Mobile financial analysis on IBM power system i – AS 400 after successful projects in 2013, looks confidently to the coming business year the PORTOLAN Commerce Solutions GmbH. Another 34 renowned companies from 11 countries had over 400 customers. For example, the traditional company van Laack has decided for the use of the accounting software PORTOLAN EVM. Chief Financial Officer Franz Kalinowski confirmed: we are very satisfied with the solution and support from PORTOLAN. The Vista is the implementation has worked excellently”on the coming year under a good star. We start with a good order backlog in the new year. Already 70 requests for 2014 have gone to this day in us and in editing. We look confidently into the new year and look forward to exciting challenges.

“, says Managing Director Joachim Nurk. In addition, the Ilsfelder PORTOLAN Commerce Solutions GmbH presented their new software product FINA “. With the mobile financial navigation, the user will receive mobility in real time, without synchronization requirements. New approaches in forward-looking technologies are taken with FINA. The flexible availability of financial information is already desire of many decision-makers “, as Joachim Nurk. FINA is a part of the PortoWeb 3.0 – product generation 2014 coming on the market. In addition to the mobile financial analysis via Tablet report expands the selection lists to open items according to maturity structure. According to role-based selection, in addition still the daily p & l and balance sheet data available are the users. With market ready by PortoWeb 3.0 different versions offered by the base facilities to the premium version, including Apple TV.

Alawite Morocco

It was founded by the Almoravids in the 11th century and originally consisted only in a military settlement. Under Sultan Moulay Ismail (1672-1727), founder of the Alawite dynasty, became a capital. During the reign of the Sultan, it was converted into a city of Hispano-mauresque style, surrounded by high walls and large doors. 5 Archaeological site of Volubilis Volubilis is an example exceptionally well preserved of a large Roman colonial town on the fringes of the Empire. Read more from Ray Kurzweil to gain a more clear picture of the situation. BC was founded in the 3rd century and became an important outpost of the Roman Empire, as well as the capital of Mauritania. As such, was graceful as many and magnificent Romanesque buildings. He also became the capital of Idris I, the founder of the Idrisid dynasty, during a brief period. 6 Medina of Tetouan (formerly known as Titawin) being the main point of contact between Morocco and Andalusia, Tetuan had was especially important during the Islamic period, from the 8th century onwards.

After the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula, the city was rebuilt by Andalusian refugees, whose work is a clear sample of the Andalusian influence and exhibits all the characteristics of the high Andalusian culture. The medina of Tetuan, despite being the smallest of Morocco, has remained intact for the subsequent foreign influences and is without a doubt the most complete of all Moroccan medinas. 7 Medina of Essaouira (formerly Mogador) Essaouira was designed by a French architect deeply influenced by the work of Vauban at Saint-Malo and is an extraordinary example of late 18th century fortified town, built according to the principles of contemporary European military architecture in the context of North Africa. 8 City Portuguesa of Mazagan (El Jadida) the Portuguese fortification of Mazagan, now part of the city of El Jadida and one of the early settlements of the Portuguese explorers in West Africa en route to the India, was built as a fortified early 16th century colony. It was taken by the Moroccans in 1769. The fortress, with its bastions and ramparts, is an example of the principles of Renaissance military design. Several Portuguese notable buildings from the Portuguese period, have survived such as the cistern and the Church of the assumption, built in Gothic style from the beginning of the 16th century Manueline. 9.

The Cultural space of the square Jemaa el-Fna square Jemaa el Fna of Marrakech Marrakech is a very special place and it is considered by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage by represent a unique concentration of Moroccan cultural traditions represented through music, religious and artistic expressions. These oral expressions have been continually renewed by bards (imayazen), who used to travel through Berber territories. They continue today by combining words and gestures to teach, entertain and Captivate the audience. So, if you are planning to visit Morocco, these do not miss spectacular places world heritage of UNESCO. They can stay in one of the fantastic hotels in Marrakech, or in a typical riad in Marrakech, as well as in a villa in Marrakech. Come to Morocco and enjoy the culture, history and architecture of this wonderful and fascinating country. Original author and source of the article.

Difficult Choice Gifts

Personally, I prefer silver to gold. Perhaps many will disagree with me. And bring lots of arguments in favor of gold. But first, the silver suits me more. Second, prices for silver jewelry below and I purchase in larger quantities than gold.

