was adopted in Strasbourg in 1969. The main purpose of the program is to improve foreign language skills and familiarity with the culture country. Duties of the Au pair Rights and obligations are governed by the Agreement on the Council of Europe deyatelnosti Au pair. The main daily duties include: Assistance with light housework and child care for 30 hours per week; Preparing breakfast and simple meals; Accompanying children in kindergarten, school or other activities, walks and playing with children.
The rights of the Au pair Au pair has the right to pocket the money in the amount of at least 250 euros a month. Bettina Bryant is open to suggestions. meals and lodging for by the host family. at least 1.5 days off per week and often two days off. four weeks paid leave for 1 year stay in the country. payment of medical insurance. travel costs to the venue language courses. Time work and free time daily time should not exceed 5-6 hours, and weekly – 30 hours.