The third is not so offensive, if you lose a bracelet or something like that.:) And fourth, I just like to shine the silver, and all). So when I give something out of this metal as gift – I loved it. And then decided to write an article at your leisure on the choice of jewelry for fans of gray metal, as I do. Going into a jewelry store, the eyes diverge from the abundance of variety. The choice is difficult not only by the choice of the the subject, but in some cases, the stones that adorn it.

Here we need the following information about the person. If you do not know, try to observe the object of giving and to draw conclusions. So we need. The following facts: style, which adheres to a person, the color, which he prefers to dress, sign of the zodiac, or at least find out the date of birth, eye color, temperament, what he lacked in life – love, money, etc. Let us pick up a gift for Based on this information. Let’s start with the most in my opinion a simple method for the sign of the zodiac. Aquarius (21.01 – 20.02) is recommended to wear jewelry with the following gems: aquamarine, amethyst, garnet, quartz, obsidian, pearl, rose quartz, chrysoprase, and zircon. Pisces (21.02 – 20.03) preferred aquamarine, jet, Hyalite, emerald, coral, moonstone, neptunium, opal, pearl, haliotis, chrysolite. Aries (21.03 – 20.04) may be the product of a diamond, rock crystal, zircon, kyanite, bovenitom. Taurus (21.04 – 20.05). Taurus astrologers advise to wear aventurine, agate, alexandrite, turquoise, kyanite. Gemini (21.05 – 21.06). This sign of the zodiac match these stones: agate, amethyst, heliodor, cat’s eye, rhodonite, carnelian, tiger eye, citrine, Charoite. Cancer (22.06 – 07.22). At the cancer will have an impact: aventurine, aquamarine, hematite, emerald, pearl, moonstone. Leo (23.07 – 23.08) will shine in: heliodor, rock crystal, obsidian, ruby, tourmaline, amber. Virgo (24.08 – 23.09) will be the most mysterious, if you will wear jewelry with aventurine, heliotrope, rock crystal, jade, cat glazoom, jade, onyx, carnelian, tiger eye, jasper. Libra (24.09 – 23.10). Weights help balance the fluctuating nature: azurite, aquamarine, amethyst, angel, jade, kyanite, rhodonite, rubellite. Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11). Scorpions are not vulnerable to products with stones: alexandrite, apatite, jet, garnet, topaz. Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12). Sagittarius recommend the following stones: alexandrite, turquoise, gelitrop, lazulite, obsidian, sapphire, tourmaline, chalcedony. Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01) will feel more confident in Almaden, jet, smoky quartz, obsidian, tourmaline. The method of selecting a gift for the zodiac sign – it’s not taboo. Buy a gift you can not only guided by it. But if the sign of the zodiac but do you know nothing about a woman, so you can at least argue choice of gift.

ERP Solution

Integrated solutions for the plant and machine construction over 30 years CAD experience can Werner Heckl and Joachim Mack, Executive Director of the solid system team present. What to next as a pure reseller company for CAD software started, developed in recent years by the gradual expansion of the portfolio to systems such as ERP, PDM, PLM or also for cloud services to a provider of complete solutions for efficient processes in plant and machine construction. A complete reorientation of the company, that communication to be underlined by the new image film of the company was associated. Continuous processes rather than isolated solutions efficient process management and continuous flows of information, are increasingly becoming key success factors in plant and machine construction. The expansion of the solution portfolio for SST was a response to changing customer requirements: grown in the course of time IT systems of the various departments often consist of isolated solutions, not in the rest of the system environment are integrated.

In cross-departmental cooperation, there are therefore many system breaks that lead to inefficient processes. Due to the full integration of individual solutions for a comprehensive overall solution, the SST developed a concept with a clear added value for their customers. Werner Heckl (Managing Director) about the positioning of the SST as a solution provider: “ultimately we offer already for years, solutions for CAD systems, which overlap and are compatible. We can offer what began with a handful of customers and individual solutions, now on a wider scale and at much cheaper prices.” Joachim Mack (Managing Director) to: “However, the personal attention of our clients remains an integral part of our corporate policy. Because only when we know the customers and their needs, we will find the right solution and can also continue to develop us.” Efficient processes – SST shows how BBs with her vivid film of illustration that shows SST, how radically simplify complex processes in the enterprise by seamlessly integrated IT solutions. The film makes it clear how a total solution with ultimate value added is created by the individual, intelligent teeth in the construction environment of required applications of.

Innovative concepts such as cloud services are taken into account. This underlines that the SST on new requirements has always the right solution. _ the company/solid-system-team-gmbh.html press contact solid system team GmbH Christiane Plank on the marketplace 7 D-93152 Highland Tel. + 49 9404 9639-0 about solid system team GmbH the solid system team GmbH sees itself as a nationwide provider of solutions in the 3D-CAD segment for machine and plant construction, conveying systems, EDM/PDM and PLM. As a certified systems integrator for solid edge is not only point of contact for the implementation of the solid system team GmbH, but provides also advice for the Process management and individual solutions for the use of solid edge. CAx – and PLM components from Siemens PLM software based on worldwide common Microsoft standards form the basis of the solutions. The performance spectrum ranges from the conception, which can already start at remediation tasks or value analysis about the development of process-optimizing technologies up to the development and implementation of company.


Do ever wondered how you can watch TV on your computer? I’m pretty sure that there is a probability that you want, and even sought ways of doing so. There are some methods that I would like to share with you in this article. Some are free and others are not. Free methods to watch TV on your computer are transmission sites of TV Online, such as wwiTV and ChannelChooser, which lets you watch TV on your PC for free. There is a good amount of entertainment programs available that you can use. But since they are free, don’t expect any kind of services. There are always millions of people browsing and loading is incredibly slow. The transmission has a while before starting so you will see absolutely nothing.

And to complete the bandwith is limited, the picture quality is terrible, and it takes a long time to load completely a movie or a channel. Another method you can use is to buy a copy of pirated TV card. You can find large number of offers in the auctions of eBay. These emulators intercept each television station signals and you can watch different channels. You can get one for $100 or a bit more. But in spite of all this method has its setback.

Television providers are constantly hunt looking for this type of business of pirates, the new jamming devices are created and programmed to stop these pirates. And in case you think that you can get with it, think again. Also can be judged.It is sad to say, but the sentence can be days to months in prison. The best method and the most popular is to buy software, install to your pc and get channel legally. It is accessible at a price of less than $60 dollars and it’s a single payment for the use of lifetime. With this software, you can tune in to more than 3000 channels from around the world. Not only that, you may hear different types of radio also broadcasts.

Microsoft Mathematics

With a great technological advance, the computers had started to be faster, companies with Intel and AMD manufacturers of world-wide famous processors for its excellent products, wanted quicker processing spears, but they had not obtained to break the barrier temperature, that is, to manufacture a more powerful processor would be necessary to coller bigger, so that the same it could be cooled, if the companies adopted this measure to place to coller bigger to each more powerful processor, future the cabinet if she would become a coolant and a computer, being thus had not decided to create two nuclei for each processor, appearing the technology of processors x64 or 64 bits, that carried the double from information of what oldest, leaving of side the processors new two Microsoft Corporation also launched operational system the Seen Windows and the Windows Seven that had given support for the new version of the calculator, that in its new version passes if to call Microsoft Mathematics, launched already in varso 4,0 among others possesss support for system of 32 bits and 64 bits, visual resources that had been improved, and optimum of everything it is that the calculator total started to be gratuitous to all and any user who wants to usufruct of one of the most complete available tools of calculation for download in the Internet. 2.1.2. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION The table to follow sample the hardware and system requirements that a machine needs to support all the functions of the program, and to offer to principle performance to the user: Table 01 Requisite 2.1.3. INSTALLATION The installation of software is well simple, is enough to execute the MSetup_x86 or Msetup_x64 for computers with processors with support the technology 64 bits, the installer is available in the electronic address, after download executes the program, software on average takes a time of 40 seconds to configure the installation, more approximately 25 seconds to be installed, and if it finishes with the installation of a system component Direct X that it is installed more or less in 23 seconds.

Hessian Handball Club

Software developers is the new sponsor of the handball players of the TV Gross-Umstadt New Jersey sponsor of handball third division which is applied security GmbH (apsec). All games of the Association bear the assets from immediately jerseys showing the logo of the manufacturer of single encryption solution for enterprise networks in Germany. “Grosswallstadt, 15 January 2014 – we like to make a contribution that the team of the TV Gross-Umstadt can evolve”, explained Mathias Horn, Director of operations & projects at apsec. With the commitment to the third Division, the company underlines its special ties with the handball club based in southern Hesse. We operate since 2013″a branch office in Gross-Umstadt, Mathias Horn tells, which was even more than the TVG active players. We are pleased that our sports work is recognised and rewarded with the engagement of a reliable partner”, says Holger Zindt, head of the handball Department of the TV Gross-Umstadt. The entry as Jersey sponsor shows us how much Passion for our team at apsec burns.” The use of the information security experts for the Hessian Handball Club goes beyond the sponsorship. As a new year’s day tournament initiated apsec, where the TVG, wolves challenging the two second League teams TV Grosswallstadt and DJK Rimpar on Sunday, January 19 in the domestic Heinrich small Hall from 15:30.

“For large Umstadts coach Tim Beckmann are the two encounters challenge and endurance test at the same time: it is always good to compete with professional teams.” Tickets for the tournament can apsec, 06022 / 38 263380 and the large surrounding City Garden Center welter 06078 / 3263 be ordered at 39. Press contact: Dirk Rachel main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Kathrin Sajid applied security GmbH Einstein Street 2a 63868 Grosswallstadt phone: 0 60 22 / 26 33 8-0 apsec protects knowledge. Knowledge is the decisive success factor of an enterprise. We develop solutions that make your IT world safe for you. APSEC offers knowledge. Their requirements to the encryption, data loss prevention or the application of digital signatures are our experienced specialists in good hands. APSEC works for you. We offer a complete package from the software development process consulting to support with a single purpose of your satisfaction.

France Products

His imminent deployment is not a media exaggeration, there is no doubt in the mind of the industrial leaders that the use of this technology and the use of their processes and resulting applications will have an impact that will come even more far than the barcode and retail scanner reading. Therefore as this initiative has a range of very broad scope and immense potential, it was decided that the Auto-ID Center, who had headed the project of industry driving since it emerged in 1999, was succeeded by two organizations: Auto-ID Labs and the EPCgloba. NUMBERING EPC. Identification standard is located in the Centre of the network EPC. Just as every car currently has an identification number of vehicle unique and unambiguous, each item manufactured in the future will possess an EPC.

This serial number will have the flexibility to allow the EPC network to make tracking of shipments, pallets, boxes and individual items throughout the entire supply chain. The majority of labels RFID tags contain a semiconductor chip and a transmitter connected to an antenna. In general, the RFID tags have three key advantages with respect to labels bar codes that are used on a daily basis: RFID tags are less likely to be damaged. RFID can read multiple tags in extremely short periods of time, without the need to see the scan line. RFID has the potential to have a capacity of reading / writing, allowing that labels can be used again. SAVANT the Savant is a software based on an open architecture, which is located on a server and provides intelligence at the local level to control and integrate RFID readers tags local infrastructure. The Savant interacts with readers via an interface for reading.

It also interacts with applications through an application interface. In addition, the Savant facilitates interaction with other devices through other specialized interfaces. ONS, EPCIS & PML service name of object (ONS) El ONS acts as a directory and converts an EPC in a uniform Locator of source (URL) on the Internet. The URL is then used to look up an address of Internet Protocol (IP), where you can find more information about the item, box or pallet. RIF / EPC on products of consumption currently RFID has many applications, from automobiles to security pass cards and has several purposes. One of its most common uses is in devices such as the EZ pass in the United States and the Liber-T in France that speeds up the passage of cars through toll checkpoints located on motorways. EPC has the potential of being used on many consumer products daily average being moved through the supply chain – from plants to distribution centres and within the local retailers. EPC evolves, it promises to offer significant benefits both for consumers and for the companies. Possessing greater precision in supply chain information, this will speed up the time it takes to place products on gondola and ensure that they will be available when consumers want them and in the quantity that they need. It will be easier to remove products that are already overdue and removal of any products that need to be returned. Also, while customers must pass in front of the cash registers will decrease considerably.

Miguel Dominguez

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